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Everything posted by -Demosthenes-

  1. I'm not allowed to talk about the frozen dog science fair experiement gone wrong, it's part of the goveronment agrrement.
  2. A good idea for cloning is to clone indangered species, I think, but not people, it seems immoral.
  3. I'm cool now. As opposed to, you know, wet.
  4. What happens if they accedently spay it on a dog or something? He's a dogcicle. I'd imagine it would be the same with a cat, but I've never tryed a cat.
  5. I got the equating to work! Oh crap! I will be right back, I have to change my pants.
  6. Most of that info is in their profiles, I'm a MSN guy myself though.
  7. Even so, safety issues and costs seem to outway the time saved.
  8. I'd pay good money to see things get shattered! He could make a TV show!
  9. Anyone disagree with mine?
  10. It could be use as a wepon, right? That would be awesome!
  11. I think what I said in post #2, I'm to lazy to say it again.
  12. Seems like it would shatter the street or the sidewalk also.
  13. Told ya he was going to spray it!!
  14. Serious? What's wrong with my post? I don't think I get the first question then.
  15. He wants to spray liquid nitrogen out of a weed killer back pack??
  16. I guess your right.
  17. Oh, so there's a really really small chance.
  18. That makes me want to try it! Why would you want to spy it at things??
  19. Cool! I don't completely understand Gamma rays though. All the other's are particals and Gamma is a wave? How is it emitted, what is the effect of it. Thanks!
  20. What? Mine's Melvin (that's what people call me)
  21. You can't replace someone like that. They wouldn't be the same, it would just cause them problems, and remind them of who they lost. PS: Wlcome to the Forums
  22. We should put all the kinds of Forums in the Active topics of the home page of SF. "Other Topics" and "General" are not included as far as I can tell. But maybe no one else wants it to be, if so then it's fine. I would just like it that way.
  23. I see, the whole think was just surprising.
  24. Those sounds are freaky! But they can be easily faked. But if I went to a graveyard with some friends and recorded those kinds of sounds I'd be freaked out!!
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