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Everything posted by twith89

  1. These aren't homework problems... They are practice problems... I was given the answers but don't know how my instructor got them.... I know you use the henderson hasselbach equation for the 2nd question... I assume this is homework. You'll have to start it off by suggesting how you would solve these questions and also take a initial try. It won't help you much if I do your work for you. I assume this is homework. You'll have to start off by suggesting how you would solve these questions and also take a initial try. It won't help you much if I do your work for you.
  2. You have prepared a 0.2 M histidine solution. Calculatethe molar concentration ofisoelectric histidine at a) pH 5.5 B) pH 7.0. An "isoelectric aminoacid" is the structurein which the molecule has no net charge. Calculate the pHof a solution obtained by adding 20 ml of 0.20 M KOH to 480 ml of 0.02M isoelectric glycine.
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