Your pulling my chain! Okay, maybe not, but that is weird. Is there an animal that can live with only a head, I saw a cartoon once where an ant lived when it was only a head.
Ah, like radiation blocked be gold foil: It was only blocked at certain points because it was block by the gold(Au) nucleus of the atom. So it it was thicker it would have more of a chance to hit a nucleus and be stoped, am I right?
Okay, I thought it was a bunch of equations! But it's not that hard! I'd imagine all things on the Elctromagnet spectrum: Radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultra violet, and x-ray (I think I forgot one.??)would behave different though different mediums. Isn't an x-ray blocked be lead? and defracted of of bones a little?? But if they did they would be just a little bit different from each other.
It does?! That's blasmamous! I was only kidding, I thought you knew? Maybe your ust kidding in your post?
Nevermind, we're way off topic!
What was that about heads or something??
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