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Everything posted by -Demosthenes-

  1. Chocolate Milk happens to be my favorite.
  2. A lot of the problem with children in non-english speaking familes are taught english and only allowed to speak english at home, and not allowed to speak their native language. Most children won't ever get either language becuase their family speaks one language better but only allows the children to speak english. So you have children with no mastered language rather than a non-english language and being bad at english. That's funny Yeah, what's a "sentient animal". I don't know many animals that exibit any kind of behavior that would suggest any kind of intelligence anywhere near a human being. When people say that they don't think that animals should be harmed because they are "smart" or "sentient" some times (I don't think you of course IMM, I'm just rambling now) it's because they are cute, furry and warm-blooded. No one cares about fish, insects, or "ugly" (and therefore stupid and not worthy). So you would die to save an endangered species, or you would allow someone else to die to save an endangered species? I'm all for not killing animals and whatever, just let me eat my chicken. Me? I'm your average Utah conservative. A tiny bit moderate than most conservatives, except when it comes to government control, and UN control. It might have something to do with mormon history of being betrayed be the fedural government, and multiple state governments (EX: extermination law in Missouri in 1800's), but maybe not. I think we are slightly more environmental, but only a little We have a lot in common with other inter-mountain west states. That's pretty much me, except the death penalty, which I don't can't stomach.
  3. Why does that matter? He can say what he wants, he's an idiot, why do people care so much? He's getting what he wants when people complain about him all the time.
  4. If there weren't as many governments working very well I think it would be more likely for a world government to be created, but there are many populations contented with their government as it is. However in a time or war, or some other kind of extreme situation I can see some sort of work government coming out of the works. Countries after past wars have tried. But I don't know if I agree so much with a world government with a lot of power though. But you know how I am.
  5. Could you feel how someone is feeling at will? Do you need to be close? If there are people who claim they can do it at will then it seems it would be easy to test.
  6. It would be cool to do some kind of empathic science experiment. Have a person claiming to be an empath try to feel what someone else is feeling or something like that.
  7. Well of course, the British became rich and powerful in part (a large part) from the sugar plantations using slave labor in the Americas (such as the West Indies). Tobacco and rice helped too. There wasn't much reason for the British to ban slavery in the Colonies from an economic standpoint, from what I've read I think they were moving toward outlawing slavery for moral reasons not related to the "rebellion" eventually, and sooner rather than later. But anyway, I don't think slavery have much to do with the revolution anyway, the North (where there was little slavery) definitely was the place where most of the rebellion came from.
  8. This was the most useful site I found: http://pathtofreedom.com/pathproject/offthegrid/bio-diesel.shtml It gives directions on how to make bio-diesel, and some advice. This is made my an individual' date=' if made in factories and stuff I'd imagine it'd be cheaper. Thought I'd share my "knowledge discovery".
  9. So no one has to support claims that they make, and if you want to find out you have to research every little thing? That sucks.
  10. How could the British be responsible for Making the South's economy dependent on Slavery? John Rafle (and then some others) planted tobbaco in Jamestown they make a bunch of money selling tobacco, and then Dutch sold two dozen slaves to Jamestown, then they are making a crap load of money, then everyone wants to do it. Maybe Dutch's fault, Probably Colonists, but not British (Well, the Colonists were British:P).
  11. Well, that's nice that you know it's a problem... But I was more interested in how much and what kind of polution it is, and how it compares to other polution producers, becuase knowing that something is a problem and not know why or how, is border-line useless. It has some of the information, and compares it to "today's cars" (I'm assuming smaller normal cars). This is useful, but it would be nicer to compare it to all of pullution: Hmmm, I realize that this is a lot of polution, but where does the other 99% come from? Some people could use a SUV, in Utah a lot of people have them. There are large families here, and a lot of people need to carry trailers and stuff on their car. So they could get a mini-van and a truck, or a SUV. No more breathing in Urban areas I have a hard time believing this. I'd like to see some kind of study on this. I thought that most oil ran out in the US before the '60's, did the US use to own the oil market in the 40's?
  12. I've thought about the logic regarding history, where we really can't know anything unless it is in our own memories. I find this confusing and... weird. If I can't know what happened in the past, how can I know that anything happens I don't see? How can I know that there really are 7 continents or even if anything exists outside of my house when I'm at home? I think that science is precise that when compared to other sects of academia it seems so imperfect and so imprecise that it might as well just all be disregarded. Well, some of us have to push past that, except the frailties, and try.
  13. Is it really that big of a problem? How much pollution and what kind is getting into the air beucase of SUV's?
  14. If you can afford the gas then why not get a car that uses more gas?
  15. Don't buy gas then.
  16. I though that you could only wear white in the summer because if you do in the winter you could get lost in the snow.
  17. Haha, after like 3rd grade it's like the same class over and over and over again all the way into 12th grade if you take normal classes. I don't know how many times I memorized those stupid prepisitions or underlined the freaking subject of a sentence over the last 8 years. Is it that complicated? Do they think we'll forget the language if we don't take a class every year on it? Here it's 59% and you're failing... weird.
  18. Ever heard of Social Science? Edit: calbiterol, noticed your sig, one of my favorite books vbmenu_register("postmenu_200485", true);
  19. McDonalds is sweet dude.
  20. Is an assasination of a leader equatable to the attack of a military base?
  21. -Demosthenes-


    There are a whole lot in my area in Utah. But they should not be confused with the Mormon Church, which they are not a part.
  22. That's not offensive...
  23. It's a question of what should be taught where. Religions are definitely a part of a few subjects, like history, but that's not the problem. It's been said that you should teach "science" in a science class, and I don't see any reason that only things that withstand the scientific method should be taught, but some places where many people are religious and need to know how their beliefs fit into science (or don't). I'd think it'd be okay to teach how ID has no scientific basis, but whatever. Nothing like having the same amount of time for ID as evolution though, maybe like 4 minutes or something.
  24. Yes You Can. Edit: I guess you can't
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