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Everything posted by Psycho

  1. Yes there is massive data bases of all the known genetic sequences and protein sequences throughout all the organisms that can be studied you can just put in the protein sequences of gene sequences and it will come up with results that are similar to it giving a number to represent the similarity, this is one of the first things that is done when a gene sequences is isolated to see if it is similar to any known sequences as it will give a probably insight into what it does or which family of proteins it comes from. One of these is called BLAST
  2. Well done, as I clearly stated twice that the countries Near europe are mainly desert apart from by the sea and on river deltas as your satellite image shows.
  3. It really is, move inland about 20 miles from the sea unless you are on a river delta and african country near Europe just has desert. Why, no one lives there, plus it is extremely cold and hard to get the energy to where anyone does live. No. That is an even worse suggestion than the Himalayas. Why will you have to change the power lines, energy from solar or wind is exactly the same thing as if it came from a carbon source. I can see this easily being untrue, and considering you have never heard of Chernobyl, I would like a source.
  4. You forgot the exercise wheel and straw bedding.
  5. Chemotaxis in bacteria is random, they move in tumbles and runs sensing whether the concentration of the chemical has got lower or higher and then they randomly rotate and do the same process slowly getting to there desired destination, but the direction they go in when they rotate is entirely random. The runs are just longer when they sense the concentration of the substances is changing to their advantage whether it be moving away from a toxin or towards nutrients. Mutations that create resistance to antibiotics that change the same of the rRNA molecules blocking the binding site, that is evolution at a molecular scale due to in some cases single amino acids changes and therefore single triplet code changes within the DNA.
  6. Not if they don't understand them, the only reason they are prestigious in the first place is because normally people come in the contact with them and can't do it themselves, but still need it done. It isn't like a builder, everyone could build a house, it would be a bit crap but it would work, very different from trying to cure a disease where most people wouldn't know where to start in isolating it or identifying it.
  7. Where do you think people used to get there food from, they didn't have walmart in the 14th century.
  8. Indeed, you would just end up diabetic with coronary heart disease, massive artheromas, an inevitable stroke or myocardial infarction. Not to mention the less severe digestion problems that would most likely occur, such as constipation and build up of excess material in your large intestine.
  9. What is better nausea, vomiting and nightmares for a few days or being in hospital and having a higher chance of death.
  10. That is true to an extent but I think you may have slightly missed the point of why it is a big leap. This idea is based on theory of protein families which have all derived from one original protein structure which got duplicated and then one of the copies was made redundant as it was no longer necessary, however it wasn't deleted and instead had the free reign to mutate without having a phenotypic effect on the organism, this means a faster rate of mutation can occur. So originally the gene is the same but it can change to whatever it wants whether good bad or neutral without effecting the organism. This can also occur in a similar way but the duplication creates a dimer or tetramers which are thought to be cases in examples such as haemoglobin.
  11. I was counting a stage as a further point towards which helped towards a larger step, you could only really tell what this was in hindsight though and each characteristic would have its own unique evolutionary branch at some point, however the characteristics acquired would further cause other phenotypes to develop because of them. So it would be one crazy chart.
  12. Well you could just as easily class each generation with a change as a stage. It is just need far more detail in the structures of the organisms than we have or most likely will ever have, apart from in the case of the present stage.
  13. It wouldn't be possible to do without some kind of fingerprint scanner, however one that just shocks everyone using static or a small battery must of been made as it would be hilarious.
  14. That works either by having a push to make switch on the end of it in épée or foil, or in sabre you have to wear metal clothing that is attached to the scoring system it is hardly a good method of doing it.
  15. He has been told that about a million times and just doesn't listen, I thought he might have meant at what point is it saturated so none more will dissolve, if that is one of those answers.
  16. I thought the whole point of the speed of light was it was a universal constant.
  17. Indeed you would need smoke and with that set up you wouldn't see it moving you would see the end of the laser before it hits the solid surface as you would only have one frame, one way you would be able to do it is to do it over a massive area with a fast extremely high resolution camera and you would get it moving in 3 pictures with the light moving 1000 feet per picture. But even this would really work as for it to be visible in smoke or something similar it wouldn't go that far.
  18. They are all properties of water, however B depends on the altitude/pressure.
  19. Indeed, i',m guessing all these people who magically grew after being on some height scheme for 5 years were aged between 15-20 and were going to grow anyway but so lacked in self esteem they thought they would waste there time trying to speed up the process.
  20. You just seem paranoid, water is chlorinated to stop bacteria growing in it in the first place and to be honest they aren't going to do you any harm, unless you are selling the water bottles or it is for a business such as a restaurant, I can't really see what the problem is as unless you have left the water for a few days if not weeks nothing is going to have grown in it to any significant level. Phenylalanine, is an essential amino acid that the body naturally requires, it would be in the original drink rather than the plastic.
  21. It would be a problem for everyone who doesn't want it or need it and it isn't the fat that is so detrimental to your health it is the other physiological levels that cause the problems such as the build up of arthromas as well as general lack of exercise and other factors.
  22. I accept your challenge and raise you Cluedo! As you say particles can't travel at the speed of light, but what theoretical speed could a probe in space get to without disintegrating?
  23. Indeed, does seem like it would be most effective to create a good solution to the nuclear waste problem then you can just use that until it runs out. I never got why African countries close to Europe haven't fill there useless desert areas with solar panels and then sold the power back to Europe or used it themselves.
  24. Yes we can, but the fiftieth closest galaxy is about 5 million light years, and considering the fastest a man made probe has gone is 70,000 m/s and C is 3,000,000 m/s even at that speed twice that speed it would still take 107 million years and even scientists don't have that longer attention span.
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