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Everything posted by -Demosthenes-

  1. I'm glad to entertain, but this is a serious subject.
  2. You don't have to feed him. Put him up for adoption, it's much more humane than killing him. They aren't pests, they are blessings.
  3. Are yo following me, or do I get to all the good threads first?
  4. What do you think Creationism is? Please explaine you version.
  5. k, so I was... right? Wrong? Partly Right?
  6. In school we learn that they aren't alive. I thought Homeostasis was when warm-blooded animals keep their bobies at a constant temperature? Reptiles aren't structly alive?
  7. Pitty, but it allows us to be happy. There are plenty of other things to learn.
  8. The mother should make the decision. They should make the responsible decision. - - - - - Everyone is thinking right now that when I said that the mother should make the responsible decision that I was say that she should NOT have the abortion. That prooves that you believe that the responsible thing is to NOT have the abortion. In most cases they had a decision. It is the most Godly thing a human being can do in their whole life, why would you extinguish that human life inside you?
  9. This is too compicated! That's why I like Creation! Maybe we could just say that we're here and we're happy.
  10. I think they are but in school we learn that they aren't because they can't reproduce without a host cell.
  11. hopelfully we aren't dead right now. But I am out of Ideas! As of this moment anyway.
  12. But you never killed the yeast, it was always alive! PS I found a theory that supposivly disprooves Elvolution: What does lund disease have to do with your sig??Evolution disprroved.com JK
  13. I don't see how there is any question. If you think about it, it makes logical sense. Go to this thread, It's crazy.
  14. I don't understand what you are explaining? Could you elabarate? Sorry about spelling, but for all I know I spelled elabarate right!
  15. We would die. Most other animals are stronger and faster than us. Most carniviors would rip us apart if we were only as smart as they were. So only the smart ones could survive. We are so phisically weak that we need intellingence. But this all contradicts the existence of a soul, because it means that we only got smart, that we are just a smart animal. So I don't know if I belive this idea.
  16. What about my unrelated question. I'd say that the text book answer is they are not, but I think they are. Of course fire isn't, but it comsumes nutrients and reproduces in a way.
  17. We happened, possible be random mutation, got up on two legs and used our for limbs for something else.
  18. Because they use them for other things and don't need to be smart to survive. The smart ones live and reproduce just as often and probably only slightly more often than the rest. They need other things more than they need Intelligence.
  19. Something that's alive. Made of cells, reproduces, consumes netrients. unrelated question: do you think that viruses are alive? They don't reproduce on their own, but they seem alive to me. Why isn't fire alive?
  20. No other animal completely uses their hands for what we do. They walk and climb with them. It made us slower, so inteligence compensated. Also the higher need for balance, only having two legs, would produce some brain enhancment of some kind. I still stick by that having hands to manipulate the environment made us smarter. Dolphins--they don't need to be smarter, I think it more likely that they would evolve speed or stregnth, because they don't need intelligence.
  21. But the jump form non-life to life? I can't beleive that that's even possible, I just can't. Maybe I have a closed mind, but non-life to life! MAybe if some had done it before. Made a Microshpere, what I learned was the first form of life, by making a bubble in animo acid goo and have it come to life.
  22. What do you think about humans being the only possible inteligent life form, and the hands part of my theory?
  23. Well it's hard for my to beleive that the right animo acids just happened to be in the right place a one time, and it became alive. It doesn't sound plauseable to me. Sounds like spontanious generation?
  24. Does anyone truly believe that goo can turn into an organism? It's never been reprodced, and it sounds impossible.
  25. Maybe the higher power thought it into existance
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