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Everything posted by cabinintheforest

  1. You just copying and pasting this of this chap here: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/8493-evidence-of-human-common-ancestry/ Who himself has copied it off a website. None of this is directly observable. It's theoretical pseudoscience trying to prove that all of mankind evolved off an ape ancestor. If you believe in this you gotta be some kind of nutcase.
  2. That is a fake video but yes there is some real life footage of psychokinesis from a russian woman.
  3. Heres Hegel http://www.uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/hegel-denies-evolution-but-dies-28-years-before-the-origin-of-species/ I am a botanist i work with plants everyday. Put a plant in a different evironment and it will die. Go and get a plant and put it in a dark room it would be dead in 2days, wheres the evolution? Survival of the fittest? lol
  4. Yes exactly, they didn't use the word evolution but they expressed in different words how the beliefs of evolution which darwin believed in were impossible. They were the true skeptics unlike others on this forum embracing evolution at face value when they themselves have never observed it with their own 5 senses. Evolution is an embarrassment to empiricism.
  5. Seriously i have asked for your own research but every time you leave a negative comment and an internet website on purpose. I spent 2 days writing the OP to this thread out you have not even commented on this thread and what's its actually about so clearly you are just here to attack people. Can you actually write something for yourself instead of pasting links in? As mentioned it's no different than me pasting in an intelligent design website. If you are going to put some evidence across atleast type it out and try and put across some observable scientific evidence rather than words and beliefs from websites. It's ok if you dislike religion, creationism, ID etc I am not here to promote any of that. I simply have question the theory of evolution. You seem to take anything you read on a website at face value, as i have mentioned before what then is the difference of pasting something in from a holy book? You are just toying around with beliefs and ideas. Science is not about beliefs. The easiest way to convince me that evolution is a proven fact. Is to show me observational evidence. I will leave my house tomorrow morning when i get outside i see plants, trees, soil, insects, water.... where can i observe this evolution? Lenskis stuff is not obersable you yourself know this. Nobody here has a 1million£ lab with scientific equipment. So i walk outside my house, where can i observe evolution happening?
  6. Yes i have quoted some ID and creationist websites. Becuase they are honest about what is going on. For example on creation website they review agnostic books. They are open to emails. If you read over my post, atheistic intelligent design. You would see all the great scientists and philosophers who have doubted evolution who have been atheists. David hume, mach, reich, kant, hegel for example. Richard milton with his book "shattering the myths of darwinism" and micheal denton with his book "evolution a theory in crisis". Even a book called an atheist defends intelligent design has been published. John gribbin a hardline atheist who supports intelligent design.. now all of these men have been scientists and great philosophers they have questioned evolution. No need to take everything at face value.
  7. Im very skeptical about lenskis experiments. For 40 years it was brought up by intelligent designers "evolution has never been observed" then suddenly out of nowhere lenski pops up with his back yard/bed room experiments with no witnesses being able to repeat, replicate what he has done, or even confirm he has done it, it sound hoax to me, its a shame people buy into it. You read over creationist websites and they say the whole thing is a hoax. Even if it isnt a hoax bacteria, evolved into what? bacteria.. this is not macroevolution. forget bacteria where is the scientific evidence that humans have evolved? None is ever given? Can not be observed. And yes a video of lenskis stuff would be good but none exist. No scientific reports are even published confirming his results, his results never replicated or confirmed by anyone but himself... nobody on this forum has seen/replicated/observed/tested lenskis experiments.. so really.. this is not science. It's faith. Il wait til some video footage arrives then it would classify as scientific evidence.
  8. Too bad you can not read. You are the one who has resorted to lieing of course that's no problem for you becuase you do not believe in morals. read over my other thread. I said i want read live footage from someone else, where did i say i wanted to do this myself?, if these experiments were possible to do don't you think i would of done them? He somes up the thread by saying it takes 22 years. I said i want present moment footage is 22 years present? No. Also read over the thread - I said i want an ape evolving into a human or a fish turning into a land creature (two views evolutionists share). Where did i ask for anything to do with bacteria? The information which was given about bacteria is evidence for microevolution, bacteria was experimented on and at the end of the day bacteria was there, and guess what apparently after 22 years it's still bacteria it hasn't changed into anything different. This is microevolution. I did not ask for this. Yes then get it on camera then. But as you have admitted these tests are non observable. These are suppose thought experiments which you are meant to think about. Not actual experiment an average every day to day person can perform and observe. evolution is a fairytale why do you believe men evolved off monkeys. You have no scientific evidence except faith, beliefs and ideas.
  9. There is real empirical scientific evidence for the existance of all of those things. People happen to of taken photos. I happen to of served 2 years with the SPR (society of psychical research) of course i have questioned the evidence myself alot. I have observed some of this phenenoma myself i know it is real. Of course the conclusions are sometimes different than what some people believe. Most of this stuff is factual it is not a belief. We just have to try and explain the evidence and most skeptics don't buy into the conclusions given. Indoctrinated into your way of thinking? I am not religious. I just question evolution. Obviously you question nothing and take anything you read in a school textbook at face value. Next your be on here saying homosexuality is normal and that rapists have human rights. The idea of Evolution leads to poor morality it has caused racism, disease, and all kinds of immoral acts. Those are my personal opinions anyway, just like you are on here promoting evolution is a fact. This is an open forum to question these things. Are you a communist? Please accept people have different beliefs, ideas, theories and views. Is this an evolutionist forum? Nope, i asked for evidence for evolution and none has been given. Seems to be an open science forum to me. My purpose of my visit to the forum was to paste in my atheistic intelligent design thread. (which nobody seemed to read all the way through) please read over the thread i started it's actually about atheists supporting intelligent design. Look up john gribbins theories. intelligent design does not have to be religious. In my room i own about 6 books written by agnostics who have questioned evolution. Briainwashed religion? Where did i say i was religious. You are jumping to conclusions. 72% of america are creationists, if you don't like it take it up with them. Evolution is dieing out get over it. evolution is an insult to science.
  10. So do you believe in paranormal phenomena. UFOS? Aliens? Ghosts? Supernatural entities? Deity?
  11. If you gave me some scientific evidence i would embrace it. But all you offered was pasted in information from talk origins which is based on faith. I read what you wrote but it's no different than me pasting in lines from a religious book.
  12. Im nearly 20 years old it is possible to live to 150 so i will see. Anyway "evolution occurs over hundreds of millions of years" you were there to see it were you? All you offered there was a faith statement. Get your talmud or koran out, you can offer some faith statements from those books aswell.
  13. No. Just we need to stop going around in circles evolution can not be proven, just cease disgussing that now. People such as yourself have completey ruined my thread here i myself have spouted off, we should stick to the topic title. I want to discuss atheistic intelligent design, the multiverse theory.. john gribbins work. Enough about evolution. Are you familiar with his work?
  14. Can you prove to me matter exists? In 1879 a million ££ reward was put forward if anyone can prove that matter exists as an objective substance independant of the mind nobody ever claimed the reward. Can you prove matter exists?
  15. Going back to the thread. What do you think about atheistic intelligent design. Have you read John Gribbins work?
  16. Owned B) http://creationwiki.org/Radiometric_dating http://creationwiki.org/Radiometric_dating_problems Have some others: http://www.answersincreation.org/radiometricdating.htm http://creation.com/the-way-it-really-is-little-known-facts-about-radiometric-dating http://creation.com/radiometric-dating-questions-and-answers http://creationwiki.org/Carbon_dating_gives_inaccurate_results_(Talk.Origins) Good.
  17. Both of those dating methods have been used by young earth creationists, old earth creationists and evolutionists. It's subjective. Each group read the data differently and argues a date. It's all personal opinion and estimation.
  18. All you have done is pasted stuff off evolutionist websites. Completley subjective you have not witnessed any of it yourself. No different than you quoting a holy book in here. You base your arguements on faith.
  19. Atoms can be directly observed, but they are mental creations. Not mind independent things. They can not be caught on camera, but they can be observed to the physical eye. "Last Thursdayism, also Last Tuesdayism and Last Wednesdayism, is the unfalsifiable belief that the whole of the universe was created Last thursday." Fossils could of been created last thursday. Young earth creationists say the earth is 6000 years old and that fossils prove that, old earth creationists say the earth is about 100000 years old and that the fossils support that. Mainstream evolutionists discuss the earth as being millions of years old with specie evolution. Me? Im saying it's trillions if not infinite id say that man has walked on earth for 2.6 billion years or more and that fossils can prove it. It's all subjective viewpoint. We don't have a time machine we can't go back and see. We can only go with personal belief on what we believe is the truth, the current observational evidence, especially dug up evidence is very useful to get to the truth. What you must accept is there are flaws in dating fossils. The scientific community in my opinion has held back and supressed alot of evidence. Evolutionists also resort to hoaxs.
  20. Oh yeh sorry, i forget evolution is based on "millions of years as a slow progress" (non observable) if you have got some million year footage then yeh il have a look.B) Just accept the truth evolution can not be observed, neither can ID, creationism - be honest and admit this. I am friends with many honest evolutionists and they admit it. What can be observed? Just the present moment. Enjoy what is. Science to me is all about the present moment. The fact that agnostics and atheists have questioned evolution only points in one direction that people are bored of the theory. It's like 200 years ago people thought matter was an objective reality they were proven wrong which quantum physics. The materialistic theories of the world are long gone. In 100 years time evolution will be a myth, if your still poking around on these forums at that age your regret all the things said here. One type of evolution that i do agree with is mental evolution people clearly do change their ideas, beliefs and theories.
  21. Somebody needs to catch on camera an ape evolving into a human. Or a fish evolving into a land creature becuase that is what evolutionists believe. And i aint see any evidence for it. Infact i have never seen a specie evolve into a different specie... species simply do not evolve into different species. Get photo / real live footage of this evolution then i would support evolution, becuase it would be based on empirical evidence (science) but it can not be observed becuase it does not exist, it's just a theory.
  22. Atoms can be directly observed. There is some scientific evidence for electrons but we can not see them directly. Most things scientists have worked on have been observable or tests can be carried out with results like electrons we have witnessed some kind of effect from them. There is nothing going for evolution. No cause and no effect. Macroevolution it simply does not exist can not be tested, predicated, observed, studied, repeated... the list goes on. Nothing scientific about it. It's a philosophical theory of the past. Never present. We cannot observe evolution or something being intelligently designed so we are now into philosophical theories of existence. You are now down to a choice, a belief, so were all these things that you see in everyday life intelligent designed or did they evolve over long periods of time? Which one is right and which one is wrong? Most views of reality are variations of these two basic views. There is no conclusive way to decide between them. There is no experiment that can be performed to decide whether reality is formed by intelligent design or by evolution. Ultimately the test is in the explanatory power of either view: whichever one best explains the empirical phenomena of reality is the one more likely to be true. The individual has to think his way to the truth. There are supporters on both sides.
  23. You just pasted in websites. That is just subjective personal opinions. I asked for real scientific evidence. Empirical data. Something which can be observed. Evolution can not be observed it falls out the scientific method, it is not testable, repeatable.. it can not be observed.. we can not study it.. no point in believing in it. You may aswell just believe in a religious creationist book. Both based on faith.
  24. Thank you. In other words there is no direct empirical evidence for evolution and evolution is just a theory. Basically you are saying you believe in things which you can not see with your own yes. You are really no different than the typical religious creationist then. Cheers for this. Evolution is pseudoscience. I studied chemistry for two years, most of the stuff in chemistry can be observed. Molecules can be observed - http://www.newscient...es-at-last.html Lets not compare the theory of evolution to chemistry experiments.
  25. You believe in fairytales yourself. You have never directly observed evolution yourself but you put faith into the theory put forward by evolutionist books. You are no different than a christian putting his faith into the bible creation story, the islamic, the hindu, or the jew. All based on faith. You have never observed evolution yourself. You just put all your faith into a few evolutionist books. Your no different than a christian putting all his faith into the bible. Do you people know what science is? B) Knowledge from direct and i repeat direct observation. Evolution is faith based it cannot be directly observed. If it could be directly observed i would be supporting evolution but it can not be observed, i am a botanist student in real life, i spend my life with plants. Many years spent with plants and no evolution to be observed. Evolution is a fairytale.
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