Hello, I am new to this forum. I got tired of waiting for Engineering Forum.Org to come back on line. I used to ask questions there.
In my mind, I equate a stirling cycle engine to a tripple expansion steam piston engine, as compared with a steam turbine. I think that there must be a way to have rotor(s) and stator(s) replace the multitude of parts used in a stirling piston engine. I have thought about this for several years now. I have reached the limits of my mental ability, and need help. Since no one that I know personaly is familar with the stirling cycle, I have come here.
My ideas so far; 1. I am considering an open as oposed to a closed system. This greatly simplifies construction. Since cold air is constantly being introduced, the recuperator and regenerator are not needed. The theoretical loss of efficiency does not bother me, as my primary goal is co-gen, the "lost" energy will be used anyhow. My primary question in this regard, is whether the additional force generated by the cold end in the typical (alpha, beta and gamma) engine is needed.
2. I am aware that the difference in volume between water and steam is a ratio of 1-1700 IIRC. This makes steam engines powerful, there is a lot to work with. I imagine that the rate and volume of expansion of air, given a delta T of perhaps 600 degrees F to be dramaticly less. It is possible that I could increase the delta T to 1000 F or thereabouts, max, given my present inability to work with advanced ceramics. With my present goal of 3-5 K.W. electrical generation, could a hot air turbine fit in a house, considering a firebox of at least 24" height must be incorperated beneath the turbine? How do I calculate or determine the increase in volume of air for a given temp rise?
3. I surmise that it may be necessary to compress the cold air which enters the "hot end" or expansion chamber in order to create an effective engine. Do others agree?
If compression of the cold air is required, I would like, if possible, to incorperate the compresser into the (hopefully) single rotor. I asume that the parasitic drain would be overcome by added effiency. I am completely unconcerned, at this point, with fuel effiency.
4. I am aware of the operation of centrifical pumps. They draw fluid into the center of the rotor and expel it though the outer circumference. This seems to me to be more effective than impulse or reaction style. In this case, the nozzles would be integral to the turbine. I realize that this is the oposite effect of a Tessla turbine, however,the air should be accelerating, as opposed to slowing, as in the Tessla turbine. The other possibility is a Tessla turbine, but perhaps they require greater pressure/ flow rates than could ever be acheived. I seem to recall that Tessla's turbine needs at least 35 P.S.I. to work at all.
5. It occurs to me that due to the low amount of working energy available, a wide turbine would be needed, many turbines on one rotor. I also occurs to me that a larger diameter would compensate for the weak work force. I don't have the knowledge to differentiate between the two concepts. Help in this area would be especialy benificial.
5. I feel that I am overlooking something so basic as to be embarrassing. I cannot put my finger on it, which is why I am posting here. In my mind, I cannot see the entire enterprise at once, only segments at a time.
I am not an engineer. I am a competent machinist, fully equipped to manufacture a prototype. I appreciate any and all responses. I will take offence at none, however, kindness is always appreciated.