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Everything posted by ignrnceprevails

  1. I don't think there's anything that makes me more mad than when Bush says God Bless America. What does this mean, that God shouldn't bless other countries? It almost sounds like Bush thinks that the American people are the chosen people. Well that's ridiculous. You wouldn't hear that anywhere else but here because other leaders have the common sense not to do that.
  2. how do you guys feel about the controversial PATRIOT Act (i know thats an acronym, but im too lazy to look it up)? Doesn't this "Big Brother" type government make you nervous? hmm, looks like George Orwell was 20 years early on that one. This act makes it possible for government to virtually watch everything you do (including taking a shower or dropping a load for suspected persons, im sure) in your everday life. Can't remember how many gallons of milk you bought last week? just call up big brother himself, donald rumsfeld, and he can let you know! and with their electronic surveillance in place, who knows...maybe im getting monitored for writing this thread on this not-so-patriotic act. well i'd like to hear all of your opinions on it, and if any of you know of a specific case of this act in work...lets hear it.
  3. sounds like passion to me..i know that speech hurt him but it just made me like him more...you dont find that kind of passion in politics very often.
  4. this may be straying from the subject, but why are US operatives training an iraqi CIA? some may say this will be beneficial, but what happened to "those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it (well its something like that)?" we gave iraq weapons for the iraq-iran war, then they used them on us...so why would we once again give them this training? just a thought
  5. "He's (saddam) a threat to america and he's a threat to our friends. He's even more of a threat now that we've learned that he's anxious to have, once again, to develop a nuclear weapon. He's got connections with al Qaeda." (george bush, denver, Colorado, oct. 2002) he actually said that! with no concrete evidence, nothing! the only reason bush ever said that was to create fear in all of us Americans..and guess what, fear leads to cooperation, to patriotism! my belief is that the only reason the bush administration made a statement like this (and hes said it numerous times) is to ensure that "we the people" have his back in this unnecessary war. i know im just stating the obvious, but its gotta tick you off that he would make these outrageous allegations. rumsfeld has done it too! so tell me, whats worse, lying about "having sexual relations wtih that woman" or claiming that iraq is a serious threat to us?
  6. could someone explain to my how clinton got impeached for getting his dick sucked and impeachment was never even discussed when good ol' dubya sent thousands of troops overseas for a fabricated war on terror? it just doesn't add up.
  7. weird..george w bush is like best friends with ken lay from enron? youre right, why would bush ever want to help the rich..what was i thinking you got me, i admit it im an idiot :lame: heres a good site for you guys go here
  8. correct me if im wrong..but isnt your response to jadote's first trickle-down economy response wrong? if im not mistaken, rich people pay a smaller percent of their total income on their taxes..i believe rich only pay like 35% on their taxes...so actually, no it isnt fair...if you want to poke at jadote for not knowing his shit then you should know your's first :lame:
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