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Everything posted by Aubrey
This is a first preview of my book. I am still working on the book each day, there is much more to write but here are The first few pages I wanted to get my arguments out in public. The story is to keep you awake while thinking about the science You may email me with comments or recommendations at elfcoop@gmail.com www.elfcoop.notlong.com CHAPTERS 1 PIZZA TO THE UNIVERSE 112 USA C F PT House Density Ions not atoms Van Allen Belts Light a small, fast, set of particles Ion periodic table Silk-graphene Silk-Graphene-Glass-Bead The surface of Sol Into Sol 2 GREEN WOLVERINE 788 USA C P Ijji’s Apt 3 KRISTI’S KATANA 971 J Akigawa 4 BOYS AT PLAY 1189 USA LA Gang 5 TEA WAVES 1246 USA C San Onofre Flexible Styrofoam Eagle Ant Samurai 6 NAMES 1520 USA C F PT House 7 OPI-BUG 1647 USA C San Onofre State Beach Matrix KISS ELF Co-operative Norms of the graph Opi-Bug 8 OLD MAN 1891 USA C Orange CU Book destruction 9 SMILEY’S CIGAR 2030 USA C F PT House Child Employee Bearly Looking at Light Everything is as it should be Dark Mater Electron Light 10 CUMULATIVE EFFECTS 2388 Birth of a solar system Money 11 BIRTH OF A SOLAR SYSTEM 2566 Morning dune USA C San Onofre Newton 1&2 12 BARE POETRY 3800 USA C P Ijji’s Apt 13 THE LAST BOOK MOVE 3952 JFK RFK Executive Orders Prison Camps 911 14 FIRST LOOK 4136 USA C Ortega Hwy 15 DIG DIG DIG 4682 USA C Ortega Hwy 16 GOING SOUTH 4796 USA C F PT House 17 FIRST NIGHT 5034 USA C BB 18 SOUTHERN SAUSAGE 5248 19 FIRE IN THE FIRE PLACE 5333 USA C BB 20 LUAU 5431 Samoa Pahejinia House 21 POP 5642 USA C Ortega Hwy HHO Gravity 22 NJP 6234 23 DEALING WITH EVIL 6331 24 WE SHOULD TALK 6651 USA C CSUF 25 DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR 6771 USA C F PT House 25 26 27 28 29 30 CONCLUSIONS ELF Form Life Existence BEARLY LOOKING AT LIGHT COPY RIGHT 2010-10-10 10:10:10 BY MARK AUBREY HENNE TO MY DAUGHTER KRISTI MARIE HENNE Ijji Bubba, Pojia Ginia, Neshi & Jeshi Pahejinia, Toota Pishnea, Togo Chishinea, Toda Vashnia, Togo Guassnia, Gwass, Gwass, Gwass There is a test to see if you are explaining the universe correctly. You must be able to start any where, any when, and still reach the same conclusions. This story starts with pizza. Chapter 1 PIZZA TO THE UNIVERSE Ijji Bubba jumped up on the table; his black sheep skin hat tilted to one side and stamped his black booted foot for attention. Two hundred partying college students in the red barn swayed in his direction and quieted enough to get him going. “Aubrey has brought six foot pizzas. Therefore party now is official.” Ijji stamped at a hand making for a slice. “Before Aubrey takes honorary first bite, as is oldest one here. I give you this to take away with you.” The non pinned rowdy, who had missed getting his hand crushed, jeered this delay to the food. He got a beer poured over his head by Pojia Ginia, the biggest little sister of the house. He turned with his fist drawn back to accost who ever had doused him. Pojia laughed at him and gave him a wet hug enveloping him in her big breasts. She kissed him on the head then let him go. He was totally flustered. His hair and his Tarzan costume were soaked with beer. A beautiful girl had just, doused, hugged and kissed him and she and her fierce looking red headed friend were flanked by two of the biggest mussel men he had ever seen. That they were smiling made them seem even more dangerous. He dropped his fist and opted for a safer course, “Can I get you another beer?” “Yes, Please.” said Pogia “I’ll save you a slice of pizza.” Ijji, fleece vest open showing a hairy chest, tight, black wool shepherd’s pants with eight brass buttons holding back a bulge the girls were admiring, shouted from the table top. “Should you strike-out with opposite sex, same sex or inanimate object of your desire,,,,,,,,,,,,” he thumped his chest with the fist not holding a beer “for me, this shall never be a problem again.” Aubrey reached down for a red and gold slice of pizza. Ijji reached his paw toward the flash of red and green in the crowd next to Pojia. Neshi and Jeshi Pahejinia the huge Samoan wrestlers, in their wide native ceremonial loin cloths, launched Ijji’s fiancée Toota Pishnea, beer in hand, right over Aubrey’s head, up to Ijji’s embrace. Toota had flame for hair, a fire short temper and a passion for Ijji that needed no kindling. Toota and Ijji lifted their beer mugs as one and addressed the throng. “Oh sing us an ode In a melodious mode And sweep us quite away. To taverns past Where drinking vast T’was how we spent the day” Ijji came down on one knee, now level with Toota they smashed their glasses together, intertwined their elbows and drank to the drop then kissed, holding their mugs inverted to show this love was to the max. The crowd roared approval and joined in as the lovers kissed. “Oh sing us an ode In a melodious mode And sweep us quite away. To taverns past Where drinking vast T’was how we spent the day” Mugs clashed, beer splashed, and the bottoms of hundreds of glasses glittered up at the couple as everyone tried to be first to down their brew. “YAAA” the shout went up as mugs slammed down on the tables. “More! More!” They shouted. The couple tossed their mugs to the Samoans who caught them as if they were shot glasses. Ijji picked Toota up over his head by her waist as he stood up and looking into her green Irish eyes roared back “How could there be any more?” Toota loved when he picked her up like her father used to. She arched her back pointed her toes to the ceiling, spread her arms, and did a swan dive into those gray blue eyes. They had met the first moment of their first semester’s first party and that was that, all others stayed clear. Ijji’s mind was that of a poet but his fist was reputed to be that of three Polish bears. Toota Pishnea! Had been Ijji’s exclamation upon meeting her and instantly it was all she would answer to. More than a foot and a half shorter than Ijji, sleek and fast as her arrows, Toota was at the university on an Irish archery scholarship. Twice at that first party, girls had tried for Ijji’s attention. Those unfortunates discovered that Toota’s stiletto heals were only slightly less sharp and equally as accurate as her arrows. It was legend that when Ijji learned she was an archer, he had at-once offered to stand apple bearer for her William Tell. She had refused, saying her aim could only be distracted by his gray blue eyes. That was now two years ago. “YEAAAAAAA” the students shouted and banged their glasses on the tables, so loud that the music had no chance. He lowered her back toward the table, she snapped her legs around his waist locked her heals, grabbed his long blond locks and jerked his head so hard to her kiss that she would have decapitated a lesser man. Her forest green Robin Hood outfit was silhouetted against Ijji’s white sheep skin vest. His rugged face complimented her perfect complexion. Aubrey was not there; He stood holding that first slice of pizza in his hand and stared back at the pie. The girls across the table at the fraternity party were giggling, looking as sexy and inviting as ELFishly possible. But it was the round slice of pepperoni as it hit the pizza box and rolled down the empty wedge toward the center that riveted Aubrey’s attention. ”Not the pizza before me, nor the slice in my hand, but that finely defined, wedge of empty universe and the escaped pepperoni, its edges touching two sides; starts me thinking.” The girls faded away, the music and the giggling hushed in his ears. “The association is clear. Atoms located within areas of greater density than the volume of standard atoms are different. Atoms have volume and mass. Place an assortment of atoms in a gravitational field, supplied by a planet or a star, and the atoms will, in time, sort themselves out so that the denser atoms will tend toward the center of mass. Take a pizza slice of planet earth all the way down to the center and drop in an atom. The atom will drop to a point where its outer electrons are touching the walls of the wedge. With more interference from below than from above the atom will find its balance point.” The crowd had their hands over their heads chanting “Piz---za, Piz--Za, Piz-ZA” Togo Chishinea was at Aubrey’s elbow and hollered in his ear “Take your bite, damn it. I’m hungry” Automatically the pizza found its way to Aubrey’s mouth. He absently took a bite of the tip. As soon as his teeth touched, a wave of hungry young stags and does grabbed for red with gold covered with everything Mamma Rosa had. An accounting major from Mississippi, Togo Chishinea’s black hand shoved an ice cream sugar cone into Aubrey’s free hand. “I’ll need both hands to get a slice the way these fools are going at it.” Togo and Pojia got their pieces just before two gleaming nickel steel Samoan scuba knives anchored the last slices to the table Aubrey stared at the cone then back at the pizza slice “In three dimensions the wedge would be the shape of an ice cream cone, pepperoni traded for a ball of rum raisin.” “Haagen-Dazs of course.” Toda Vashnia said in Aubrey’s other ear “Togos only bring the best.” Aubrey looked back and forth at the objects in his hands. Not seeing them for what they were but as icons of the universe. “Better eat the ice cream first” said Toda “Pizza lasts longer than ice cream. It’s going to be a hot summer’s night in this room. It may be Halloween but Southern California doesn’t cool off till November”. Outside the warm wind from the Baja, that had been blowing all week, played with the sparks from the fire pit. The fire pit abandoned by the partiers the moment the word Pizza was howled from inside The Barn, was being fed the empty pizza boxes as the party again filled the back yard. Aubrey obediently started licking the ice cream and addressed Toda “If our atom did not reach the center of the planet before touching the side walls, then it would like to proceed further towards the center.” Aubrey put his slice of pizza back on the table between the last two slices that the Samoans had reserved with their knives. “Let us bury our atom where it is and fill in the space between the center of earth and our atom with the same material that was there, before we dropped our atom. Our atom has the same competitive advantages and disadvantages as other atoms around it. If our atom is less dense then the atom above, then they will exchange places, the denser atom will shift toward the center of the earth.” Toda “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re babbling about”, she was Toota’s roommate and best friend for the full five day’s before Toota met Ijji. Italian, an artist and jealous of Ijji for Toota’s attention Toda was smart enough to know not to challenge the space between them, if there ever was any. Two months Toda had listened to Toota and Ijji on Toota’s bed out doing each other late into the morning. Toda did not realize her feelings were so acute until her sculpture professor wrote on her first art evaluation that she had never seen so much aggression in a student’s art. After reading that, Toda had taken three freshmen back to her dorm room and made seniors out of them. Toda had refused to sleep with any of them ever again but several instructors noticed that those three boys bowed to Toda whenever she passed by. Not an insolent or mischievous nod but a true bow of respect. Lately Toda had her eye on Togo Chishinea; he was a man going places. His roommate Togo Guassnia was a cutie too. “Humm.” Aubrey “It seems that the surface atom we dropped in, is much to light and fluffy to compete at this depth and is getting nudged upward. Let us abandon our initial atom and ride a denser atom on down squeezing past and replacing other less dense atoms until we reach a layer of material of the same density as the new atom we are now riding.” Togo Guassnia, the engineer of the group, ambled over. Multi disciplined he avoided computers saying they were to slow, too restrictive, to understand the mechanical, electrical and chemical properties of the materials he designed in his mind. “It is very active here” said Aubrey staring at Toda. “The outer electrons of the atoms are getting in each other’s way, changing direction at high speed as they repel each other negative charge to negative charge. The pressure here is so great that the nicely shaped shells the electrons would normally move in at the surface of earth are deformed. The shells have more of a pear shape with the thick part toward the surface of earth and the narrower stem part pointing down. The nucleus is no longer at the center of the atom either. It is shifted toward the downward side, leaving the electrons a slightly less firm grip on their atom when they are at the top of their orbit.” Surfing was how Togo Guassnia cooled his head. His roomy, Togo Chishinea, said Togo Guassnia never set an alarm clock, but if he had a glazed look in his eyes at dinner, then early mornings when the surf was doubled by the moon, Togo Guassnia’s long blond hair would be riding high somewhere on California’s Pacific waves.. Ijji had named them all, Polish distortions of their real names. Except Togo and Togo, Polish humor had taken its toll there naming such physical opposites with the same name. Aubrey “Changing energy levels is popular amongst electrons. The electrons collect up bits and pieces of light, when the electrons reach their personal limit they release their collection of light particles in a burst which we refer to as their line spectrum signature. But increasing energy levels means increasing the over all size of your atom, thus lessening the atomic density and floating upwards until the outer electrons drop down an energy level and atomic density increases. I see some of the atoms are cheating, shedding outer shell electrons and becoming positively charged ions. Sneaky little devils they should go to hell and in fact, there they go, sinking down to the next level, lower and denser. Let us give this atom a kick, drop a few electrons, and follow the ions on down.” “Aubrey is useless at parties when he starts thinking.” said Black Togo Chishinea to White Togo Guassnia. White Togo was blond and more tan than Black Togo was black and thus the humor of the Pole who had seen them showering in the gym. Toota was always teasing that they should go to a nude beach to even out their tans. Aubrey “If asked, those electrons we kicked free would say that they want to stay close to home, but doing so they infringe upon the neighbors property rights causing disputes of negative ionism. For the more energetic free electrons with a zest for travel there are the Van Allen Belts. Streams of charged particles that make the circuit from poll to poll pushed along by the right hand hitch hiking rule of thumb. When the electrons come back around, they may look for their old home atom, turned positive ion, but it is now far out of reach snuggled deep amongst the positive ions vying to be the atom at the center of the Earth. Not a life’s ambition of most Earth Life Forms, but working for a living was getting boring so tag along and let’s have some fun.” Aubrey thought in conversation and visualized in four or more dimensions. The latter had been a source of amazement to his construction business colleagues, the former a confusing point of annoyance to long term girl friends as he would be in the midst of a conversation, go quiet, then continue talking further along into a discussion as if you had been an active participant in his thoughts during the silence. The topic of density as the answer to why there is gravity had been with Aubrey for more than twenty years. He had answered the question of what gravity is and why it is, to his own satisfaction back in 2006 shortly after he retired the first time in 2003. But he kept asking questions from different angles and perspectives to check and recheck. So far the conclusions he had reached were the same and so he had become more and more, satisfied that he was right. “I wonder where he is this time.” White-Tea was looking down at Aubrey who had slumped into a couch not even noticing a girl dry riding her new boy friend next to him. “Here take my room” White-Tea said to the girl tossing her a key and pointing to the first door down the hallway “I need to wash the sheets this month anyway.” “His is the bed on the right” Black-Tea called after the fleeing couple, she in the lead. Black-Tea “I broke in once. He lectured me for three hours on his theory that light is a small, fast particle and that due to its origin could have different speeds depending upon where it was recently from. In argument I started quoting my freshman physics” “Bad move” said White-Tea “Damned right, cost me another half hour and I only got away then because Marie came over and I had a class to get to.” said Black-Tea White-Tea “I am going to have to capture him some morning, drag his ass down to the beach and find out what he knows, my books are leaving me dry” Black-Tea “I recommend spring break, it will take that long.” White-Tea “Excellent idea, I don’t think he goes home, someplace in the East he once told me.” Black-Tea “Bring a recorder, he never thinks the same thing twice, he is hard to follow when you’re sober and impossible on even one beer.” Togo Guassnia and Togo Chishinea called each other White-Tea and Black-Tea whenever they thought it would invoke trouble with anyone around them. Racial arguments with strangers were the roommates’ favorite party sport. Aubrey was oblivious of the excited couple, their quick departure, or that he had finished his cone and was again nibbling on the pizza. “The drive from all directions to be the atom at the center of planet earth has caused a traffic jam. No one atom, excuse me ion, is making much headway at this point. All the densest ions with the greatest number of protons and neutrons and the least number of electrons are already in residence and have been for thousands of years. They may be old to us but they are not boring. There are ions here several times denser than lead, gold or uranium. These dense elements are not even listed on the periodic table of elements because at earth’s surface density they would have a half life so brief that they would have changed into more mundane atoms long before anyone knew they were around. An expanded Ionic Periodic Table is needed to include all the ions located below the present chart. These fat ions scoff at our astonishment of their size and age. They say we should have seen their great, great grand parents from the old place. “Where is that?” We ask. They are not sure, it was a long time ago but the ions at the center of the larger planets might know.” Aubrey got up, turned away from the Togos. They watched as he walked out into the back yard. The bond fire was roaring, throwing up sparks into the dark starry night. The fire pit was a huge two meter diameter section of storm drain pipe stolen from a construction site a decade ago by pledges, three of which were now lawyers and one was about to become a federal circuit court judge. The yard was filled with dancing and talking youth in costume. Dracula was popular as always, so were black fish net outfits that covered or used to cover their intended points of interest. Togas, the cheap man’s costume, were well represented. The girls in togas didn’t settle for cotton. The new material silk-graphene was their choice. Amazing stuff, silk worms were harnessed and induced to make their silk, as the silk thread came out of the silkworm’s body, electrically excited gaseous graphite in a slight vacuum attached to the sticky thread, self aligning and forming a grapheme tube around the silk thread one atom thick. Graphene is a one-atom-thick planar sheet of sp-bonded carbon atoms that are densely packed in a honeycomb crystal lattice. Engineers had clamored for the first pieces of silk-graphene to experiment with but when the fashion world saw the first silk-grapheme cloth with its changing colors and smoother than silk touch, they went wild. The price was astronomical for the first four years. Silk worms suddenly became worth thirty times their weight in gold. Mulberry trees were fought over and illegally smuggled world wide, Laboratories that used to make microchips were transformed into nurseries for the big fat green caterpillars. Aubrey’s gaze followed a hot sparks up to the red planet. “It is only a skip and a jump to Mars then over the asteroid belt to Jupiter the big boy of the planets in our solar system. At the center of Jupiter we get the same answer. Big ions, old ions but still, they are the half life greatest grand children of much older larger ions who have split and reduced in size and density several times since becoming part of a planet. Yes there has been growth of the planet from clean up collection work of all the particles in Jupiter’s path but all of the material that makes up the planets is similar The materials at the surface, be they solid, liquid or gas are there on the expanded periodic table. The inner part of the planets is where we find fat ions and they too fit nicely on the Ion Periodic Table if we add a few dozen lines. Jupiter is just shy of being a star, just not quite enough mass. Time to reverse course, jump back past earth, do a two step running swan dive, strait into the sun.” Toota and Ijji were still locked in their embrace. Cheers had changed to cat calls then to taunts and pant leg pulling, “Get off the table and get a room.” Toda was getting down right horny watching them. She saw Black-Tea and White-Tea standing behind the couch near the big screen TV. She started fantasizing of taking the two Togos to bed with her. They had the biggest bedroom in the fraternity. Their mattresses could be pulled onto the floor so no one would be hurt falling off the bed. “Humm”, said Toda to herself, she slipped out of her panties and pursed them. Toda knew she looked good in her new SGGB Toga. It had taken her over a month to make it. The SGGB, Silk-Graphene-Glass-Bead, was so thin and slippery that it was a devil to work with. Even with the new SGGB adhesive if you didn’t pay attention and get the glass beads aligned the invisibility was distorted and the effect was lost. You couldn’t actually glue the silk-graphene, it was the glass beads that you had to glue together smooth side to smooth side. Even the seams needed a magnifying glass to find them. She shimmered then vanished second to second, she had open areas in the material that almost let you see everything, tantalizing the eyes right out of the boy’s heads as she had planned. The red of her panties were enough to give all of the material a red mist effect. With the panties off, the dance floor’s colored lights took over confusing the eye as to what was real and what was reflected. Her nipples were stiff with the touch of the night air from the door open to the backyard beyond Ijji and Toota. Yelps then screeches emanated from the room of 2TOGO. The Togos stood with their hands on the back of one of the three couches. They looked at their door then at each other nodded, saying as one “Screamer”. Toda walked up between them from behind, and gazed past them “She didn’t dance enough to loosen up and stretch. That’s not sex that’s a charley horse in both thighs. She must be on top, if she clenches, that guy will have to come back later to retrieve his cock.” The Togos were leaning forward against the back of the couch where Aubrey had been sitting. They doubled over the back of the sofa, legs flailing, laughing uncontrollably. Toda liked what she saw and being an artist and not one to miss a creative opportunity, reached out to both sides and grabbed a Togo below the seat, between their flailing legs and gave a squeeze with each hand,. All that separated her nails from soft sensitive skin was red and gold house boxer shorts. With a “Yipe” the boys tried to jump away but their toes were off the ground and they could not escape, nor had Toda any thought of letting them go. Balancing first on one hand grip then on the other, to yelps of pain, she slipped her legs over the back of the sofa and still holding her captives, crab walked them to the Togos’ bedroom door. Her hands full, she kicked the door in and told the boy with the nymph riding him “Move over.” She back kicked the door shut and brought her toys together in front of her. "On your finger tips and toes" she ordered the two "I’m going to watch the show. Either of you move and I’ll have you for my popcorn.” The rider was visibly nearing her climax. Her steed, arching his back, was bucking and slamming her down on top of himself, his hands on her waist, she was cupping her breasts and panting through her teeth. Black-Tea tried to glance up at the action and got a ball busting squeeze. He groaned and dropped to his elbows and knees only to he yanked back up to his fingers and toes with the force of an Italian in heat. She had slipped out of her red lace and fishnet panties before attacking the Togos, Toda knew what she wanted and the use of the other couple would heighten the fun. “Hummm.” Aubrey “Ah, interesting, Sol in Latin and other languages, the star at the center of our Solar System is not as we have been taught! The Sol is NOT a huge collection of hydrogen atoms experiencing such great gravitational forces that the hydrogen is combining into helium. The Sol will not, in time, use up all the hydrogen, expand into a red giant and swallow the earth. What we find is that Sol is from the same place and the same time and is made up of the same material as the rest of the solar system. Sol is made up of ions. Those near the surface are familiar to us and appear on our periodic table. They are very highly negatively ionized and there is a thick layer of hydrogen and free electrons covering the sphere giving off the tremendous light that we live by. Looking closely at the surface of Sol we see organized segmented areas that remind me of the cells of fossil coral Petoskey stones, cells of circulating material, of average size, which seem to have a central point to each. The density and gravitational forces here on Sol, keep most of the material in what may loosely be referred to as a liquid. All the elements of our periodic table are represented plus hundreds of larger positive ions that would form rows and rows beneath the rare earth elements. Toda watched the unknown girl and boy, her captives prayed, held their breath and dared not move or protest. They knew exactly where her finger nails were, and that she kept them sharp and pointed. The young couple had pulled the left mattress onto the floor and the boy had two pillows piled under his hips. The girl had her head down teeth clenched one breast squeezed in each hand. “Just as we saw in the planets the Van Allen Belts are here on Sol but greatly exaggerated. With so many lose electrons running about trying to stay close to the positive ions; the surface ions take quite a beating. Molecules such as we know on calm cool Earth have no chance here, ion to ion bonding is immediately interrupted by billions of loose electrons. Nuclei of hydrogen, helium and other light elements further the pummeling.” Toda saw that the girl should have come, but was not reaching it. She dropped the Togos and covered the distance to the girl in one stride. Toda timed it so that, as the boy breathed out, she straddled his face clenched his ears with her legs, reached up and grabbed each of the girl’s nipples and tweaked them, just as the boy bucked ferociously trying to breath. Toda held on to both of them with her legs and her finger tips. The girl threw off her own hands and tossed her head back with an ear shattering scream. The horse bucked again trying to escape both of them. “The electrons are at such high energy levels that no single electron stays with a nucleus for more than an instant. The light nuclei unprotected by shells of electrons are swirled about by the storm of free electrons.” “Not yet” Toda growled, “one more will do them.” He twisted his head to one side gasped a breath and exploded inside the girl. Her voice now guttural sounds, she lulled in place held by the three point grip of Toda lifting her nipples and the stiff male below her. “Ohhh” she groaned, falling forward into Toda’s arms. Toda dismounted and the girl wrapped herself around her steed. His face was sticky but they were beyond such trivialities. “Loose protons, neutrons and small proton neutron ion balls acting like bullets, go racing along in the storm of high speed electrons until ion hits ion at such a speed and such an angle that something breaks. The ball may break or the target may break or both, fission! Which ever happens, the point is that the two ions that went into the collision come out of the collision as three or more separate particles. Smaller more numerous particles to be swept along in the electron storms until these particles repeat the cycle and collide properly to breakup other ions. Given time, and there is plenty of time, stars produce quite a thick layer of loose protons swept along in an excess of electrons which, from earth, looks like a huge mass of hydrogen. The breaking up of nuclei is not without its consequences which children of the 1950’s remember as atomic explosions. Here on Sol the explosions may only be taking place one ion at a time but there are a tremendous number of ions.” Aubrey wandered absently back in and sat down, now alone on the couch, amongst the dancers and the kissing torch still dynamically statued on their table in the center of it all. “But we did not come here to dwell on the surface. Let’s duck down out of the wind. The further you go into Sol, the larger the ions are, and the more positively ionized and the darker it gets.” This could have been said of the action in the room 2TOGO. But it was Aubrey, still lost in thought. “Exotic molecules are formed by the positive ions, some temporary, some longer lasting. Ions in bonds with other ions are denser and sink down in the mix. The pressure increases, the density increases, bonds between ions are broken and others made. Deeper we go; any electron that slips away from its ion will never see it again. Here number of protons, neutrons and positive ionization level is everything. Below us, a level where, when the few remaining electrons happen to be visiting all on the opposite sides of two neighboring ions, the two nuclei coalesce and form one larger ion. So it is true that fusion is going on but we are no where near the center yet.” Toda turned back to the Togos who were watching and massaging their sore groins. “Why are you two still dressed?” Toda snapped. They raced to get their boxers off as Toda grabbed each button down shirt and with a yank tore both of them open in turn. Rocketing buttons hit the dressing mirror and the boys’ beer bottle collection with pinging sounds. Aubrey “Here it is, the center of the sun. The light is very dim, there are not enough electrons to make the light as we know it in the visible spectrum. The small light particles are here, But what seem to be high densities to the electrons, protons and neutrons, are still drastically far apart, as far as the light particles are concerned and they happily play amongst the three quarks that make up each of the electrons, protons and neutrons. We need to put on our spectrum adjustor SA glasses to adjust our vision to a brighter part of the spectrum for this density. There that is better, now we can see by the light of the quarks in the protons and neutrons, looks weird, we can see “dark matter”. Funny that the name “dark matter” first arose because the calculations said that there had to be more mass but the more astronomers looked they still could not see anything that they could assign the excess mass to. And all the time they were looking at and standing on the answer, thousands of huge ions, under tremendous pressures, deep in the planets and stars. Still they are ions. Why are they smiling? “Time to go home” they say, “time to go to our place of birth”” “Time for a nap I say. Yes, a nap. Anytime you find yourself drifting off the course you assigned yourself in your thinking, then take a nap and let your thoughts sort themselves out, without the distractions of your open eyes.“ “Humm, I wonder what they meant.” Aubrey knew when he started answering himself or having discussions of two or more voices in his head, then he was leaving thought and on the verge of sleep. If he slept he might loose these thoughts in a dream, he wanted to get to where he could write them down. He came out of his musings, to find most of the party had moved out into the backyard where the fire pit had been fed even more eucalyptus branches and an eclectic band with five guitarists and three drummers who had taken over the stage were jamming for all they were worth. Ijji and Toota were standing in front of him. Toota was kicking his foot and saying “Good night Aubrey.” “Go get lucky” said Ijji “Is a great night.” Aubrey shook his head to bring up his mind and settle down his thoughts. “Where are the Togos and Toda” he asked Ijji. “Toda has them in there” said Ijji pointing at the door with the broken latch. “She may be sucking the marrow out of their bones by now. The sounds we have heard.” “No” said Toota “Toda hasn’t even started her rise. I’ve seen it; I know when she is grooving.” “Going to join in?” asked Aubrey. “Not this time” said Ijji “in a few years.” “We have talked about it” said Toota “and Toda and the TOGOs will be our first when the time is right.” “The freedom of youth” said Aubrey “May be the one thing that never ceases to amaze me.” “Why that?” Ijji earned himself a kick from Toota. “What?” said Ijji to Toota. Toota “Don’t get him started. I need hours of you and we need time for our books tomorrow” Aubrey smiled; his long winded reputation preceded him. “Each group of freshmen think themselves so sexually advanced and liberated beyond their parents’ dreams. They are advanced, but only in baby steps each year. You have to come back a dozen years at a time to see real advancements.” ‘How old are you?” Ijji received another shin splitter from Toota. Aubrey, “Go. Get that wench home before the sun comes up and she cools off.” Toota, “Wench?!” Ijji snatched her out of mid air as the claws raced towards Aubrey’s face. “Come, Vench, I make use of you till sunrises” Ijji lightly tossed her over his shoulder and held her there with both paws to avoid the nails and bites. If he had not been wearing his thick sheep skin vest he would have been bleeding. “Bye” called Aubrey across the party room. He saw a big hand come up and heard the smack on her bottom as they entered the hall way. Her snarling screams and thumping on his broad back receded but did not stop as he strode out to the parking lot. <BR style="PAGE-BREAK-BEFORE: always" clear=all> Chapter 2 GREEN WOLVERINE
Do you know of any Amazingly interesting research articles?
Aubrey replied to imortaltoad's topic in Science News
They have worked out the shape of all the atoms He has worked out several of the problems but he put the answers in a novel and is not finished yet. Expanding Earth on Google looks good Goes together with Henne;s answers.