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Everything posted by -Demosthenes-

  1. If the xbox had my Halo game in it when it was stolen then there would be some problems.
  2. Yeah scientists everywhere are pretty sure they can do that
  3. I thought it would be understood that the pic was an exaggeration, although I think he does get blaimed for things he has little or no control over, and so will the next president no mater how good he is.
  4. Actually my great grandfather was German now that I think of it...
  5. No matter who is elected we will continue to blaime all are problems on the president. If there are problems in the world then everyone just blaims it on the president.
  6. I, robot was entertaning. I didn't go to the movie to be scientifically enlightened, I went to be entertaned, I liked it. He turned down The Matrix for wild wild west? Bad call, just a bad bad call, I hope he fired his agent, maybe had him assassinated I'm not allowed to watch rated R movies but for the matrix my parents made an execption it was that good.
  7. It had it's moments.
  8. Any one seen either of the rush hours? Those are so freakin funny.
  9. I don't think that there is a problem with 0 gravity if you always stay in 0 gravity is there?
  10. hey this was my favorite thread ever
  11. A Dublin lawyer died in poverty and many barristers of the city subscribed to a fund for his funeral. The Lord Chief Justice of Orbury was asked to donate a shilling. "Only a shilling?" said the man. "Only a shilling to bury an attorney? Here's a guinea; go and bury 20 more of them." __________________________ Oscar was an unlucky sap. Having just spent megabucks on a skydiving class, he dove out of the airplane and pulled the ripcord. The chute emerged, tangled, and he cut it free. He then pulled the cord on the reserve chute, and it also was tangled. He prayed to his God and looked down to the ground below. To his amazement, a woman was coming up with equal velocity. "Hey, you know anything about parachutes?" he shouted to her, as they passed by. The reply: "No... you know anything about Coleman stoves?" ________________________________ Two missionaries were captured in a jungle for defiling the jungle by entering. The natives tell them they are to be punished and and gives them a choice Pongaponga or death. The first doesn't want to die so he chooses pongaponga, and they slowly peel off his skin and pour gallons of lemon juice on him and he crawls out of the forest barley alive. The second one can't go through with it so he chooses death. The natives all yell "DEATH BY PONGAPONGA" _________________________________ A hamburger walks into a bar and the bartender says "we don't serve food here"
  12. I don't know I liked it
  13. The Last Samurai is one that I like, and all other movies where people fight with swords or guns or have some other form of entertaining violence
  14. -Demosthenes-


    Are you really tired and you just can't fall asleep, or are you not tired at night?
  15. And seedless water melon have a few black seeds, what's up with that?
  16. Only the coolest.
  17. -Demosthenes-


    not again....
  18. I watch adult swim, way fun.
  19. Hey, how much of the watermelon is water? What is the differece between the white seeds and black?
  20. "this thread is stupid, let's talk about monkeys! Is this spam?" Demosthenes' last words before Sayanora strangled him to death
  21. nefarious= bad people Church steeple
  22. Family Guy and Futura aren't primetime either are they? There only on cartoon network at night on adult swim. Do they show them anywhere else?
  23. "I don't get why people are so afraid of bears, they seem so cute I'm going to pet one right now. Oh, why hello you cute little be..." All they found was blood.
  24. I like the family guy where he beats the chicken up who gave him a bad cupon .
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