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Everything posted by imatfaal

  1. We all follow the same rules, but we are individual people.
  2. They spent oodles of cash and brainpower on isolating the measuring devices from their environment - none of this would be possible with handheld. The measurement was minuscule even with a huge set of arms - with a handheld it would be vanishingly small; the length of the arms allowed the effect to be measured over a larger area (length? volume?) and thus magnified. Gravity is very weak compared to the other forces and even the nearby sources of decent gravity do not produce gravitational waves as they are not moving in a way which would do so. We can measure the gravity between two masses in a lab - but it is not something we are yet as good as we are for measuring other stuff; I think we still use a posh version of the torsion balance (ie an up to date Cavendish Experiment) which was first used in the 18th century. To get gravitational waves we need to be wither able to use the distortion of space over large distances or measure local gravity to a much much higher level than we can at present. There is a thread on communication by gravitational waves in speculations in which Janus gives an idea of the power required.
  3. If we were talking via live Teletype (I used to have to do that via telex inmarsat communication - lots of spelling mistakes and tens of dollar per minute) then I would agree entirely - but nowadays even PM systems have a "press to send" button. There must be a difference (in the measures used to judge the content of the message passed) between a medium which allows a recall of mistakes and one which is instantaneous and live.
  4. That's kind of regular polar coordinates - you just need to ignore the fact that theta is in degrees or radians
  5. Well Ike has to take a huge part of the blame for that for the policies of the USA and the UK 20 years before. Iran had a democratically elected almost secularist prime-minister before the UK Secret Intelligence Service and the US CIA decided to put a spanner in the works. It is hard to find a UK or US foreign policy towards that part of the world which wasn't born in ignorance and greed and prosecuted with violence and hamfistedness
  6. ! Moderator Note OK - this thread gets back on to objectively verifiable science issues or it gets locked. So please no more anecdotes, no more discussing the anecdotes, and please no more guess work on mental health conditions in this or in any thread.
  7. I am not sure if it does or if it should; but I can guarantee that poor spelling is used a metric for judging competence in many areas in which a good command of language, grammar, and spelling would not seem important. This judgment is not the more obvious "you cannot spell therefore you are [....]" - but the more reasonable and devastating "this is an important piece of work and yet you failed to check the most easily checked part". Correct spelling and grammar signify nothing; but errors demonstrate sloppiness - and, in many areas, that can be worse than ignorance. I admit to being guilty of this - my spelling is atrocious - but I check and recheck everything; and I expect others to do the same. This leads to anything from forum posts to presentations being free from (too many) errors and also reflexive checking of any text in front of me for mistakes.
  8. A cheap shot from someone who has posted little to no maths - I will leave you to your ignorance from now on. Sorry to have disappointed you.
  9. This is the bit I feel resonates. It is people saying to themselves that they won't be dictated to; even against their own best interests they will vote to defy conventional wisdom and to spite pundits. How long can it continue?
  10. Not sure how to interpret this - but Trump got more votes in Nevada yesterday than were cast in 2012, and 50% more than Romney got in winning in 2008. In general elections Democrats win when more people turn out to vote - I wonder if the parallel is that the non-traditional win in primaries when more people make the effort
  11. 1. Apple sold over 70 million iphones in q1 2016 - I am not sure the terrorist market is going to make a huge difference to that bottom line 2. Gotta query the use of the word experts - did you read the link provided by SwansonT? They had potential access and screwed it up by not understanding what they were doing. And if apples encryption is as good as apple says it is then they will not be able to brute force. 3. We could do with more crooks who think that using a phone and storing details on it is a good option. There have been whole books written - tragically - about how to run terrorist cells and how to isolate and secure the organisation; pretty sure none of them recommend keeping information on a readable format no matter how seemingly secure 4. And the next one? That's just tough? Apple have to draw a line or open their books completely - I am glad they have drawn and line in the sand.
  12. Time will tell ... and bearing in mind it is 1042z I really hope you are in Europe or posting whilst awake with a young child rather than still up and obsessing about Nevada. And whilst I hate to agree with overtone - I am really not sure that Rubio isn't my least favourite of the candidates; another docile neo-con puppet is not what your country needs
  13. Donald Trump 45.86% 33,727 Damn - I hope you are right about some of the other stuff. The portion of the vote taken by the three front runners was higher than expected - and Rubio's gains were a larger proportion of his poll / previous standing than Trump; but more people switched to Trump and thus it didn't all flow to Rubio. The three had <80% of the vote by the pollsters estimation and in previous contests - but received >90% of the vote in Nevada. The uplifts were about 7 / 5 / 2 for Trump / Rubio / Cruz - this is still good news for Rubio; but it will not lead to Cruz calling it a day nor will it lead to a failure of confidence in the Trump camp. Cruz almost certainly cannot win - the electoral mathematics is against him; eg he will dominate Texas one of the biggest states - but only get about 30 more delegates than either Rubio or Trump. It comes down to which states have winner takes all and this does not favour Cruz at all. But from all accounts of his personality Cruz will not drop out to give Rubio an easy time with a quid pro quo being offered for his compliance - it is this intransigence and fanaticism which is what is scary about Cruz both to the world at large and the GOP grandees
  14. Would be boring if we were all the same... There is also the recognition that I have the reaction time of a three toed sloth
  15. I bottle fast corners and brake too early on my pedal bike - on a 500cc motorbike I would just be too scared to go at any speed. I would love to go round as pillion - although I get told off for leaning the wrong way on the way to the shops
  16. Here is a beeb video of a bike on a practice lap of the Northwest 200. Now I am a bit of a fan of this madcap form of racing anyway - but that's not the reason for the post. The video is 360 degrees - you can turn your view direction around with the mouse as you watch https://www.facebook.com/BBCBIKES/videos/vb.114010462015043/942879885794759/?type=2&theater I love it. I did actually say "FFS brake already" as I gripped my chair preparing for the brakes to send me forward in my pillion seat
  17. ! Moderator Note This thread has gone from a seemingly sensible query about the use of Gravitational Waves as a communications medium to a mess of guess-work, fiction, and crank-pottery. Frankly; Janus' excellent answer settled this question. Thread Locked.
  18. Red Pepper - if you are still growing these be aware of spider mites; every time I have grown red peppers, chilli peppers and similar stuff they have been over-taken by spider mites and not had the leaf coverage to continue growing.
  19. Deep in the Brezhnev era - I was there in the interregnum between Brezhnev and Gorbachev in 1983 and when the wall came down six years later. Frightful - but memorable. BTW - if you haven't read Stasiland by Anna Funder I would really recommend it
  20. You cannot duplicate the data - to use your analogy some of it is stored in the safe; the phone os is required to access the data but will not do so (the data they want might be hidden amongst 64gigs of music and video which is also encrypted - although I am not sure this option will have been chosen or even available). I have no idea what encryption the ios uses but reverse-engineering should not work and neither should keeping track of failure; one of the great things about modern encryption is that quite a bit of it is binary - but not just in the usual sense. It is an all or nothing affair - if properly implemented you do not get to decrypt bits at a time or get hints that you are on the right track; one bit out on the key is just as bad as anything else. This is why the Feds were reduced to asking for a whole new os to be written - write the new os with a master key already installed, update the phone with the new os, look at the data by using master key. The US Govt agencies have about the best chance of anybody of breaking such encryption - but encyrption does not need to be that sophisticated to be very tough The cynic in me thinks they have probably already broken it - and they make all this fuss to put people at their ease and put pressure on apple so that future os might be more amenable to government snooping . Gotta go - black helicopters circling...
  21. BTW - in your liberal utopia a few hours ago they were cheering the burning of a hostel for asylum seekers and bystanders were preventing the fire-fighters from tackling the blaze.
  22. That logic works just as well (ie I think not at all) for all wavelengths. If the wavelength is 1 cm and the gap is 30cm - that is 30 peaks and troughs per second. But to send any information - even if you could modulate the rising part of the 1st trough the "changed bit - the message" would still take about a nanosecond to get from transmitter to receiver
  23. Did you make the crossing into West Berlin? - I think sans tooth sans everything that will be something I remember.
  24. Sorry i should have been more clear - it was the et al and well as Bush that I was focusing on; the bush vote I agree upon. The non Rubio/Cruz/Trump vote would all need to flow to Rubio to have him overhaul in nevada - and whilst the majority might I cannot see it all going there.
  25. Bif of a strawman I never said invalidate I said supersede and my example of SR must have made it clear that I believe use remained in the former as well as the latter. A universal law based on mathematics will hold only as long as its axiomata are agreed/correct to the best of our understanding. With your example the prior axiomata included that the positive naturals were the only answers considerable, in the latter version a more useful answer is obtained because our axiomata have been changed. That is my point exactly - your rule was inviolate but limited; an endrun around the limitation was found and the rule fell into disuse. We cannot say that will not continue to happen
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