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Everything posted by -Demosthenes-

  1. I can get 25 lbs. bags of rice, beans, wheat, and lentils, but not pasta. Although I think I saw some 5 lbs. packages of spaghetti. I read the red cabbage is "super healthy" (in the produce book at one of the local grocery stores). That's one of the reasons I chose it Naw, I'll have to get milk and produce every week. I've never taken vitamins before, what would you recommend?
  2. Don't think that's exactly what I'll be trying to do
  3. Asimov, science fiction author. Original Image
  4. I started filling out my application to go on an LDS mission months ago. I put in my papers, and I found out last Wednesday that I'm called to go to the South Dakota Rapid City Mission in May. I will send my letter of acceptance tomorrow. I'll be back probably around May/June 2009. I'll miss you guys, I've been here for years, and this community is responsible for a great deal of my personality and character. I think I was 15 when I first signed up, confused little kid. SFN has been a great place to grow up. I won't forget you guys, when I get back this'll be one of the first places I got (after my house and the refrigerator ). If you have any questions about what I'm doing you can ask here.
  5. satirical Thought it'd be cynical...
  6. Just gonna do it for a month. What can I do with with hard wheat? Also, could I do with out the eggs if I have rice and lentils?
  7. Eggs'll take care of any dietary needs not met because there'll be no meat in my diet.
  8. I can't get pasta in bulk, but I think I'll go for some potatoes. Broccoli is good, but it's about a dollar a pound, 20 cents more than cabbage or carrots (from what I can find around here). I'm gonna hit a few more stores.
  9. They'll give you a new one, at least they give em to me.
  10. I'm am not in school. Took the semester off, and I have nothing to do. Also food storage is on sale this week (food storage is big in Utah). I want to see if I can live off of $60 for food for the month of April. Here's my plan so far (maybe I can use what I learn to help save money in the future): 25 lbs. of brown rice 25 lbs. of lentils 12 eggs 4 gallons of milk assorted fresh vegetables/fruits, mostly red cabbage and bananas I chose lentils instead of beans because they are a lost easier to cook. Are they as good as beans in nutritional value (beans and rice make a complete protein, do lentils and rice also?)? What vegetables and fruits are inexpensive and healthy?
  11. Call 'em and tell 'em it's a good cd key. Do it all the time.
  12. There are 5 windows xp disks at my house. All exactly the same. I have no idea which cd goes to which key. Any random disk works every time I install. Technically, there's no reason that the cd should matter, you can use any, just make sure you use your cd key. They're trying to screw you, the cd key (technically) is plenty.
  13. Wait, you have XP installed and activated? Well just use a program to find the serial number. The serial number is everything. You can use any XP disk to install, just use your current serial number.
  14. I procrastinate too much. I don't know if that's you're problem, but if it is there's something you can do. After school go straight home. Go no where else. Do ALL of the homework you can first (then do what you want). Before anything else, only taking small breaks for food/bathroom. I have a BIG problem with procrastination. This is the only way I could function. After a few weeks you can start scheduling larger breaks, after a few more you can plan your time more freely. Make your projects fun. My favorite part of the day was my math (which I saved for last) because I could listen to music and podcasts while doing it. Tell people about your projects, be proud of them. Feel like you are progressing for each assignment/project you complete. It'll help a lot. At the very least, if things are really bad, tell yourself that it sucks right now but if you can get through school you can get a cool job. If you're in high school, you'll probably like college better, look forward to that. If you have nothing to look forward to after school (and you're in college), change your major. I took history for a semester, and I was depressed about my future, so I changed my major to Computer Science. Find what you like, look forward to the future, have fun.
  15. Nah Snail, I know what you were talking about. I agree. Eating animals has been seen as something of a necessary evil in these modern times. We do it because we have to (to a certain degree). But killing such intelligent animals for food is not necessary (especially in such an inhumane way). All it is is evil. Even if there's nothing we can do, we can still remember. When Dolphins take of the world it's people like us whose death will be quick and painless (God have mercy on the Japanese...).
  16. As far as cows being more ugly (and therefore more killable) --it's not so much that they're ugly. It's that they're stupid. I would assign more value to a more intelligent animal. Dogs, horses, whales, dolphins, great apes, I think a lot of people assign more value to these animals. We can have a connection with a lot of these animals.
  17. Cows have been bred for years for their meat. They're stupid balls of meat with legs. Dolphins are wild and extremely intelligent creatures, possibly second only to the human being and other great apes.
  18. Wow, that's cool. Would a normal copper wire work as well as the phone cord?
  19. The antenna was loose so I took a length of phone cord and wrapped it around it a couple times and tied it to the case. Ever since then I get a great signal. Could the cord act as an extension to the antenna? Is a phone cord shielded from interference?
  20. It looks like several fishing boats use sound rods (?) and nets to round a large amount of dolphins into a small area of ocean near the shore. I guess they poke/stab some of them so they are less likely to try and get away (as they will stay with other dolphins that are injured). Then they pick up one or two at a time by the tail with a crane and take them somewhere in trucks where they are laid on concrete fully alive and conscience (from this point on in the video everything is pretty much covered in blood). Then fisherman walk by and slit their throats and try to stand back as the dolphins will squirm and contort for a period of time, with their heads half cut off, until they die. The video mentions that this may be in violation of international treaty(s), and that sometimes the meat is sold as whale meat instead of dolphin. I recommend that if you are squeamish at all then you should not watch it.
  21. Probably because your trying to upload it... Anyway it's pretty cool. I've been wandering around it for half an hour. BIG image.
  22. Isn't that what Google does (ad stats)?
  23. Anyone on Twitter? It's a cool idea.
  24. mhhhh programing just became harder
  25. I've been working with c++ and I can write a simple program, but only in the console. The class that I took, and the text book only talk about console programs. How does one write a program with some sort of UI?
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