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Everything posted by AnimeScientistMewtwo

  1. I find the views on this topic fasinating, scary and frighteningly true. And here in South Africa, where I live, we do need new foreign blood in the gene pool, otherwise the population's young up-and-coming generation of city slickers will stay away and foreign investment is down.Yet, people are taking into consideration the enviroment, the ethics,enthics and really it's all exciting. However, politics is a state of mind, and fear mongering is definitely not on. I feel if you do work on the relationship, building up trust, looking into the possible options and making an informed choice, it shall benefit all.
  2. Do you think it possible to transfer the genes of a rare plant/ animal,crossbreed its genes with a human's and create a hybrid

    1. Blahah


      To an extent this would be possible, you can easily insert simple genes for bioluminscence (from Vibrio fischeri or fireflies) or flourescence (from various bacteria) into human embryonic stem cells. But it's not legal in any country that I know of.


      It would be harder to make a human grow leaves or wings though, if you're thinking of something like that.

    2. AnimeScientistMewtwo


      Yes, but still, wouldn't it be stunning to do so? Yet,most people fear the strange and they do not grasp the important fundamental right we humans have to talk about such things. We simply must communicate such important issues throught talking,talking,talking,talking AND more talking.

    3. AnimeScientistMewtwo


      Yes, but still, wouldn't it be stunning to do so? Yet,most people fear the strange and they do not grasp the important fundamental right we humans have to talk about such things. We simply must communicate such important issues throught talking,talking,talking,talking AND more talking.

  3. Well, personally, I don't know. In countries like Japan,CHina and other Oriental nations, there is the very amazing trend that both females and males of the population live to an extremely old age, 100,102,108 even. So, we should ask ourselves: HOW do women (and sometimes men) outlive others? Certain genomes? Enviroment? Animals(Animals help in lowering blood pressure) ? I fear that there is more to this question. Perhaps, yes, males tend to be agressive, and yes, they do (mis)use alcohol, but one glass of red wine a day is good for the heart. So, perhaps there is a genetic leaning to the issue. Does enviroment play a role? Do animals contribute to long life, by lowering blood pressure? Is personality a key factor?
  4. Is it possible,via genetic manipulation, that a human male could carry his and his wife/partner's child, should his wife be sterile, or if he is in a homosexual relationship with an another man? I have read on Wikipedia that in 2000, the very first human uterus transplant between two anoymous ladies, was sucessful. This poses a very interesting question, if it be possible, hypothetically, to genetically manipulate a male human's biology and enable him in becoming pregnant?
  5. I have heard that too high levels of body mass can contribute to the problem.
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