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Everything posted by qwerty123

  1. Hey, Today I saw on a TV program these people prove that using coke and some tin foil to polish up chrome. It did a really nice job ! better than they leading brands at the moment !Does anyone know what it does that makes coke to effective at this :S ? I can't see anything it could be !:S
  2. Hello, I have been looking around for plastic pigments or colorants . I want a black colour and I am using ABS plastics. I have seen some pigments but they are mainly red and yellow colours ! Does anyone have any idea if there is such a thing that would be suitable ? Thanks !
  3. lol ok . Anyone ever had a sress ball before ? I always thought they put corn flour in them ? Well they probably dont but what do they use in them :S ?
  4. Hey, I have been looking around for colorant pigments for plastics . I really cant find anything lol ! I have found loads to do with yellows and reds. But really i want black ! Does anyone know anywere !? Thanks I might start a new thread to look into this
  5. Many mice i have seen that are not the 2.4Ghz normally have 800dpi . What exactly does that mean :S ? Thanks
  6. Yeh i suppose it probably would. Are there any other advantages ? Becuase they seem to be like twice the price of normal wireless mice
  7. Hello, I have been looking into both 2.4Ghz mice and normal standard wireless mice. I am not really sure on what the advantages are for each one. I know that 2.4Ghz is more expensive than normal ? But what are the advantages ? Is it true that they work from a further distance than normal wireless mice ? Anyone got any advice ? Thanks !
  8. no problem I always miss read stuff ! lol. I will take a look at what’s about on the internet I am sure I will be able to find something. If you come across anything please let me know Thanks for your help
  9. is there colorants ? not coolants Cheers
  10. http://www.goodfellow.com/scripts/web.wl?MGWLPN=MNT&PROG=SEARTOW&LAN=A&HEAD=ET31&SPAGE=ET31&FORM=63 Look at that link LDPE looks very expensive.
  11. It would be quite simple a air tight container with a whole to put in the solid plastic then when its air tight using pressure on the lid compress it through a whole at the bottom into the mould. With some sort of corkscrew shape mixer in the middle. Should be easy enough I only want to do this as a tester and if all goes well i may do it more often . Cheers Can you get colorants for the plastic to add once its melted ?
  12. can you use old mouse cases and melt them .I got plenty of old mice. These mice were probably made using injection moulding so could I melt these down? I know you probably will not know unless you knew what material it was . Also can you get colorants for the melted plastics ? just so i can make it a nicer colour ? Cheers P.S I only want to melt the case of the old mice
  13. thanks for the advice i will look into them 2. What meterial could i use for the moulds. It needs to be something that can withstand the heats from the melted plastics but it also needs to be easy to craft. Any1 know of nefing ? Cheers
  14. Hey, I'm wondering if it is possible to safely mould plastics. I know the problems are that it gives of toxic fumes and often chards before it melts. But companies do it using some sort of powder ? Then they simply melt it and mould it and allow it to chill. Does anyone know what the plastic it is that I can use ? It needs to be strong when it solidifies . Also I need a material I can mould it in which can easily be shaped etc ? Can anyone help me ? Thanks a lot !
  15. so it can be done then . u know wot router or access point it is your mates are using ?
  16. ok i will take a look around if there is anything out there. Or i could find a program suitable or a firmware suitable. There might even be a acess point or a router that already has those facilitys . Ill take a look around Cheers if you see anything let me kno
  17. ive done a little looking on google , is there any program as such that displays the computers from an administrative point of view. This would be the perfect thing i would really need. Anyone know of such a thing ?
  18. how would i go about restriction each pc to a certian connecton allowence ? i want to distribute it evenly . i know this may seem stupid but i would really like to do this. i want it to be like every person has a 1mb connection. so basically i want to divide the connection overal bandwidth by 8 . Any ideas ?
  19. well all i need to know now then is how i can go about evenly dividing this broadband. I do not want some of me PC's hogging all of the connection . I got a 8mb connection and i want each PC to have the fair share of that . Can this be done. Would i need to put a restriction on each port ? So say i had 8 pcs on a 8mb connection , would i need to restrict each PC to 1mb worth of bandwith ?
  20. well yeh i suppose i would have to do that .... Basically in my office im bringing in more and more new PC's that i want to rig up to a internet connection . So as i get more and more PC's im going to need to buy another inernet connection. So yeh im going to need to bring in another inernet connection i have seen this thing you can buy here is the link http://www.xincom.com/twr602.html I think with this i can plug in 2 broadband connections and then i have 4 normall LAN ports coming of it. I think i could probably plug a wireless router into this and hopefully that would all work . The only other thing i would want to do really is make sure each computer gets the same amount of bandwith each. Does anyone know how i can do this ? Cheers
  21. Hello, Well basically what I want to do is get several PC’s connected to a wireless router evenly sharing multiple connections. So say I got a 8mb connection and 8 PC’s I would want then all to have 1mb connection each . My PC’s are connected to a wireless router . But what I would also like to do is increase the numbers of broadband connections to increase the bandwidth for each PC . I know there must be a way of doing it and i do not like to give up ! . Any ideas ? Cheers
  22. Hello, I’m interested to know if anyone has ever heard of the ability to have multiple broadband connections going down one line. Does this mean that i have to use ISDN lines ? or ASDL ? I’m really stuck and I am not sure ! If anyone could help me that would be great ! Thanks a lot guys !
  23. Hello, Do you know of anything that can be put into the washing machine when washing the clothes ? Thanks I know this is really stupid.
  24. Hey guys My wife has been recently complaining about having to do all the ironing. I know this would already be available if it was possible. But can you do something or put a chemical into the washing machine when washing clothes which somehow prevents creasing of any sort ! This would be amazing if i could find a solution to this problem ! I like solving problems Cheers
  25. Hello, Ok then well maybe something that can freeze water very quickly like a cylinder of Liquid nitrogen . Out of cylinders dose liquid nitrogen come out as a gas or liquid :S ? Cheers ur helps appreciated
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