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  1. Goodmorning,I’m 29 years old and last year for a DAP my psychiatrist prescribed to meSereupin 30 mg every day; last mounth for the resistence of my phobic state Heprescribed me Risperdal 4mg/die but after two days that I assumed risperidone Ifeeled sleepiness, muffled, blurred vision, headache, distorted distances and withoutforces. I contactedmy psychiatrist that said me my feelings were side effects of risperdal and Herecommended me to stop the therapy with risperdal; so I stopped the therapy butnow after a month I feel the same sensations like two day after the therapywith risperdal. Mypsychiatrist said me side effects can remain for different time after a patientstops the treatment with risperdal. Canrisperdal have damaged me permanently? Why I feel24/24 headache, sleepiness, muffled, blurred vision, distorted distances, stingto my eye and without forces? Are theside effects of risperdal reversible? Thanks
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