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Everything posted by -Demosthenes-

  1. Oh HA! Maybe we could study a little bit of Constitution history! There are Amendments! Congress or a convention can pass an amendment, and after it is ratified by the 3/4 of the states or a a convention elected by the states it is added to the constitution. This ensures it can change with the countries needs. So I'm proposing that a constitution be in place to protect personal rights and minorities, with small changes made by large groups of elected represtitives, instead of one man in charge of everything that can do whatever he wants, with no protection for personal rights or minorities.
  2. They were okay. THe DBQ was easy, the free-responses I didn't know quite as much as I would have liked.
  3. Sry, it's much more complicated than that.
  4. Aced the history AP test today.
  5. How would we find someone who would actually work for the needs of the people? What would we do if he turned out to be corrupt? This flaw of democracy is avoided with a constitution or equivalent, which protects minorities and rights for people even when it is unpopular. Don't make a fallible man the leader, make an infallible document the supreme law.
  6. meh. The story is cool, but it just becomes mindless violence after a while.
  7. First of all, holy moses, hellbender with quad-post! If there was no evolution then all animals stay exactly the way they are, then if species dies then no other animal can evolve to it's former niche, then there is a hole in the relationship among the species, then the envionment would be shot, and everything dies. There is a species that went extinct a long time ago, it is sometimes called a "beardog" I don't remember it's scientific name. Canines (dogs), felines (cats), ratcoons, bears, and other mammals all have very similar bone structure to this creature. Furthermore, the fossils of canines, felines... ect. that are older resemble this creature even more, and the older they are they resemble this beardog. There are millions of other examples.
  8. Dude that hurt my feelings, and I haven't even been to Canada. I find there are people who know about one thing because they saw some show on the history channel last night and they think they're smart for some reason.
  9. Dude he dies in the first original one!! Remember, he's the old guy!!
  10. Isn't the point that we want the government to do what the people want?
  11. -Demosthenes-


    Dude, I've never had anything like that at my school. It's scary to think it happens other places.
  12. This is true. The first time I saw your name I thought pogos were some kind of drug "Your Dad On Drugs" I'm silly.
  13. I have known a few people like that who turned out to be very good at another subject.
  14. -Demosthenes-


    You got a threat? Like a bomb threat??
  15. "yourdadonapgogos[tick]" It hurts the eyes.
  16. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=7601&highlight=majority
  17. Plants evolve to their soil. Tomatoes have lived in more acidic soil, so the ones that grow well in the acidic soil lived, so now all (virtually) tomatoes like acidic soil.
  18. If you don't lean in classa and you wanna learn, then read books about it.
  19. Where are you going to get unbiased teams??? So if you do something wrong they kill you, sounds like quite the advanced system. I think I used sacrasm wa too much.
  20. Hmm, thousands of political scientists and historians missed that, and you found it out. Oh poo.
  21. You make me cry.
  22. Dude I love Panda!
  23. There is no relationship where one participant is unaffected in anyway. When the relationship has one being benefited and one being relatively unaffected, then it is called "commensalism". Sorry for the small misconception.
  24. Are the mods looking to add any new sections?
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