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  1. Not for hair darkening and people with a very light skin can only get worse. over here I already found some info: http://www.imminst.org/forum/topic/44886-diacylglycerols-for-tanningdarker-hair-through-increased-melanin/ another promising thing is: PDE4D3 just looking for people with more knowledge to develop something out of it.
  2. Hey, I've been using melanotan as a redhead, but you can find many other patents online to darken hair and skin without having to use the needles ( no dyes or sunless stains but really increasing melanin activity), what I'm currently looking for is a doctor, formulator, scientist,...that could help me on formulating those patents, calling the right people to see what kinda penetration agents they need,.... So I thought on a scientific forum might be people that could help me and all other users wanting to darken hair and skin. If you want to have some links, just contact me...
  3. This fascinates me: there are some patents online on increasing melanocytes ( darkening hair and skin) It's already often done by injecting ( melanotan) but it looks like alternatives are more practical. This one for instance: <a name="OLE_LINK1">https://data.epo.org/publication-server/pdf-document?PN=EP2191819%20EP%202191819&iDocId=7331169&iepatch=.pdf I'm a redhaired person, light skin, I dislike both of them, so maybe anyone could help to put this patent into a formula? looks like it's possible, I'm just not a scientist
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