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Everything posted by Mellinia

  1. Game of life as model for subatomic particles behavior? How are rows added? Is there a relation? How do we their properties? i.e. Does bigger rows have bigger mass?
  2. I believe the moderators are pretty level-headed and will warn you if the thing is minor. There are plenty of people talking about theory without maths first in the physics forum... Ah, I getcha...but the where does the upwards electromagnetic force of Earth comes from?
  3. Well, if the experiment is right, then you will be right and vice versa. It's quite important. hmm...it's maybe the same dilemma as 1+1+1 and 3P2 . Both gives the same answer but they are different in theory. Is there a simple way to test your theory, without creating a whole new apparatus? (putting all the eggs in one basket is always a bad idea) i.e. devise a simple and elegant experiment that tests the fundamental idea of your theory, the ether. Vertical MME should cut it nicely. Pen lasers? You did spend the money to create the apparatus already, right?
  4. Problem is, you didn't do it. How do you that they are right? You're right because they are right. And they are right because you're right?!
  5. Natural selection reduced the chance that faulty genetic info will be passed on to the offspring. However, humans interfere with the process and natural selection does becomes simple among humans. For example: Huntington's disease. It's of a faulty gene. People with the disease might have been weeded out if the mate selection process and our age length were as short as other animals. However, being social(we value their contribution as an individual) and having a longer life and because of 'love' (irrational behavior, this one), the people with the faulty gene still can survive long enough to reproduce and produce offspring, thus the faulty gene still exists. Genetic info isn't like the ones in the computer where you key in and add. Genetic info is shared. Organisms ensure that their genes are passed on. I believe you're familiar with how the nucleus of sperm is melded with the ones of the ovary? Nucleotides are added when mutations of DNA or RNA occur. This is what I think you mean by new genetic info. This causes prokaryote-->us
  6. Of course there isn't a single dipeptide. You're not that simple. Proteins evolve. See the molecular biology. The racemic is a start. Slowly, the proteins get more complicated and do more stuff so that they can maintain themselves and do their stuff more stably. They get so large so that you can do something like running. When you run, your body needs to adjust your water levels, your oxygen levels and etc. They do this by altering the proteins. Hemoglobin absorbs oxygen released from myoglobin, which is an altered hemoglobin that has a much stronger affinity for oxygen. Again, myoglobin is created by altering the amino acid queue. The genetic code is changed. The llama has a hemoglobin more akin to myoglobin because they live in mountain areas that have low oxygen. Their genetic code for hemoglobin is different by a few nucleotides.
  7. No new genetic info is added. Naturally, yeah, why is there any? The genetic info is changed. The protein isn't 'destroyed' a little. An amino acid is changed, causing different bonds to form. Um, then their experiment was wrong? How wrong? Why wrong?
  8. Nice one. It definitely shows otherwise. After reading http://www.smart-publications.com/interviews/mavericks-of-medicine/dr-peter-duesberg http://tmh.floonet.net/articles/anderson.html I LOL'd.
  9. Nice one, John. I've seen many that says HIV is a myth...but none tells me what caused it instead. Another virus? (=_=) seriously......
  10. I think the post is moved here because thinking that GR fails while SR can explain is definitely outside of mainstream. And that people are more likely to read and ponder about the idea if it's here. Stopped reading there. We experience an upwards electromagnetic force on earth? In free fall, the apparatus falls with us. Outside of freefall, the apparatus don't, right?
  11. Are you sure about that? We were shown that the sickle cell dilemma was a showcase of evolution in action. There is no 'loss' of function. There is change in function. The sickle cell will crystallize when oxygen levels are low. Function is something humans attribute to something. I'm guessing all you're trying to say is evolution does not explain the origin of life? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller%E2%80%93Urey_experiment http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molecular_evolution The molecules did have billions of years before they succeeded in making you, you.
  12. ...... Right then, how do you know that you're right?
  13. How much would it affect it if it would affect it? Any calculations? Angles perhaps? GR predicted an angle of deviation. What about yours? I'm guessing you've done the MM experiment vertically?...
  14. photon spin isn't really the same as the spinning of the earth, right? One is a quantum property but the latter is a mechanical motion.
  15. If the ether permeates all space, then do rockets flying upwards/diagonally experience wrong calculations in their laser gyroscope because of the vertical component of ether force?
  16. just checked. v14a stated FTEP create ether around masses. Is it created in the horizontal direction?
  17. So the ether is flowing away from the earth,the earth as the center? Flowing to where? What creates ether to replace the ones that flow away?
  18. vertical as in longitudinal?
  19. Did you misread Fizeau's experiment? http://en.wikipedia....zeau_experiment
  20. 1)The void being antimatter? Antimatter is matter, with charges and various properties reversed. If it comes together with matter, they annihilate and and converted to energy in the form of light. If the void is antimatter and matter exists in the void then they would all go bang. Unless, of course, your 'antimatter' is not the well defined and accepted 'antimatter' then that's another story entirely. 2)They are also held by various forces, which, all of them, all act even if they are 'clumped' together. i.e. atoms are attracted to each other in molecules that form a planet, and one planet is also attracted to another planet. So how would you really 'count' the nodes when they are space around them? 3)Einstein didn't too. He just spent his thinking, and thinking, and thinking, until everything comes in place to explain what can and cannot be explained by the laws of physics then. You just need to put your idea into details.
  21. Quote from wikipedia. You can be HIV positive but AIDS may not develop. Know thy enemy, man. Unless, of course, you simply believe wikipedia is simply hoax by business owners..........I presume that you think that any HIV/AIDS reading material are, too, hoaxes...right?
  22. Good gracious. Do you even know how the HIV virus attacks our immune system?! We get AIDS only when our immune system fails, i.e. the virus load gets too much to handle, same like a flu virus. When the flu virus gets too much, you get 'sick', to counter it, you take antibiotics. Problem with HIV is(of course, you would knew this if you read about it in wikipedia) that it mutates too much for our immune system or antibiotics to handle, and it can initiate SLEEP MODE in your body until the right moment when it pops up alive and kicking. I believe you did get a basic biology course on our immune system, right? RIGHT?!
  23. Python! It's easy to grasp and has provided me with some experience with functions and math coding before I moved on to C++ for raw power.....the tutorials are beginner-proof, the syntax is easy and succinct, it's interactive, it doesn't need to be compiled and can be run from the shell, there are plenty of modules to help you, and it's very readable! Almost didn't need to add comments for future reference. The downside is it's slow and it's not an executable. Get fluent with it in days and then move on to C, C++ or java, just for the power. Anyway, if you're coding for science data, there's always python for science www.scipy.org/
  24. Thanks for replying~ 1.Space is not antimatter. Space is the 'void'. Everything is in Space but Space is not everything. I'll ask the obvious question here. Can we measure the 'Outer Dimension'? p.s. it's best to not give already well defined terms like 'Dimension' another meaning. Dimensions are defined mathematically. Bringing them in involve maths. 2.The node counts. How do you count them as 'separate'? Atoms have a space between them. They don't touch each other. So does each individual atom counts as one node? 3. Energy is the medium being...? Matter being positive? Antimatter being negative? In what terms? mathematically? Antimatter don't have negative masses. How do you know antimatter and matter always increase proportionally.
  25. n being the refractive index?
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