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Everything posted by -Demosthenes-

  1. Indie's where it's at.
  2. There better be animals. If I don't see a goat I swear!
  3. It's important to note that vegetable oil is bad for a diesel engine, and is not the same as biodiesel. Biodiesel is vegetable oil or animal fats that has been chemically changed through transesterification. This separates the stuff that you can use (methyl esters) from the stuff you can't use (glycerin). You can use the biodiesel in any diesel engine by only replacing some inconsequential plastic tubing and putting in rubber tubing, or something like that. And sometimes you don't even have to do that.
  4. You, my friend, have not read Hyperion (Dan Simmons', not Keats').
  5. Huh, I thought it was just broken down into stuff smaller than atoms, but that makes sense now.
  6. What matters now is that we can all learn from this and do something different next time. Like when I left my ipod in my pocket and it went through the wash. You cry for a couple weeks (or a month, like I did), save up enough money for another (or in your case make new acquaintances/friends), and use better judgement when dealing with your new ipod (or friends).
  7. They're watching a movie. All good movies contain a helicopter and/or explosions (preferably both).
  8. How is matter converted into energy and energy into matter?
  9. Imagine my dull evening, there wasn't any kind of farm animal.
  10. You missed out. Being naive was the most interesting 48 hours of my life
  11. It seems that disagreeing with the character of a woman can be easily mistaken for sexism?
  12. Although it is an ideology of your own choosing.
  13. I think it'll be McCain v. Hilary. It would be cool for McCain to run with Kerry as his running mate, if for no other reason than it would be very different, and very interesting.
  14. Yes seriously, go to the emergency room. Some chances are just not worth taking
  15. That is rather insecure of them.
  16. In the sixth book? Insanely evil.
  17. I think the US economy as a whole is in good shape because of the mind frame of the people. Just the right mix of ignorance and blind faith in just the right amount of people can do wonders for an economy. They say the economy is "all in your mind," a large part of it is, and it seems that the American people just always assume that we're doing okay overall and continue to buy, really, no matter what. It sounds odd, but compared to other cultures, and ours in different time periods, it seems to fit. We still challenge authority, but oddly, ultimately we trust that the economy is doing fine and we will buy despite what "experts" might say in their crazy techno-babble.
  18. The Last Samurai A Knight's Tale Return of the King (all of them) Revenge of the Sith (all of them) War of the Worlds (a lot didn't like it, but it was just like a scifi novel, ending and all) I have more than five Pirates of the Caribbean - amazing. All of M. Night Shyamalan's movies Back to the Future (all of them)
  19. I would change the name from "Science Forums.net" to "Science Forums and Debate."
  20. Based on faith, not government. It would work with some interpretations of "left" I suppose.
  21. We won't even reach our population limit for the earth.
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