I am Vanessa Smithies, a Doctor of Psychology (Clinical Neuropsychology) candidate from the School of Psychology and Psychiatry at Monash University, Australia.
I am investigating the influence that MDMA/Ecstasy use has on a function called sleep consolidated learning. Put simply, this is the process whereby our memories are enhanced and strengthened during a period of sleep. My main aim is to investigate whether memory improvement after sleep is altered in MDMA/Ecstasy users. I will also investigate whether there are any factors that contribute to this alteration (for example, mood).
This is a questionnaire with a difference – it has an experimental component asking you to complete a memory activity. I will be asking people (very nicely) if they can return in 24 hours to complete the second half of the memory activity. Even if you would like to help out but cannot return in 24 hours, there is an option to complete the entire memory task on the spot.
The survey does take anywhere from 20 – 60 mins, depending on how you respond to certain questions, and how fast you are. About 10 mins of this time is taken up by the memory task.
I am looking for
1. People who don't use illicit drugs
2. Illicit drug users who have used MDMA/Ecstasy and
3. Illicit drug users who have NOT used MDMA/Ecstasy
The survey, along with the explanatory statement outlining further information can be found by visiting www.memorysleepstudy.com
A few points
I am seeking English speaking individuals over the age of 18
The questionnaire can be accessed from any computer or laptop with access to the internet. Please DO NOT take this survey on a smart phone (e.g. Apple iPhone or Android device)
The images in this questionnaire may be confronting for some people. They include violent scenes and nudity. Please do not undertake this questionnaire if you think you may be sensitive to these images
If you live in Melbourne, Australia and are interested in finding out information about participating in a second phase of this research please contact me by my email address in my profile. The second phase will involve coming in to Monash University, Clayton or Caulfield campus for a session that will last approximately 2 hours.
I am *very* interested in hearing any feedback that you may have about the survey.
Vanessa Smithies
Doctor of Psychology (Clinical Neuropsychology) Candidate
Monash University