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Everything posted by Athena

  1. Not all iron is the same. "The principle ores of iron are Hematite, (70% iron) and Magnetite, (72 % iron). Taconite is a low-grade iron ore, containing up to 30% Magnetite and Hematite." It is thought to be one of the earliest metalic elements formed in the universe and it is essential to plant and animal life. This is a good site explaining iron. http://www.mii.org/M.../photoiron.html
  2. Well, the wind varies so the waves it generates varies. It depends on the speed of the wind and length of time it blows. This site explains waves, and the effects of wind, the magnetic pull of the moon and sun on the high and low tides, and how warm and cold water cause cureents. http://www.virtualnjshore.com/tbwaves.html
  3. Wow you are a real party pooper. Can we open the dam during migration periods? It isn't just about saving polar bears, but islands are loosing land to the ocean. A lot of land could be below sea level if the ice keeps melting. As much as 10 % of the world's population is vulnerable. New York and Florida are threatened by the rising sea level.
  4. It is my understanding warm water moving through the Bering Striat is melting glaciers, and this threatens the habitat and lives of the animals that depend on the cold. So I ask, could we dam the Bering Striat or otherwise control the flow of water, to keep the warm water out? I have heard of discussion about connecting Russia with Alaska, and I think this is a great idea for many reasons? How about a dam that is also a highway?
  5. That is a very creative idea, but I don't think it is very efficient. When planting, you do not want to compress the soil. PaulS1950, it was so kind of you to make a mistake, just to make those some of us, who are not as smart as you, feel better.
  6. Athena


    The illusration of the rope or the blanket is good, but sometimes the waves are higher than others, and a tsunami puts a lot of water on land. Surfers know, the waves aren't always the same, and there is greater or lesser movement of water, so it seems some moderation of the statement that the water doesn't move is necessary? Like what causes a normal wave isn't the same as what causes a tsunami wave, or if I knew more, would I know the cause of these different waves is really the same? Say the cause of the wave is energy, but the source of energy is different?
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