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Everything posted by Deckard
my father is currently looking up the correct "term" for it but for now we just call it neutral field "for now" till we find the exact meaning
they can be ordinary magnets either way there is a neutral field
well my father knows there is a field between 2 opposing electromagnets which is the barrier which keeps the 2 electromagnets from getting any closer to eachother there is a barrier between the 2 which is blocking them from touching completely which i know it must exist i will get some example's for you when i find the write ones
all i really wanted to know is how to measure the neutral field between 2 electromagnets and find out the exact frequancy it resonates at
sorry if i offended u yt2095 i had no intention of that, and there is no need to be calling me a chump.....
i'll just be quite untill my father returns lol *scratches head*
if u payed a lil more attention i said magnets but lets say electro magnets too
but really i would just like to know how to measure the neutral field and get the exact frequancy it resonates at.
i'll be explaining how that will be done when my father returns from work tommorow
ok untill tommorow here is a teaser (sorry cant help myself) think about this using a crystal that resonates at the same frequancy that the neutral field resonates at to amplify that neutral field and create a "neutral magnetic field" *start ur thinking"
ok, i cant wait till tommorow so me and my father can get this down properly i'me sure it will give your noodels something to think about
well the tree in the forest is just stupid becuase if that is correct then the universe outside our solar system only came into existence when we started using telescopes to look out and the stars only exist becuase we look at them and when u think about it, the real experiment was about light, without light there is no object to reflect the light therefore the object doesnt exist if u cant see it type stuff, if i am wrong please correct me becuase without light nothing would exist as you cant see it? i say that schrowhoever was just interested in gambling on the results of his tests or he didnt like his cat/cats eitherway its pure stupidity to think this its just like saying "if i close my eyes you dont exist" but if i were to punch you when your eyes are closed and there are no witnesses you dam well feel the punch.
hehe i aint stressing and i dont need to chill i am cool as a cucumber (are they cool? lol)
i am finding it harder and harder to ask questions about this subject without giving away my fathers invention so i will wait untill my father returns from work so we can get a proper explanation and question together for you guys
here is a hint "magnetic fields"
what i ment to say was as they turn from negative to positive or vice versa they have to become neutral before this
i am finding it xtremely difficult to explain but when my father gets home from work tommorow we'll get a more details question/answer for you guys if u dont understand or i make no sense but if u research the fact nobody has ever thought this up NOBODY only my father
put it this way when electrons pass thru an amplifyer (lets say a crystal) *e.g transister radio* when the electrons pass thru it they change from positive to negative or vice versa i am not sure , but as they pass threw they become neutral.
believe me there is a neutral field allthough its quite small (tiny infact) my father invented a way to manipulate the field but he doesnt have the funding nor the tools to research it
ok let me clear the air a bit as i do know that my first post was badly writin (thanks to my dad) ok so here i go: in the production of electricity there are 2 fields, the negative field and the positive field, but between the 2 fields is the neutral field what i want to know is how would i go about getting the EXACT measurements of that neutral field's frequency (what hz/mhz it resonates at) (excuse my bad spelling in some area's cant be helped) and if there is a device i can use to measure this field.
dear zeo, as you should know there is no such thing as time, we call it time but what it realy is, is a measurment of events, if you go in a streight line almost forever you'll come back to where you started proving that time and space is curved. which has alot to do with gravity, as you know if you were to look at the solar system and look at it from a point of view from gravity fields you'll see its not a flat plane its a wave filled with little holes and the planets sit in these little holes which are held there bye gravity which your local star. but this is the basic law of the universe, einstien had a special theory of relativity where you could hook onto these fields and use it to power you across the universe. quite a concept ay?
there is no wheels no moving parts NOTHING it does use energy but nothing to do with any types of fuels. you dont get nothing for nothing you have to do something to get something, thats how the universe works and its a fact of life. and my fathers being playing with this for 40 years and i have picked up the guantlett that lies ahead.
if what i believe is true, this will be the biggest revolution in the world for transportation from the common interestate to international travels to interplanetary travels and further more the stars, and it will be finally a miracle to end the terrible curse of fossil fuels... in the entire world