Very well, but before I do, let me clarify that:
-I wasn't the one that claimed your opinions are minor bullshit but the one who tried to explain himself better.
-If I'm wrong in anything then that's why I'm here, to get corrected.
-I didn't put you in the same category as iNow in respect to your hostility, rather than the fact you don't seem to understand my point.
-I'm really not here to argue, just get some extra advice... If you can help me then thank you, if not then thank you, but don't bother posting...
So here's the answer to your question in hopes it will put an end to the heated posting: My grandfather had been working on the red cross, my uncle is a general pathologist and my aunt a psychologist. Regarding the first two they've always been telling me stories about their work, how a patient was sick and nobody could figure out what they had, doctors had contradicting theories, when that old doctor came up with a theory no one else could think. Or when that nurse diagnosed a patient better than a doctor and secretly treated him. It got her fired, but she cured him. Now you might say that either these are 1% cases, or that my family likes Dr House too much... Or you can just give me some advice politely.
My aunt told me that there is nothing really interesting in psychology and that psychiatry is a field with much future and improvement.