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Everything posted by imatfaal

  1. I will watch them and let you know BTW - most of the episodes are on youtube in full To give you an idea - it is the depiction of the sort of English village rural idyll that all the clowns who voted LEAVE want to get back to. But with incredibly well done puppetry and the voice of childhood Brian Cant.
  2. Here is a box, a musical box, wound up and ready to play...

    1. StringJunky


      ...and what is in it today?

    2. imatfaal


      Just old my Mum who brought up 4 boys with Watch with Mother / Listen with Mother as a daily treat. For someone we didn't "know" we were both really quite upset

  3. I am afraid that behind all this news of Brexit and Boris the very sad news that Gordon Murray creator of the Trumpton Series of Children's Television has died. For those of a certain age he provided the TV and songs of our youth Pew Pew Barney...Riding along in an army truck...Windy Miller...Raggy Dan. Off home to get out my box set of Trumpton, Chigley, and Camberwick Green (This is not a joke - it was probably the best present my mum ever got me)
  4. Fiscal years in the UK tend to be accounting periods and can run from/to any date - and whatever timing you choose I reckon we have a pretty good contender from June 2016! We could also look at the Financial/Tax Year which in the UK traditionally runs from Lady Day but for corporations now runs from April Fools Day - is there a message there?
  5. Me too - but it is a guilty pleasure. The yootoob page had Africa - then cued up men at work "down under", aha "take on me", rem "losing my religion" , jeff's airplane "we built this city" - and at that point I realised was 20 minutes late leaving the office. And apart from rem none of the songs I liked at the time they came out - fraid I am getting old
  6. That section is to calculate the Speed of C in the rest frame of B
  7. I was commenting on two factors - one that you are still phrasing your comments in a manner which I would not do; you do not "test such a null hypothesis" nor do you "test the likelihood of the alternative hypothesis". You gather data which you can show is significantly unlikely to be consistent with the null hypothesis - it is not the same. In this scenario you would hypothesise that the soul could do X which we would observe as Y - the null would be that we can explain Y without recourse to X. At present I have seen no claim of Y that stands up to a prima facie examination let alone enough to actually test. If we got to testing that is where we would start thinking about controls to limit type 1 errors etc. There is also the ethical control problem when dealing with death and human subjects
  8. ! Moderator Note moved to speculations Take a moment to read the guidelines to posting and rules for that sub-forum
  9. [latex]v_y=\frac{\sqrt{1-\frac{V_x^2}{c^2}v^{'}_y}}{1+\frac{V_x}{c}v^{'}_x}[/latex] I don't think you have calculated the velocities correctly - the velocity in the y axis in the rocket's frame which is travelling at velocity Vx with respect to the primed frame would be as above.
  10. imatfaal

    New job

    Great News. Luxembourg is fun - can be quite disconcerting how the locals switch languages (most speak a minimum of three) - but I have really liked visiting there. Hope the Brexit destructors haven't caused you extra grief
  11. ! Moderator Note I have hidden the branch regarding the literal truth v self-contradictions of the bible - off-topic, and we have done it before. Open a new thread if you want to go down that route.
  12. Inspired (not sure that is the right word) by Moontanman's In the Jungle
  13. imatfaal


    "what's that all about?" - 250k a year for writing a weekly opinion column, more than that in tv show fees, mayor of london, next pm ... I would say the deliberate decision to play the clown is working pretty damn well
  14. Great find Moon - thanks for posting. The almost child-like joy of professional underwater researcher in the encounter was really uplifting - will remember to repost this next time people are talking about how science is all numbers and rules, and that scientists have no imagination and are just cold calculators
  15. imatfaal


    Loathe him or hate him Boris did not make a complete pig's ear of the second biggest job in UK politics
  16. Exactly - we also nurture the illusion of continuity through the actions of the "higher" levels; been reading some scare stories on my cycling forum about crashes that the cyclists knows nothing about. Narratives along the lines of arriving home to find wife in a panic cos the cyclist is 12 hours late without realising, a cyclist being stopped by police cos they had a stick poking through his ear after close encounter with hedgerow, and other tales about losing 6 months which would keep you off the road for the near future - all constructions by the higher mind to gloss over the mental trauma and avoid the memory gap caused by the physical trauma. You don't realise or even properly believe after the fact that you have blacked out and lost conscious time
  17. imatfaal


    Just read a variant on the same theme
  18. ! Moderator Note One more tantrum like that and you will be on the banned/suspended step. I suggest you read The rules The Philosophy and Religion Forum Rules And this thread about posting etiquette before posting again . You will not receive another warning before sanctions are taken and do not respond to moderation within the thread.
  19. Yes it did answer it. You do not test the null hypothesis - you ask whether any data you have is inconsistent with the null hypothesis and whether this inconsistency is of such significance that it is highly unlikely for you to be able to gather such observations and yet still give credence to the null hypothesis. No data whatsoever is at present inconsistent with the null hypothesis - so using occam's razor we give credence to the simplest answer which requires fewest assumptions ie the null. Testing the efficacy of a solution to a problem is a whole new ball game - it is much more complex but does still grow from the same fundamental assumptions
  20. Can you point to one piece of empirical evidence regarding energy in this pure elementary state? Because all the observation we have at the moment point to the opposite of your claim
  21. There is stiff competition from the UK with the "Brexit" vote followed up rapidly by the "what the flip have we done" realisation, and the "we still want all the good bits" pout - and frankly on the United States side the failure to agree to stop selling weapons of war to those on a terror watchlist seemed to be a shoo in; but this latest farce from Washington just adds layers of ineptitude, corruption, and sheer downright nastiness to an already strong contender http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/senate-zika-funding_us_5772937fe4b0dbb1bbbc00c2 A spending bill with 1.1 billion to be set aside for funding the US response to the Zika virus has failed in the house because of the stupendous amount of pork-barrelling, partisan riders and add-ons.
  22. imatfaal

    Zoo Tragedy

    Damn - the fact that we converse on this forum, have broadly similar outlooks, and tend to agree about a lot makes me forget how different our situations can be. The road I work on was rebuilt about 300 years ago, has been in constant city-like habitation for longer and there hasn't been a wild animal we need to worry about for many many more hundreds. In central London it can be easy to forget that the Global village includes places with snakes and alligators!
  23. There is / was a road sign in Wales which reads / used to read in Welsh "Sorry but we are out of the office today - if you email any text you need translated to us we will revert with the Welsh text on Tuesday" [mp][/mp] did a bit of searching - my memory was close http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/7702913.stm The English is clear enough to lorry drivers - but the Welsh reads "I am not in the office at the moment. Send any work to be translated."
  24. The null hypothesis is normally that there is no significant reason to believe the actual hypothesis proposed; ie you do not seek to show that there is evidence that x is true - you show that the preponderance of evidence makes it very unlikely that x is not true which is disproving the null hypothesis (what is the chance that you have gathered this evidence and the null hypothesis is still true - at a certain point <5% <1% etc. you claim to have shown that the null hypothesis does not hold) In this case the null hypothesis is that other than consciousness as an emergent feature of the human brain there is no need to postulate anything further such as an immortal soul. Is there any evidence that does not tie in with the null hypothesis - at present NO.
  25. Same reason dogs like to be tickled under the chin and made a fuss of - it is part of what we are and how our species has developed. Not everyone craves and some even shun - but on the whole we are a social animal
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