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Everything posted by Psycho

  1. Do you have any references for any of that? I personally can't see how circumcision would effect contraction in a drastic way myself, it probably does make a difference to contraction rates in some way but I wouldn't think it would be large enough to be easily measurable. However if this is the case it could be indirectly related to circumcision.
  2. See that's the problem the drinking age is too high, if they had been drinking from younger their bodies would be more used to drinking, or knowing when to throw up.
  3. True apart from I have never heard of anyone directly dying from drink too much alcohol personally. You could easily drink 21 shots in an hour, I have done 18 in an hour an a half in the form of double vodka and coke and plenty of people can drink more than me.
  4. The post is just an extension of this topic where no evidence was shown but a distinct lack of understanding about blood groups was. It might be a good idea to actually research and understand the topic before coming up with crackpot hypothesis.
  5. That happens because the toothpaste would neutralise the acid within your stomach meaning pepsin would denature and no longer function properly therefore meaning that proteins can't be catabolised properly, it may also cause problems within the duodenum if it can't accurately account for the amount of acid creating a high pH within the intestines which won't do them any good. However in your case it does sound more like the food or at least a combination, it seems a slightly excessive reaction for the amount swallowed.
  6. Psycho


    No one drinks 95% alcohol except for a joke or because it is absolutely freezing outside. If that is true the reason he doesn't get a hangover is because it is normally the other chemicals that give you a hangover not the actual alcohol, the only way he would get a hangover is through major dehydration and he probably still wouldn't even fill sick, just have a massive headache.
  7. Psycho


    Don't know what EC is but if I take the assumption that it is 40%, that is like 3.33 pints (strongbow 5.3%) in an hours and a half with a glass of water, that isn't very much. It works out at 2.2 pints an hours with water.
  8. The increase in height is due to better nutrition it is nothing to do with genetics it is happening way too fast for one thing. I can't really see why intelligence would be a selection pressure, I wouldn't say having a high IQ means you have more offspring. Resistance to pandemic infection maybe to an extent but it hasn't really occur within recent human history due to the creation of new pharmaceutical and I would think this would be the case if one ever did occur. To an extent I see your point but I would say it is far from the case in the UK that the majority of people live in overcrowded areas or in poverty. Even so what alleles would cause fertility in those circumstances?
  9. Psycho


    It will also raise your heart rate, hence your blood pressure so presuming you drink more water than diuretic effect causes to be released that should help as well. That isn't really drinking if you are having water in between, of course you won't get a hangover as you won't really be drunk.
  10. Hence I specifically specified the first world.
  11. It was above aeroplane activity and the tests are only done after a certain period without volcanic activity (can't remember the exact amount) plus thermals don't go up high enough to account for it.
  12. There is small amount of evidence for panspermia, experiments have been done using balloons with sterile equipment to take samples of the air high in the atmosphere and organisms have been detected and there is no current known way for them to get up to that altitude by natural causes.
  13. Throughout history many different selection pressures have changed organisms to be better adapted to their current environment, these have lead to different alleles being removed from the gene pool and other becoming far more prevalent within it. In the past many of these selection pressures were created by nature or the predator/prey relationship with the most successful organisms passing on their alleles and others perishing into history, due to the lack of competitiveness compare to other organisms. However, in modern day human society things are far different with the environment being controlled through buildings and electricity and food supply being constant. Also the idea of leader of the pack being pushed to one side for a more open society where the ideal would be there is a slice for everyone. This will move the selection pressures away from what could be thought to be the classic pressures that are found within the animal kingdom to a more select few. Of course the aspect of genetic embryonic engineering also plays a part but I would rather leave that to one side for this topic as for all intents and purposes we are meddling with a select few parts of a system as we don't really know what the out come will be if we did make more radical changes to try and make "better" offspring. So my question to you is, what in your opinion do you think the strongest selection pressures are within the first world and how significant, if at all do you think selection pressures are in current human society? Is diversity just going to increase due to interracial and continental partnership or are some alleles going to lose out in the long run.
  14. RNA interference is one of the key ideas thought to be behind stopping transposition due to transposition being able to cause lethal insertion mutations. Mutation in terms of an individual organism is a very bad thing as normally mutations will end with a "worse" phenotype for the current environment, it is rare for a positive mutation to occur as many of the enzymes are close to their optimal activity. In any case placing a transposon in definitely won't help the most likely chance of a positive mutation is a single point mutation with a similar amino acid such as a phenylalanine for a tyrosine. Transposon silencing Gene duplication is thought to happen for many reasons, some of course just by accident but this copy is usually suppressed and therefore has the chance of being able to mutate freely without selection pressures into different types of enzymes, this is thought to be a way that enzyme families evolved. Other reason why it occurs is so protein expression can be faster and in higher quantities due to multiple transcription sites being able to produce mRNA faster. The idea that gene duplications that stop anti-tumour chemicals is a logical assertion as the main selection pressure on the tumour cell is the chemical.
  15. Indeed, they do cause nearly random mutation within organisms and they are used for this function in gene mapping as well as finding out the function of genes by studying the phenotype of organisms with transposon insertion mutations. However most organisms have methods of removing transposons or stopping transposition as to stop it occurring within essential genes this is also thought to be one of the reasons why multiple gene copies of certain proteins occur to help stop this process effecting the phenotype.
  16. I see, I have never really seen any adverts for it in the UK and therefore presumed you were talking about people who chose it for some life style choice. If the case they are advertising against proper medicine saying or even given the implication that they work better or have a large effect on the quality of life then regulations should really be brought into place and I would guess this is true in the UK as I personally have never seen an advert for any homoeopathic remedies however I maybe wrong. Yes but that is only if they can purify it and work out the chemical causing the property they want and someone has bothered to do that in the first place, I think there is value in herbal medicine as it bring ideas to the table most which work but treat symptoms rather than the underlying cause.
  17. It is really a personal choice, the first 2 would have more economics in them and are more lab based with a lot about molecular biology and genetics and how chemicals and proteins can be made to be overly expressed using genetically engineered organisms. Also common techniques within molecular biology could be talked about such as PCR's use of thermophilic polymerases and the use of GFP. The third could have some interesting examples of different chemicals that have been extracted from rainforest plants as well as being able to integrate unique organism that can be found there, as well as environmental science aspect. The forth has a lot of easily available information and contrasting views that could be compared to each other as well as lots of available data that could be analysed, but you can also talk about how the data set is incomplete and some bits maybe inaccurate.
  18. Indeed, I can't really see the point in it but the placebo effect is a better effect than none at all and if you have got to that point is a disease or it makes you feel better in life who is to blame them, it more solves the symptoms of a problem then the underlying cause.
  19. It might work, depends what pH the is optimum for the enzyme and what the specific activity is, which I doubt is very high at all, not to mention the enzymes would just get hydrolyse by pepsin but if they are in a large excess it might have a small effect. Ironically is they are supposed to be acidophilic enzymes and you have low stomach acid then surely they wouldn't be in the optimal pH range anyway.
  20. The double helix is a strong one for genetics.
  21. I'm sure many genes that were advantageous to muscle growth and stamina have been breed out of the gene pool many years ago, that doesn't mean that if you do no exercise you will be able to gain tonnes of muscle as it has only been the last 50 years this trend has occurred within modern society. Other than very recent history food supply has been limited or certain aspects of it have so genes that decrease energy usage so it can stored as fat.
  22. No as cancer cells don't do there required function. You could have a large mass of tumour cells but they would have to be in areas where they don't have a lethal action towards the organism.
  23. To be fair if you didn't want the line you can just edit it, so I think it is good.
  24. Original thought as a definition is far from the idea that it has never been thought of before. All it means is that someone has taken ideas or theories that already exist, while maybe adding stuff of there own and come out with a new idea or invention. The only limiting factor is the data and evidence available as you can't make accurate predictions if the data is incomplete or wrong in some way. Hence the strive in science to know as much as possible about everything so someone can fit the pieces together and make something great, or think of something great that can be added to the data collection hopefully unifying it.
  25. Psycho


    I can't say the exact process that it would cause a raise in blood pressure though it would raise your heart rate, which will obviously cause it a raise in blood pressure but I would guess that it most likely constricts the blood vessels around the body allowing the stomach to contract with enough force to cause you to vomit.
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