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Everything posted by -Demosthenes-

  1. I'm sorry, if I was a cute girl then I don't think I would like you either. Oh I'm just kidding. But hopefully the opposite is true. ?? shiver. Or not true? Never mind.
  2. Thanks, but I can hear him laughing from all the way over here.
  3. If time isn't a demension and it exist in our mind then we could go any where in time we want. All we need to do it perseive it. So if you want to go back in time all you have to do is believe! Tinkerbell?
  4. You don't have a girlfriend do you?
  5. Nice, eerie music.
  6. I don't know
  7. I think I'm a scientist
  8. Anyone with a Phd is a doctor.
  9. It is a word, it's the longest word in the English language. It is a lung disease, ask a medical doctor.
  10. But how will I use the Tumeric powder ??? Just add it to the acid solution, and see the change in color?
  11. I'm just putting the Juice on a paper towel and letting it dry, and then using it like...uh... limthus paper, I think it is.
  12. What's Titrating? I looked on encarta and it said that it meant, to find the concetration of a solution.
  13. I'll check back in an hour, I really will this time! Thank you so much!
  14. Thank you. Do I sprinkle the powder into the Acid/Base solutions to see the color change?
  15. Is it hard to get? What about the juices? what kinds should I use? Thank you!
  16. What kind of Juices are most likely to change color in the Acid/Base solutions? I'll be back in a little while, and I'll check! Thank you so much!
  17. Thanks! I will be carefull! Any other suggestions for my experiment? They will be very appreciated!!
  18. I need my ph balace indicaters to be natural, I could care less if the Acids or bases are, as long as I can test my natural ph balance indicaters in them. Do you know a stronger acid than Lemon juice? or base stronger than Ammonia? that's easy enough to get, you know from like wal-mart?
  19. Ammonia is what I'm using to test as a base. I just need a base to test the juices in, to see if the Juices change color. I'm testing the juices, they are pretty much natural.
  20. I'm doing a science fair experiment for highschool. I'm testing for natural acid/base indicaters. I'm using Lemon juice for acid, Ammonia for Base, and distilled water for nurtrol. I'm testing all kinds of vegatable and fruit juice to see if they cange color in the Acid/Base solution. Do you have any suggestions (Of course I'm going to use cabbage juice) They would help me alot! I really respect you all, especially your college degrees, and I will very much appreciate your help and suggestions! PS- Most of my Chem grade rides on this Science fair
  21. Just having some fun.
  22. Drugs are bad.
  23. If the universe will exist forever, then all things will happen that are possible, eventually.
  24. Who cares! We'll all be dead, or really old so we won't care anyway, when there are major problems!
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