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Everything posted by alpha2cen

  1. I modified above post again. This is not perfect, but it is useful for the future more good model. Modified post In order to relate mass to energy, we could describe energy to mass transfer mechanism like this. We think about this case when we give some energy to the vacuum. Where we consider one of the mass particles, proton. energy ----------------------------------------------------------->proton + anti-proton .........................................................................................mass.........mass ........................................................................................gravity.......gravity . more energy -------------------------------------------------->more many proton + more many anti-proton ........................................................................................more mass................more mass ........................................................................................more gravity.............more gravity . more more energy ------------------------------------------>more more proton + more more anti-proton ......................................................................................more more mass.......more more mass ......................................................................................more more gravity ....more more gravity ......................................................................................fusion........................fusion more more more energy----------------------------------->more more more proton + more more more proton .....................................................................................more more more mass........more more more mass .....................................................................................more more more gravity.....more more more gravity .....................................................................................black hole...........................black hole more more more more energy--------------------------->??? . Next. No one tell about this. This is not perfect, but for next better model. . We assume mass as mixed waves.(artificial model) The object which has large mass emits mixed strong waves to the space, and the object which has low mass emits mixed weak waves to the space. Let's call this wave as mass wave.- unseen When the two waves overlap, space contraction force between two objects is occurring. This is a gravity force. . This opinion is outside of the current theory. But we can relate to origin of the mass to gravity.
  2. Think about this scenario. . In order to relate mass to energy, we can describe energy to mass transfer mechanism like this. Give energy to the vacuum. energy ----------------------------------------------------------->proton + anti-proton .........................................................................................mass.........mass ........................................................................................gravity.......gravity . more energy -------------------------------------------------->more many proton + more many anti-proton ........................................................................................more mass................more mass ........................................................................................more gravity.............more gravity . more more energy ------------------------------------------>more more proton + more more anti-proton ......................................................................................more more mass.......more more mass ......................................................................................more more gravity ....more more gravity ......................................................................................fusion........................fusion more more more energy----------------------------------->more more more energy + more more more energy .....................................................................................more more more mass........more more more energy .....................................................................................more more more gravity.....more more more gravity .....................................................................................black hole...........................black hole more more more more energy--------------------------->??? . No one tell about this. This is not perfect, but for next better model. We assume mass as mixed waves.(artificial model) . The object which has large mass emits mixed strong waves to the space, and the object which has small mass emits mixed weak waves to the space. We call this wave as mass wave. When the two waves interfere, space contraction force is occurred. This is a gravity force. This opinion is the other side of the current theory. But we can relate to origin of the mass to gravity.
  3. The spelling- photon confuses us. How about change it other word for the future education? For example---elecwaveton.
  4. We did not say it's wrong. What we want to know is the detail mechanism. How mass is related to the attraction force- such as gravity? We know gravity comes from mass or acceleration. The relation between gravity and acceleration is not difficult to understand. But the connection between gravity and mass is not easy to understand. Why mass give same effect as acceleration? Not volume. The one which pushes out the space is volume.
  5. If we see it on the macroscopic scale , it is right . But when we see it on the microscopic scale, we can see other scenery. How one electron hit other electron --> other electron --> final electron...??? very fast. There are huge amount of electrons in the copper. How do the rest of electrons know some electrons come in?
  6. I mean why the attraction force(gravity) between two objects are proportional to mass. Not electron number or neutron number , .....
  7. Some difficult question. Mass. When two objects collide, the momentum equation is like this. m1v1 + m1v1 = 2m1v1 Gravity. F= c(m1* m2)/r^2 Why is gravity proportional to mass? mass factor ~= gravity factor in the particular system?? Any good opinion?
  8. Then in the copper how electron current flow? e: electron e............e.............e...............e...............e............e...........e................e...............e............e..... /////..................opposite site of the Earth.................//////...........beginning point ----------->---------->.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................------> Why is it so fast? Which one is correct ? 1) They (free electrons) move fast originally, electro current is defect of their current. There is a river. we throw a leaf in the stream. 2)They don't move originally. When we give them electric excess, they move in order to go to the stable state. 3) Others, other theory?
  9. To finish this argument , we need more data about early Universe. To use the celestial sphere, we determine more targets for deep field searching, and observe that point more precisely, and analysis the results accurately. From these results we can estimate the expansion direction of the Universe, and early Universe size ....
  10. I'm talking about Hubble deep field. We can see very old galaxy scenery at all direction in the sky. The light would be started at least 10 bilion years ago. Important thing is we can see same picture at all direction in the sky. One possibility is that Universe has been very very large from the beginning. Thinking about the first point where the light was emitted.
  11. Very small scale detection, how can we make? About visible light photon detection. Without amplification, how small amount of photon can we detect? Photon might hit electrons on the solid surface and make free electrons. At that time we have to consider lower limit of photon energy and photon number. Produced electric current and voltage should be sufficient to detect. The lower limit?
  12. If we had been shrinking, we could see same figure about old Universe at all direction. Possible explain is like this. From the beginning of the Universe, Universe size is very very large , we can't imagine the size. Later size variation is not so big. The emitted light at that time has arrived now at all direction in the sky.
  13. I don't know detail mechanism. I thought electron movement in the vacuum tube is not so fast. But telecommunication signal is transfered very fast, almost light speed. Are there any detail mechanisms about this?
  14. Problem is the old Universe size was not so large than today. If we had been shrinking, this size problem would be solved. But other physical problem would be happen. What we can see the same figure about the old Universe at all direction in the sky is against the size of the old Universe. There is something we don't know.
  15. It's well known electrons pass through the wire. But how does one electron move form this part of the wire to that end of it is not well known. One of them is this . We think it as a water pipe, one water molecule goes into this part of the pipe and another molecule comes out at the other part of pipe. And the velocity is very fast. It is close to light speed. Is this concept right?
  16. This phenomena is called osmosis . If we see it more detail, we can see this phenomena. The solvent molecules which are not mixed with solute are more active than the solvent molecules mixed with solute. The molecular movement of no solute part is more fast than the other solute mixed part. So the solvent molecules should have to move form pure solvent to the mixed solution. From this movement the pressure is created, and we call it osmosis pressure. The solution should be ionic solution (NaCl, H2SO4, ... solution)or so. It reduces solvent molecule movement.
  17. Thank you for good answering. But its not all sufficient for explaining gravity role in the Universe. Sloan Great Wall is not one galaxy. Why galaxy does not become huge amount of size beyond our imagination!!! According to our thought, Gravity is an attraction force, it can pull everything nearby without any trouble. There may be something we don't know.
  18. Can we see early Universe in any direction????? Are we shrinking? Early Universe was small space and has been expanded continuously. And we can see it any direction. Are there any position in the Universe? If we were shrinking, it would be right.
  19. The diagram assumption is Big Bang occurring far away from here and we are in the CMB. Our position and Universe expansion speed are reasonable to see that phenomena.---Hidden Universe searching. No direction deep field searching is right? Every direction far away Universe we can see same phenomena. ?????
  20. I'm wondering about this. Which state is the proton and neutron in the Deuterium? They only have contact with each other. (uud)(udd) Or they have another strong force system-like electron orbit in the Atom? Does quark have individual property or have combined property?
  21. I'm wondering about this. There is a gravity in the Universe. And there are many black holes . At the beginning of the Universe galaxies are very close. But there is not super massive galaxy . Why this phenomena happen? Any good opinion?
  22. We can make more low energy state in a particular state. For example at 0K atomic energy state is very low. But we can make more low energy state by controling the particular state. For example pn------------energy---------------> p + n low state...............................high state This energy must be absorbed form the surroundings. pn e ----------energy-------------->pn + e low state...............................high state
  23. Pressure comes from gas molecule collision on the wall surface. PO2 can be obtained without any collision of CO2 molecules on the wall surface. Partial pressure means the part of collide pressure on the wall surface. Pressure = Force / area
  24. http://www.physforum...showtopic=28640 posted Nov 28 2010, 02:09 AM Look at the line 5 from the bottom. + Dark Energy in the vacuum It's similar to Big Bang condition. It's our best result at the present.
  25. I mean At the same atom particles state are changed or separated(proton and neutron separation). Or, quarks are exchanged or separated. string ------quark ------particle --------atom . ...................................2 change...........0K ......................................0K..................0K ......................................Heat Q is removed. Below 0K is no scale Other case ....................................2 change .........2K .......................................0K.................0K ......................................Heat Q is removed Is this any problem?
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