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Everything posted by Incendia

  1. Changes I would make [if I knew how] ...I would add this: http://www.invisionm...ick-topic-v101/ ...I would fix the people in chat counter so it wasn't stuck on 14.
  2. Incendia

    An Idea

    @Janus: Not necessarily... @lumur: Glad you find it interesting... @Mr Skeptic: Any moving parts of the clock would run slower as they would have to move through more space...The non-moving things and the moving things would both slow down because of the increased amount of time. I only came up with that note because I was trying to figure out what having more space inside the same distance would mean. I'm still not entirely sure. I'm not sure about other particles. By that point I didn't mean it was an actual medium. It just had similar effects. I used the word medium to describe it because no other word fits. It does not refract because as far as I know matter cannot refract. I can write equations. Neither can I understand most of them. I'm thinking of a way to explain that last note in words other people can understand without getting the wrong idea. Wait for the sketch-up models...they may explain a few things...I've got an idea of how it would work... EDIT: I haven't finished the models yet., [Harder than I though actually] but I did think of a way to [attempt] explain how the space-time curves. Instead of thinking of the space-time distortions as an indentation of an elastic sheet, [How GRT is often explained.] think of space-time as an fluid. Now take a cubed section of it out and draw those imaginary wire mesh lines on it so you have a cube of space-time made of of lots of imaginary mini cubes. [Hopefully you understand that...] Now imagine that a planet is in the middle of that cube but imagine that the gravity of the planet effects the fluid. As space-time is not made up of particles this means that it fills in all the tiny spaces inside the planet and the spaces inside atoms etc. This and gravity stop the fluid from being completely displaced by the planet. The planet displaces the fluid but gravity keeps it in place. The displacement causes space-time ripples. As the imaginary lines are fix to their little bit of space-time they are curved as we know ripples are [usually] circular. It would be easy to show you in a diagram even a 2d one. By the way the gravity holds these ripples in place and the ripples get weaker further from the source so space-time curves less there and far enough away the imaginary lines are still straight. Hope this helped you understand. PS. The ripples are imaginary...Space-time is not a fluid... the ripples are spherical. If you can imagine that...I can...If you can't just take one slice of the space time cube for now. The diagrams might help me explain all this better... Note(s): - Since space-time fills the gaps between atoms and particles wouldn't that mean that objects could trap space time within themselves and carry it around because the gravity of the object would hold the space-time within not allowing any to escape...I have forgotten what I was thinking whilst I was writing this note...Though perhaps it means that time moves slower inside objects?
  3. Wrong place...this doesn't belong here...
  4. Incendia

    An Idea

    From what I have read, I understand that general relativity is a generalisation of Newton's law of universal gravitation and special relativity and a geometrical theory of space-time...in other words I don't think it says why space-time curves around things with gravity...this does... I'm pretty sure this idea could be merged with GRT with a bit of thought from someone who understands GRT... Note(s): -Would the fact there is more time mean things appear to more slowly anyway as there is more space to travel through in the space distance? Or am I thinking nonsense? If it isn't nonsense then this could help idea Version A. This more space it would have to travel through could be why gravity has more of a chance to pull on object 1. It could also have implications for version B. -How does GRT say space-time curves...surely it would have to be a strange type of curve to allow planets to orbit in the northern hemisphere of the star? -If photons can change direction travelling through denser mediums perhaps particles with gravity changing direct when the travel through 'denser' space-time isn't so absurd. -I need to make some diagrams...would help me think...could also help convince people to help...I'll use google sketch-up because 2d diagrams wouldn't work as well... -In my notebook I said something about matter/things with mass sort of 'displace' space-time causing space time curvature. I know what I mean but I can't find the words to explain it...it isn't the mass or matter 'displacing' space-time though...
  5. I saw your 'Enough Taxes' thread...I had a similar idea/same idea...[it's in my signature.]

  6. Incendia

    An Idea

    It does but it isn't...it just reaches a few of the same conclusions. [space-time is curved/warped around things with gravity, time slows down near high gravity...there might be more...i'm just not sure...hey that rhymed...] I was hoping it could be developed into a theory somehow... Off-topic: What do you think of the ideas in my signature? [1-3] I'm not sure if they're genius or nonsense...
  7. Incendia

    An Idea

    I knew this idea was nonsense...[sorry for posting twice if that isn't allowed here...]
  8. I have a media studies assignment set for homework due Monday that has to be within a 500 word limit. I am at exactly 900 words but may have to write more...Can you help me. This is actually not necessarily for media studies assignments...Many other subjects [including science] have written assignments with word counts. [below post ways you can lower how much you have typed/ how to stick to a specific word count.]
  9. Thanks...I guess it doesn't necessarily have to be about media studies...could be useful for science essays if they are set with a word limit...

  10. So it depends on where your looking from? I'm only just starting my first GCSEs, I doubt I should know this or have to know this...I am merely interested so excuse me for not really understanding that well... So is this right: [The bracketed may not be necessary...point out if it is: The amount of] space-time is relative to where you are looking from and the energy density of where you are looking from. Gravity bends space-time causing light to appear curved by the light is travelling in straight lines relative to space-time.
  11. Hello...Your a moderator so you seem the correct person to ask: Is the homework section purely for science related homework or can it include all of it in general? I am asking because I have a media studies assignment draft to write in a max 20% over a 500 word limit. I am at at least 800 words and need help...

  12. So the final answer is: Space-time is relative to an area and the energy density of that area. Gravity bends space-time and appears to bend light but light in fact travels in straight lines relative to space-time. Is that all? Yes. Good. A moderator can lock this or this thread can be left alone or can be stickied/pinned as a reference to other who want to learn what it is.
  13. I don't know about the wide open eyes...[seems odd to me...] but those eye movement <disturbances> are natural. It's called Rapid Eye Movement <REM> and is the stage of sleep where you dream. [You don't dream through the entire process of sleep like some believe.]
  14. Make sure each time you repeat the experiment you use the same amount of soap and the same type of soap. Also the type and amount of soap can influence the results significantly.
  15. Sorry to tell you but... Someone beat you to the idea ages ago: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyonic_antitelephone http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/T/tachyon.html In 1917 to be exact...
  16. Incendia

    An Idea

    I think this is the correct place to post this... I had an idea... Although it could be someone elses and I didn't know or forgot... Perhaps gravity [and perhaps other forces] act on space-time. This would cause the space-time to 'crumple' around high gravity objects which would mean time gets progressively slower the closer you are to those high gravity objects. [so space-time has 'higher density' near things with gravity.] The slower time is because more time has to pass. Now there are two more 'side ideas': 1. Gravity [and other forces] may be free from the effects of time. This would mean as an object passing a high(er) gravity object would move slower because of the slower time but gravity still pulls at the same speed causing object 1 to move closer, causing a curved path. I have no equations and can't make any and don't have exact values etc. but if it is wrong it will show up in the numbers... 2. Light refracts when it hits a different higher density medium to the one it was travelling through. Space-time could act like a medium for matter [and energy?] causing it to change direct. As space-time doesn't get suddenly 'denser' and only progressively increases in 'density' object 1 would progressively change direction as it passed object 2. ...I am not a scientist or anything and Physics isn't really my favourite... [Also] Orbits are still possible with this. Some glass spheres can trap light inside itself causing it to constantly reflect off the insides of the glass in a circular paths around the sphere...Though there is the problem that planets orbits are oval shaped and not circular. ...I would prefer people posting here to attempt to strengthen this idea into a good theory rather than decimating it....
  17. http://dft.ba/-theelements -a song listing the elements of the periodic table.
    1. jerryyu


      interesting song...good for first year chemistry students

  18. I was happy with swansont's yes...
  19. So space-time is relative to where you are and the energy density of that place?
  20. Yes I understand the curvature of space-time part, But that isn't all of it is it? ydoaPs posted that space-time was relative to your frame of reference and depended on the energy density of that frame of reference...What does he mean by frame of reference?
  21. What do you mean by frame of reference...
  22. Thank-you...Now i'm pretty sure my thought is not general relativity...but if your explanation is true then where did that diagram come from? There doesn't seem to be a connection... Also where did people get: Time slows down near high gravity: from it? Either I don't understand or your not correct or...
  23. I found a song about quarks! http://dft.ba/quarks

  24. I have recently has a thought but it might just be a highly simplified version of general relativity...Please explain GR to me without equations in the simplest way possible. A basic summary for it. And don't use this diagram: It makes no sense. Reasons why this diagram is misleading: 1. For it to make an indentation there would have to be something like gravity pulling the sphere down. There isn't as that would mean the entire universe would keep moving down until it hit whatever is the source. An effect like this would surely be visible or traceable in the movement of the stars and planets. 2. The sheet is space-time if I understand correctly. If distortions like that in space-time happen then it would mean the universe would have to be flat and level. This is clearly not the case. Why would it have to be level? In order to reach stars higher up then others space-time would have to curve for no apparent reason to reach them. 3. People and objects on the top part of the sphere would be free of time and space. Space-time is 4 or more dimensional so this makes no sense. [How has no one noticed or spoke out about these problems in the diagram before?] There may be more problems I haven't found but I know that this diagram is a wrong way to look at the universe and at space-time. So...Thank-you for reading and thank-you again if you explain general relativity to me in a way that makes sense.
  25. Hello [probable] humans! I'm Procurator Incendia...Well actually that's not my real name it's just an alias but i'm not going to tell you my real name...You probably should know that already though...it's says it on the right of the post... I don't believe in dark matter/energy...it's all lies...it's just a new kind of ether...a mathematical convenience. Even if dark matter exists I doubt there.s as much of it as current graphs say there is...our telescopes can barely find extrasolar planets. Who is to say that it isn't just all un-discovered planets, stars, blackholes etc. Another thing I have to say is that maps of universe are highly mis-leading. What we see in space takes years [centuries, millennia or longer] to reach us. All those planets, stars, nebulas and supernovas that we can see are in different locations to the ones we can see. The nebula may have already become stars and the supernovas happened ages ago. In order to make accurate ones we would need to know where the things in space actually are by using loads of difficult equations taking into account all the gravitational disturbances, the motion of all those things etc.
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