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vestigal body parts returning.
Psycho replied to ttyo888's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
Indeed, in the cases you have stated most are for warmth as the climate naturally chained or cause it heated back up again. -
Most amino acids have it as it is a NH4+ is positive and therefore ionic interactions can occur however these do little to stabilise proteins as there is a high dielectric constant, however they are used in cases such as binding signal sequences to receptors so they can be endocytosed into the endoplasmic reticulum, primarily cause they are positive. To find out where it comes from look up the nitrogen cycle in google, that will tell you, most of it is fixed from N2 in the air to NO2- by bacteria, this can be for there own use or in the case of marren grass they are stored in legumes in the roots and it means that it can grow in inhospitable environments such as sand dunes and therefore show primary succession.
Pretty cool really, can't see it being very useful in any games other than ones on the wii where you can stand up and move while you play, also I think you would need a pretty big screen for it to work well. Some game developers should put it in though as you could make some really cool stuff.
I don't quite see how this would work anyway, the paintball gun won't shoot it unless it is perfect size and then it isn't spherical anyway, just sounds like a good way to damage a paintball gun
It would never work, for one you have to prove they are not working on it and then secondly, if they can afford to buy up these patents they aren't going to be bothered with putting a 2 people in an office too "work" on it. I don't agree they should be allowed to do this but that isn't going to solve anything, one way as other people have mentioned is to have other people be allowed to produce the product and pay royalties but of cause you would have to cap the percentage that the royalty would be. In some cases people patent technology so other companies can't use it while they can giving them a competitive advantage and that should be allowed, therefore that wouldn't work either as it would reduce innovation cause once one company has put a lot of money into research another could just take it and pay royalties which may never be enough to recuperate the developers costs.
Yay, lets be the media and take specific examples and not look at general trends cause that is the definition of climate. I would like to see this so called data mainly cause it is probably wrong or just an anomaly in a trend. The Antarctic ice is thickening cause we screwed up the ozone layer with CFCs that cause an ozone hole and therefore heat to be lost faster into space rather than the earth in that area being insulated by the atmosphere. I also love there plunging temperature in central Britain, I live smack bang in the middle of Britain, woo -10 it used to get a lot colder that is the coldest it has been all year, it has only snowed her twice this year and it was gone after a day.
The monkey hits her in the face with the fire extinguisher for not understanding smoking is killing her? To be honest if she want to get a bird to stop smoking she clearly doesn't want to stop smoking, not to mention you can just go outside to smoke or smoke when your out. It is a ridiculous idea.
The average bacteria is about 2x1x1 micrometers where as the average animal cell is about 20 micrometers in diameter. So they are that much bigger.
When you copy something you should really put it in quotation tags citing the source. The source The source of the original post Copying and pasting information doesn't make you clever or give you an understanding of science, applying knowledge to answer others and ones own questions however does. An interesting question however would be whether or not a non-polar molecule would be absorbed straight through it, I think that would make a basic experiment to help kids understand the concept of hydrophilic and hydrophobic molecules.
The ratio of GC to AT base pairing, an increase in GC base pairs means there are more hydrogen bonds (3 instead of 2 in between A and T) and that will increase the melting point. Also if DNA is free in a solution the dielectric constant of the solvent will effect the strength of the charges and therefore its melting temperature.
They are going to be having sex anyway, I think the problem with this is they shouldn't have to give them out in the first place, this just shows there is a problem they should be informing people of the issues that can occur from having unprotected sex such as STI's and preventing the spread of them. They are going to have sex anyway, I don't think they should be giving out the pill and they shouldn't be giving out the pill as they shouldn't be getting pregnant.
Isn't half that information completely irrelevant, it is just weight of the car divided by the number of people lifting it. Unless you want the energy they have to exert, which would be something completely different.
It is normally a charge difference across a membrane with more of one type of ion on one side than the other, for instance in neurons they have proteins on the axons that pump Na+ out and K+ in in a 3:2 ratio this causes a electrochemical potential to form which is then used to pass the action potential. In the case of oxidative phosphorylation the electrons from NADH and FADH2 are passed along a serious of electron acceptors which are proteins and coenzymes this causes a negative potential for a time on the molecules causing H+ ions to be translocated across the mitochondrial membrane into the matrix, this means there is an increase on the inside of the mitochondria of 0.14mV these H+ then flow down the electrochemical gradient causing ATPase to spin and release ATP. It isn't electricity in the same way electrons flow down a wire, but it is similar.
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Indeed true, but if you are trying to find evidence that generally fits one theory you are not going to abandon it, or if there is an idea such as this that has no main stream counter theory then one could argue that no one has even looked at the vast amount of evidence that may or may not exist to support it, you can only back a theory with evidence if someone has thought of the theory in the first place. I agree with you on the fact that we should just believe it with no evidence but if no one has looked to see if the current evidence fits and there is no counter theory I fail to see a reason why people shouldn't believe it, or take notice of the theories progress until the evidence is in.
Well as anyone who isn't living in a hole will know there has been a format war going on recently, HD-DVD and PS3 With different companies supporting each such as Toshiba, Microsoft and Universal who were advocates of HD-DVD, whereas Fox, Sony and Disney were Blu-ray supporters. But it looks like it is going Blu-rays way, this is due to many of the big companies choosing this formats side, including just recently Netflix and Best Buy who will only be stocking Blu-ray discs in the future. Even more importantly Toshiba one of the bigger supporters of HD-DVD from the beginning have also left the format presumable to go over to Blu-Ray to maximise their sales. This therefore means the war is pretty much over and if you are thinking about buying a console not only to play games but also to play films amongst other things that will inevitable come out on Blu-ray, the best thing to do would be to buy a PS3, which even now is one of the best Blu-ray players out there with the ability to do more with the Blu-ray format and its different codecs than other dedicated Blu-ray player; that is completely ignoring the point it can play PS3 games as well. Now most might think this is good news for Blu-ray but that may not be so. However, it will be good news for Sony who supply one of the best Blu-ray players. These new events will attract anyone who wants the console for not only games but other applications. The reason the news maybe more dire for Blu-ray in the short term is due to the fact they will now loose a lot of free advertising, the two formats were getting a lot of coverage due to their status with companies making pinnacle decisions between the two, critics comparing them to inform the consumer of their pros and cons, but even then people still really weren't going out and buying them in big numbers, most opting for up-scaling DVD players which makes use of your HDTV with your original DVD collection which is the cheaper option. This will therefore mean that until people feel it necessary to go out and buy a Blu-ray player, such as when some films aren't put on DVD or they can afford an HDTV, they may not choose too. This will cause a reduction in sales and the consumer may even forget about the format completely until that point comes around. It may have been different if HD-DVD had won due to the fact you could still play DVDs on the player, and this is what really needs to be integrated into the Blu-ray player drive, or even a combo between VCR, DVD and Blu-ray. Now comes the question is it the best format, in most peoples eyes each had their own niches with HD-DVD drives working with DVDs making them more versatile as you would only need one drive in both computers and dedicated players for both formats. However if you think to the future when DVDs start to disappear like with videos then Blu-ray wins due to the fact it has larger storage capacities (Dual layered - 50GB) and faster read/write speeds of 216Mbit/sec (27MB/s), whereas HD-DVD could only hold 30GB on a dual layered disc and its read/write speed was only 72Mbit/s (9MB/s). What comes for the future can only be speculated, maybe the price of Blu-ray won't reduce as fast due to less competition between formats, maybe it will reduce faster due to intra-competition between companies in the same market all changing their resources to make Blu-ray players increasing supply, of course which ever of these happens technology advancements within complementary products for the Blu-ray disc will evolve fast and better, due to the inevitable increase in sales. But for now it is time to say goodbye to the past and look to the future of digital storage technology, Blu-ray.
1 and 2 Unknown. Someone must have the number of known species, but that is far from the actual amount. 3. Bacteria, however that is such a vast category of organisms it is rather a useless statement.
I don't really see the point in this thread, how can you look for evolution when you are defining millions of species as "microbes", you just seem to be talking about how you love microbes with no relevance to anything. I mean your first post is just a statement that looks like it has been taken from a text book, it doesn't have any questions or really anything to even talk about, it doesn't even mention evolution, you are just stating stuff that is true. Who tries to explain how life started from human beings? All it is is a series of reactions that happened to create more stable structures because the right conditions occurred, for all intensive purposes it is just a series of chemical reactions that is what life is. If you want to understand biology become a chemist, if you want to understand chemistry become a physicist and if you want to understand physics become a mathematician, cause that is what it call comes down too. Astounding, I think anyone who has studied evolution or biology and even just general science could have told you that. So you are defining all organisms into 1 or 2 groups, you do realise that most phylogenetic trees would class Eukarya such as Giardia as closers to the universal ancestor than say Proteobacteria. Reduces it in what way, most of the biochemical pathways were discovered using bacteria, then there is drug creation from them, not even mentioning there numerous uses to industry such as the creation of Xanthan gum.
Presuming they are pure you can weigh a test tube, then pipette a known quantity of the sugar solution into it, evaporate the water and then measure the mass change in the test tube and then divide the result by the molecular weigh of the sugar to find the moles. Then you would know how many moles are in that known amount of solution and you can then work out how many moles are in a litre to find the molarity of a sugar. There is a lot of experimental error in that procedure but my college didn't have a great deal of equipment and if yours is like mine then it is a simple method of getting a reasonably accurate result.
I really can't see that been around any time soon. That is kind of a serious point, as in so far they haven't even got close and to be honest then you have to get it to work all the time, this seems like one of those things that never will or would be extremely expensive as many replicates would have to be made to get one with a full chromosome complement with no genetic abnormalities, that is beside the ethical issue. But I am sure they will get around to it, even if it is never used the research will help greatly somewhere along the line.
They from the wild bore and other sources, wild bores still live in the wild now. It is an example of genetic modification by cross breeding certain individuals with the favoured alleles to gain "better" progeny.
Unlike YT2095 I am definitely a Night person (Owl), I will quite happily stay up till 2am, but I won't want to get out of bed until about 11am at the earliest unless I have too for work or university. You just have to adapt your work and things around the time you are up. As YT2095, children and teenagers are recommended to get 9 hours sleep, where as adults are recommended 8, but to be honest sleep when your tired and get up when you can't sleep anymore and you will be fine.
Couldn't it turn to H2SO4 + CuO + 1/2 O2
1) You have to think about what a bigger cell has does it surface area to volume ratio get larger or smaller. Then what effects might this have on the cell, such as not having as much area compare to volume on a membrane, you will have to look up why that is important. And is something is larger will the same amount of molecules make the same concentration of molecules and what effect will this have? 2) If something is concealed behind a membrane (working as a barrier) this means whatever is inside the that membrane is independent of the exterior (to an extent) so what does that mean you can achieve by having organelles inside of a cell? 3) You need to look up what those two organelles do and then look at what the stomach does as an organ and then work out why doing that would need more of those organelles.