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Everything posted by Incendia

  1. The universe would has collapsed in on itself...which It already has if you believe the Big Bounce Theory; in which the universe expanded, collapsed back into a singularity, and then expanded again, but expanded more successfully the second time.
  2. You are wrong...I already posted the actual definition. Your personal definition is irrelevant, only the official definition is correct as the official definition is what tells us what would mean - giving the words in our language meaning.
  3. A hollow sphere has no edges and it's centre is absent; However it has a face. This means it can have a middle. I can prove it too. You yourself said that a doughnut has a centre. A cross section of a hollow sphere is a ring...which is the shape of a doughnut. ...and I already showed you what the middle of a ring/doughnut would be in a diagram. Unless you can prove the universe has no face, you can't say it lacks a middle. ...you also said that a doughnut has a centre so as long as the universe has a face it has both a middle and centre. (I was simplifying my definition of a middle. It doesn't have to be equidistant from an edge or centre. Could be the part equidistant from the two parts of the face furthest from each other.)
  4. Wisdom "The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement; the quality of being wise." - The Oxford Dictionary. Other definitions from the princeton's online dictionary: accumulated knowledge or erudition or enlightenment the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight the quality of being prudent and sensible Wisdom has a definition. What you define wisdom as is irrelevant unless you can convince the rest of the people who speak your language (in this case every English speaking person) that your definition is the correct definition, or one of the correct definitions.
  5. The centre is irrelevant. The OP was talking about the middle of the universe. The centre is something equally far away from the edge of something. The middle is something equally distance from the centre and edge. Please refer to my post about how a donut universe would still have a middle, but no centre.
  6. I don't think you understand...Higgs has nothing to do with this. The only thing higgs does is give particles mass. The universe has never expanded faster than light. Nothing can go faster than the speed of light because of E=MC^2. Anything going faster than the speed of light would be consuming infinite energy (which is impossible because there isn't infinite energy). (This is only true if you don't believe in tachyons...but tachyons aren't mainstream science as far as I know.) ...I'm not a physicist so you'll have to ask a physicist to check if I am correct.
  7. Yeweh is the Jewish, Christian and Muslim deity. Muslims, like Jews, do not think Jesus was the human embodiment of Yeweh; Christians do. In my opinion Christians are missing the point of the new testament...Jesus wanted to convert everyone to Judaism - because that was his religion - and he did not want everyone to worship him. He said that people should worship God, not himself. Indeed, if he is lying...I guess you will have to trust his judgement. What the bible says on slaves. My post was irrelevant, not yours. Whether the deity lied or not is not relevant to the question of the existence of souls.
  8. I'm not buying anything...and I already know that if the Jewish/Christian/Muslim deity is real then they were once embodied as Jesus, unless Jesus lied, so everything he said is probably true unless the deity is intentionally lying to make us act how we should. Who said the deity doesn't lie? Could be lying for our own good. If we knew there was no punishment then we might not act how we should. Though, I don't currently believe in the J/C/M deity, that's certainly one way to think if you want to ignore the bad things promoted in the bible...like slavery... Of-coarse that is all irrelevant as far as I can tell, hence the italics.
  9. Higgs is not the reason why things can't go faster than the speed of light.
  10. I remember watching a horizon documentary about a mathematician who proved this theorem. You are too late Victor. Theorem has been proved.
  11. Setting up and NHS would fix this problem, and a lot of other problems...the taxes are less that the medical bills, your taxes help a lot of people out, and it will save the US government 1 billion dollars.
  12. I already think of the universe as donut shaped thing. Even then it has a centre. (My thinking is it's either a donut or the centre is constantly spitting out matter &/or energy. As it's probably less likely that the centre is constantly spitting out matter/energy then it must be a donut because as matter moves no other matter fills it's place. Either that only part of the universe is still expanding or we really are the centre; which are both probably less likely than a donut shaped universe.) Even a 1 faced donut has a middle and centre. The centre of the donut would be the middle of the gap inside the hole of the donut. The middle would be a ring equally distant from the part of the face closest to the centre and the part of the face furthest away. Even though the centre isn't real, as nothing exists outside the universe because there is no outside, the middle is real. Of-coarse you could say that the centre is a ring which is the part of the face closest to what could be considered an inside.
  13. Interesting...but my questions weren't answered.
  14. Why does every major religion, or at least most major religions, require the belief in a soul? Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. all speak of a soul in they religious texts etc. I don't believe in a soul. There is no evidence for their existence. They have no purpose other than spiritual and as far as I know there is no way to check for their existence without dying and staying dead. Without belief in a soul there is no punishment after death because there is nothing to ascend/descend/to be reincarnated etc. Do you believe in a soul? Why? If not, why? Why do all these religious require belief in a soul/ all speak of souls in the religious texts? Why is the idea of a soul so popular in religion? Why is discussion about souls so little in comparison to vast amount of discussion about every other aspect of religion? (As far as I know.) Are there any 'soulless' religions? (If you know what I mean...which is are there any religions that don't talk about souls are all.)
  15. @pwagen: I think you've misunderstood. @John Cuthber: I know that in a real quantum computer it would be both 1 & 0 at the same time without being another value, but would adding a third value that was equal to both 1 & 0 speed up computers anyway?
  16. i. Morality is a construct of the mind. ii. It is not politics which is the root of all 'evil', the wars were started by people with power. It was not the power that started the war. iii. Humans can do 'good' as well 'evil'.
  17. Excuse the obscure title...I just couldn't think of what to call it. Anyways, In quantum computers you can have 1, 0 and 1 & 0. This means less calculations are needed speeding stuff up. Why can't a third character be programmed in that has a value of both 1 and 0. Hence you won't need the expensive and technically quantum stuff. I used 2 as an example. You could have an entirely new character or a -1 or even a letter. Depends on what the programmer who does it first decides. Opinions on my idea? Would it work? Perhaps it won't be as fast a real quantum computer but if I am not typing total nonsense it could speed up computers by making them require less calculations.
  18. That was quick... thank-you!
  19. Okay so. How long would a year be in seconds if a second were shortened to 0.864 of it's original length? The original second is named the standard second (ss) and the new second is named the new second (ns). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts which may or may not be helpful to you: There are exactly 86,400 standard seconds in a standard day. There are approximately 31,556,952 standard seconds in a year. From Wikipedia: "Under the International System of Units (via the International Committee for Weights and Measures, or CIPM), since 1967 the second has been defined as the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom.[1] In 1997 CIPM added that the periods would be defined for a caesium atom at rest, and approaching the theoretical temperature of absolute zero, and in 1999, it included corrections from ambient radiation.[1]This definition refers to a caesium atom at rest at a temperature of 0 K (absolute zero). Absolute zero implies no movement, and therefore zero external radiation effects (i.e., zero localelectric and magnetic fields). The second thus defined is consistent with the ephemeris second, which was based on astronomical measurements." A litre of water is a kilogram of water. This is almost exact (.999975 kg) at 4°C. At 25°C, A litre of water is .997 kg.
  20. Why haven't you been banned yet?

  21. ...*facepalm*...We should be in an iceage but human effects counteracted it...that's how we know this isn't from natural effects...
  22. ...but he did say "boiled" water. Not "Boiling" water.
  23. Isn't mass the amount of stuff that thing is made of? Space-time is the dimensions our universe exists in. (X, Y, Z and time.) Gravity is a force that things with mass 'create'. Gravity pulls things towards it's source. It is theorised that it is caused by a curvature of space-time. In conclusion, I think we do know what those 3 things are...though we might be wrong.
  24. ...but harder to understand if you don't know what the equation means...Not everyone knows what the letters and greek letters in physics equations mean. / including me...
  25. ...Ack...got my words mixed up...I know mass curves space-time...I wrote the wrong word in...sorry
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