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  • College Major/Degree
    Louisiana State University undergrad
  • Favorite Area of Science

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Well alright. I'll take that into consideration. Thanks for the advice.
  2. No. We're going to be looking at thin tissue samples. We just need a quantitative way to compare how much protein we have in our mutants versus the wildtype. We've measured the larval protein concentrations using a modification of the Lowry protein assay on a bulk basis (one larva would be too small a sample), so now we need something that can either corroborate or contradict the data we've gotten from that, and do so on an individual basis.
  3. The topic title pretty much states my purpose. I'm trying to gain an idea of the effects on total protein production the knockdown of a specific gene product has on Drosophila larvae. My professor would prefer if I could find a method that does not rely on radio-labeled amino acid incorporation so that I can perform the experiments without his supervision. However, I'm having trouble finding any such methods. Does anyone know of any labeling methods that might work for what I'm trying to do? As I noted in the topic, we're going to be measuring in vivo, so any in vitro methods won't work, and I don't think fluorescent antibody labeling is feasible either, as we're trying to measure total protein - not just specific ones.
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