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Everything posted by alpha2cen

  1. Going to the future is possible. But backing to the past is not possible. That is a cause of time problem. Time is a order of the event. We can change future order, but we can not change past order. V=(X2 - X1) / (t2 - t1) is one of the moving event. So this phenomena is Event 2 (t2) and Event 1 (t1) exist. Why event? Event 1 is consists of mass, volume, apace, energy, etc..
  2. The known Galaxy shape is not perfect, because we can not see it directly. It contains some imagination. We suppose our Galaxy from other galaxy shape and observed data. To say the stars moving outward, at least the star movement direction of the Orion's Arm might be given. Does such data exist?
  3. Is it easy to observe entire star movement in the Galaxy? Galaxy is very thin plate, and half of the season we can not see it very well , because solar ray interference with seeing it. And the movement is changed very slow. Almost recent date we can see it more better by using infrared telescope without star dust interference. Do we have star movement data about the Galaxy?
  4. Is the temperature, 70 oC, measured in the Stevens screen? If the temperature is measured at the satellite, the temperature will be more higher than the one measured in the Stevens screen. The temperature measured at the satellite might be radiation temperature at the surface soil of the desert?
  5. Then, what is mass? This explanation is based on the recent result.
  6. They have done researches about anti-matter storage method, anti- matter molecule making, anti-matter property measurement and anti-matter usage, etc..
  7. We do not know where is the door going into Dark Matter. In the present, neutrino and neutron beta collapse, etc. show us more exact phenomena near faint-light DM area. Neutrino handling is difficult. Till now we do not know how to exactly detect it , how to protect it and how to focuse it. But one of the door to go into the DM field might be neutrino research.
  8. If Higgs field really exists, light mass will be zero. Because light is not affected by Higgs field.
  9. Accelerated expansion is well known phenomena. But some doubt remains. How to calculate the red shift? How about adding new parameter, which is related to time dependent factor(old light is more red shifted than newer one), to the red shift equation, and obtaining parameter value from the data by using the parameter estimation method? And then, calculate the parameter sensitivity from the equation. Is this nonsense? This will be a good paper. Because, after this paper no one will have any doubt about the great finding.
  10. Which state a proton and a neutron exist in the nucleus of the deuterium ? Simply attached or another state? Are original shapes of particles maintained in the nucleus?
  11. We do not know what will be done. But, known source might be more better to search for DM particles. Because, between DM and matter is no interactions. From our past experience, it seems like better to use more close property particles to search for DM. If there are Dark Matter particles created, which phenomena would occur? 1) Neutrino intensity decrease. 2) Neutrino scattering 3) Neutrino diffraction 4) No interaction 5) Actually a phenomena occurs, but we could not notice it, because it is out of our technical detection range. 6) Others No one knows.
  12. We do not know it well. Later we will call it something, related to it's property. How about detecting it by using neutrino beam? We install experimental neutrino beam passing deep under the high energy collider detector, and protect it's pass against the neutrino ray comes from the collider. If dark particles come form the collider, and interacted with the neutrino beam, we could find existence of Dark Matter. This method is using Dark Matter - neutrino interaction. Neutrino is more intimate particle to Dark Matter. And do Dark Matter naming.
  13. To do unit conversion, first know basic physical conception. And, practice to develop solving skill through solving many problems. Real-world problem is good for understanding real-world. But real-world problem is more complex than ideal problem. We solve many ideal gas problem. Real gas problem is more complex. But real gas problem is more useful to solve gas related problems in the field.
  14. We can observe the expansion in the Supercluster by using red shift phenomena.
  15. Uncertainty is a real world. To operate LHC, we must know the uncertainty first. Luminosity and particle velocity control are not easy one. When we increase particle velocity, beam luminosity is not increased so high. Remaining things are we consider the quantum particles as particles or waves.
  16. Movement of the Solar system in the Galaxy is circular movement. The movement is described by gravity and centrifugal force. But, much neutrino is created in the center-side of the Galaxy. And, our Sun emits much neutrino in nuclear fusion reaction. So, the produced neutrinos from the Sun encounters other neutrinos comes from the center-side of the Galaxy. Neutrinos are WIMP particles. But this radiation pressure gives small effects to the centrifugal force of the Sun in the Galaxy?
  17. Small clue makes big discovery. The DM filament shape and it's size may not be so trifle. If sufficient filament shape data are collected, we might extract an important property of the Dark Matter or the Universe.
  18. Without electrostatic force barrier(++ or - - ), particles could be easily fused by nuclear force.
  19. How about using a high energy collider to develop more sensitive detector? Making a intrument room deep under the collider detector, and filling water between detector and collider to cool down the DM created(Actually, we do not know the possibility of DM cooling, if so, the water can protect against space radiation). We do not know exact number density of the natural WIMP. What say to using created DM from the collider?
  20. Why DM detector (for example super K) is filled with heavy water? Why DM detector size is so big? Is it the way to increase collision frequency with DM particles per time? The one I worried about the satellite DM experiment apparatus is the radiation protection from the cosmic sources.
  21. When we are in the rain, which case can we get more rained on ? Staying on some place or running by car? To buy a car is not easy one, it is very very expensive in this case.
  22. The reason, we can not see our Galaxy well, is that our Galaxy is very thin. And, we live in there. Time lag is always existence when we see objects in the space. Two factor, observer position and time delay is basically concerned at the astronomy observation. We do not know what is going on that area now. But, the event which is occurring at the present in that galaxy, also delayed effects to us depended on their distance from us.
  23. Many Dark Matter detectors are in the water, i.e., light water or heavy water. Water has many nucleus in the unit volume. And, polar liquid material. We can not deny electromagnetic effect about the Enseladus. But, like most other Dark Matter detectors, the interaction between Enseladus and Dark Matter particle might not be ignored, also. Someone can say "The interaction is very very small. " Experiment and exact observation could give answers about it's everything.
  24. In fact, the eruption of water vapor on the Saturn' icy moon, Enceladus is curious. Electromagnetic effect is everything?
  25. Is the Bermuda triangle the area contact with the other universe? Someone said it's the cause of methane hydrate eruption. But, airplane disappearing is strange, isn't it? Have we found any differences? For example Earth magnetic strength difference, gravity difference. Why Mayans make Pyramid in the Yucatan peninsula? The possibility is almost zero. The magnetic strength is too low, researchers had done before. Kinetic energy, magnetic line density, gravity, and combination effects make it possible? Answer is no, but...
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