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  • Favorite Area of Science
    physics and biology

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. I would like to know how to find the value for the spring constant from the graph of period against the square root of mass. I as study simple harmonic motion and I am using this equation: Period =2pi * square root * (mass/spring constant) I think that the gradient may help but not entirely sure. It it possible that i may need to find the gradient and use a formula to find out what the spring constant is. Thankyou
  2. This the graph please see attachment graph.doc
  3. dmja


    Thankyou for the reply. I think that it is asking about the ratio of the forces the stars exerted onto one another. Using the following formula I know how to calculate the field strenght. If the the star A is 27 times more massive (DOES THE WORD MASSIVE RELATE TO THE MASS inthe equation?) (how do I know the distance between the stars- it doesn't say in the question) The equation for density is mass/volume, but the stars are 27 times more massive so how does this relate the equation. Therefore the volumes must be different. I don't know how to put this lack of information into the equation and then change it into a ratio.
  4. dmja


    Hi there, My question is relating to an advanced level text book question. 'Stars a and b have the same density, and star a is 27 times more massive than star b. Calculate the ratio of the gravitational field strenght on star a to that on star b' I hope you would be able to explain how you came to the answer, please.
  5. ;)Hi there! I am doing a coursework on the practical 'kinetics of the reaction between iodine and propanone in acid solution' however I cannot find anything on the internet stating the litrature value for the order of reaction for Iodine, please would you advise me what to type to get this value.Could you leave the address of where you found it. Also, the graph obtained by plotting the 'titres of E' against time is looks a like it could be a curve or a straight line. How do I decide which one is correct? Thirdly, does this graph I have plotted represent the order of reaction for Iodine, OR must I change the graph in order to find the order out. Thankyou
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