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Everything posted by -Demosthenes-

  1. Maybe he didn't say it at all, maybe Anatole France said it in the first place.
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. There is no evidence of werewolves, vampires, or bigfoots or bigfeet (haha bigfeet ) There are only childrens stories.
  4. I think it's a bad idea to have more than two parties. In our system of two parties (mostly) One canidate will be supported by more than half the country to win, so more than half of the population is happy with the new presidient. If there were three parties then each canidate would be supported by a lesser part of the population, so less people are satisfied with the elected president, and this would only be worse if there were four or more.
  5. Moose = Furry thing Burger King
  6. Cool. So he's a knight, for being an acter? Or for the money thing? Or what? See you all tommorrow, I'm going to bed.
  7. Magneto and Gandalf were the same guy?
  8. #4 They have cool name: The California Condor Sounds like some really cool name for a fast car to me, and anything with that kinda name diserves some respect.
  9. No, "what?" I don't get the whole thing! whats with the "(say)"?? Sorry, I don't know what time it is where ever you are, but here its 2:30 AM, I'm going to need some explaining! And oh yeah: who?
  10. what?
  11. Well they are evil, there's no denying that.
  12. It think its both. Children inherit certain tendencies from their parents, and learn different things from the environment.
  13. That's kinda cool. I never knew that someone could still become a knight, not until I started to read about it on the internet. Glider, How much are we talking here? Maybe a couple million?
  14. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761556905/Knight.html
  15. This guy beat Anorexia.
  16. Harsh.
  17. Moddox is a weird, yet funny guy.
  18. Harry Potter books provoke some interesting conversation...
  19. Stupid junk mail...
  20. I got an email telling me that I have to send this image (which was attached to the email) to 10 other people (or something like that) or my email acount will be terminated. What is this? Does anyone know. PS: sry if the image is too big.
  21. http://www.something.com
  22. I was going to find one and use it as my avatar, but I decided against it, because I couldn't find one that I liked that was small enough
  23. If it was only two bucks it seems like a good idea. I would pay two bucks, it's not that much, and it would be alot for the forums if alot of people do it. It used to be me...
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