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Everything posted by -Demosthenes-

  1. Whether or not anyone mourns the loss of them is irrelevant. There are people who if they were to die then no one would mourn them, so under your logic why don't we just use organs from people who no one cares about? All I'm saying is that if we don't know then it would be irresponsible to use them in this way.
  2. I agree, he said he would. He'd be seen as a "flip-flop" if he didn't. Assuming that embryos are not alive in any human way. The very fact that it's still in debate merits further investigation before the government dumps money into the programs. I think it would be irresponsible to use something for science experiments or harvesting cells from that a considerable part of the population considers alive and human.
  3. Alright, I got it. In an older version there are thre guys: some guy (supposed to be Anikan), Yoda, and Obi Wan, from left to right. In the newer version it has the actual actor from Episode 3 who plays Anikan on the left.
  4. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=10197 Related thread, some very good points.
  5. Yoda was there? I'm going to finish watching them to day so I can get my facts straight,
  6. In 6, the last one, Obi Wan is there in spirit form, and near the end in the back with him is some other spirit dude, I think. We guessed it was Vader after he died, and he became a good guy. I', going to have to watch them again, maybe that was a dream or something, or maybe it was Qui Guan??
  7. What is this at the end of III about communing with Qui Guan Gin? I don't remember anything about this in IV, V, or VI. I have seen them for a while, is there something about it, or did they start a sub plot that doesn't go anywhere? I heard somewhere that the light sabre he uses in the movie has the letters "BMF" on it, standing for Bad Mother F***** I don't know if it's true. There is a cartoon version that shows a lot of what the movies don't, I saw some of them, it was between 2 and 3, I don't know what time they cover beside that though.
  8. It will enhance the U.S.'s influence in the world only if other countries share it's view. There's nothing wrong with working together, but he UN is overly buearucratic and doesn't enforce anything anyways. All I'm saying is that they shouldn't have power over the U.S.
  9. I second! Do we want to add any new sections, are there any plans, do we have any word??
  10. The only alternative? So if I don't support giving more power to the UN, then I support isolationism?? Yeah, I don't think I quite agree with that.
  11. As it so happens kidneys and love often have the same outlet
  12. What else are considered monkeys? Is it all hominids? Anyway, very specifically, he's a purebred chimpanzee.
  13. Last time I checked launching things into space was not cheap. Will you please tell me what these "building blocks of life" are. I really don't know what you mean, like little microbes, amino acids, prebiotic matter, or what?
  14. I hate it when people assume. I didn't say that the UN should be abolished or anything, I just don't want to give it any power. When did I say that we didn't need it? I don't fit into any of your stereotypes buddy, I'm far from some "Christain Conservative" even though I am Christian and conservative. Would you be surprised that an American, someone with the heritage of the American Revolution where we fought and repelled the largest world power just so we could govern ourselves. I will not give that up, I will not suck up to some frick UN. Dude, I don't want to be governed someone else, I'm live in the USA, I will be governed by my elected leaders and not by the rest of the world. We can make agreements, but I won't for a minute expect that some organization that I don't elect to have power over my country.
  15. Yeah, when I got on Halo 2 sprees I have to get used to real life, I find myself trying to puase from time to time, or making sure that I move slow enough not to show up on radar This only happens late at night though.
  16. The conservative in me screams against all the socialist ideas I see. Althought I am a little liberal compared to others where I live, I can's go back on the fundimentals. I can understand helping the poor and I'm all for that, but some stuff is just crazy. Another thing, whats this with the UN? I don't know why the UN has so much power over our country now, I can't understand giving it more. I would never support anything that gives some foreign entity power over my country.
  17. Exactly my point.
  18. I'm sure it's not anymore dangerous than playing Grand Theift Auto. There was a book (forgot what it was called) a kid brought a gun to school and shot some people, the book argued that he got his shooting skills from playing video games. D&D probably gives you some statagy skills to you can kill people better I can imagine a homicidal D&D player, "Yes, I got em, now I'm a level 9 RANGER!!!"
  19. He's not a "Humanzee", it's probably been said before. Watch till the end of the show buddy, he's all monkey.
  20. These Beta particals, how dangerous are they. I know they can be blocked by thick clothing, or glass, usually, but what can it do to human tissue? It doesn't seem like it would be too dangerous, what about cancer concerns??
  21. Could we stop saying that?? We all know we can call each other Hitler all day, or we can talk about the subject. Sorry, this bothers me greatly.
  22. Reminds me of "Star Wars" with Reagon.
  23. Not what I learned in Bio. The very definition of the "pre" in "prebiotic" implies that it come from before biotic matter and is not biotic matter, however I may be wrong.
  24. Not all people from a nation are nessicarily the same race, there are many different races in some countries, so it's more like "discrimination against people from a certain nation" (nationism??) not racism. Maybe not everything, but most negative things are.
  25. Post #23 I did, and in #39 I talked about it a little. If you are talking about something else, then more explanation is needed.
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