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  1. nec2009, I have been trying to write several comments to you, all of which I have erased and started over, trying to show you that you most definitely don't have retinal detachment. I'm positively sure you don't have anything that might compromise your vision, but I'm not a doctor. you should go and see a doctor, in my opinion, if you want to be sure. about diabetes, I really don't know. I thought so too about myself, but I'm very far from being diabetic. the internet is a confusing place to go and search for diseases... retinal detachment usually comes after either vitreous detachment or a really really hard blow to the eye (like the ones boxers get). here is a video that explains it pretty good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6sMlv1EF24 also, check out the forums I sent you. you don't have retinal detachment OR vitreous detachment. I'm absolutely sure about this, but only a doctor can tell you. sorry if I'm not of much more help to you...
  2. I love those!!! Thanks for the comment CosmoLearning looks great! just what I was looking for...
  3. Hey! please share with me your most precious and prized internet treasures! do you have anything in your bookmarks folder that is being used constantly? a WWW miracle, maybe? mine are those: http://cellimages.ascb.org - a pretty new site to me, actually. it contains very high-quality images of cells. http://research.microsoft.com/apps/tools/tuva/index.html - Feynman lectures distibuted by Bill Gats. http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/home/home.do - protein database, storing tons of them! I espcially like the "Molecule of the Month" section. http://www.khanacademy.org/ - an online "academy" (it isn't very advanced level study) presented just wonderfully by Salman Khan. all free and open to everybody. http://www.anatomy.wisc.edu/courses/gross/ - NSFW human anatomical dissection videos. http://www.wehi.edu.au/education/wehitv/ - some absolutely amazing 3D biochemistry animations. http://www.periodicvideos.com/ - periodic table of videos. every element has a video, and some molecules even.
  4. I have this too! it's called "Visual Snow" and no one knows (or either, no one that I know of knows) why it happens... I went to several eye specilaists, and they all said they are aware of the phenomenon but they don't know the cause for it... one doctor even told me he has it too! Here's a very comprehensive forum of people in the same situation as you and I. http://thosewithvisualsnow.yuku.com/ they all have tinnitus too. some of them think it's because of problems in the Temporomandibular joint, which is related to the jaw. I'm not very familiar with the anatomy of the skull, but I think that a part of the jaw of mammals is connected to the ear, thus maybe if you strain your jaws too much, or if they don't close properly, it might affect the middle ear somehow. I don't know if it's true or how it affects the eye, anyway... I jsut read a comment in the forum about it. others think it's because of neuronal problems. though a lot of the forum members did neuronal tests that showed nothing wrong. others think it's to do with blood flow... maybe tiny blood vessels pushing on your retina? I don't know... anyway there's no accepted explanation, as far as I know, but I can tell you that it does go away sometimes, even for several weeks or months, and sometimes it comes back. Is this it?
  5. Hey, I would also like to recommend human dissection videos. It isn't safe for work, and it might be hard for some to view, so excuse me if its not O.K by forum guidelines and users. http://www.anatomy.w.../courses/gross/
  6. Oh! Thanks! I don't really like to eat and I have a lot of problems with foods (indigestion, intolerences and an allergy, bloating, etc...) so I was looking for foods and diet ideas, so I won't have to think about my food too much, and the ideas on the internet seem contrary. On the one hand there's the Paleo diets, which says that you should eat whtaever you want as long as there is nothing "unnatural" like grains and legumes and potatoes, because they have phytic acids and because starch isn't too good for you (according to the above), and that you should also avoid milk for reasons unknown to me (though I'm allergic to milk, so to me it doesn't matter). they DO say you must eat a lot of meat and eggs. On the other hand there are the China Study fellows, saying you should eat many vegetables and whole grains, but avoid meat, milk, and eggs. Then there's the Weston A. Price foundation omega-3, fiber, fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins, minerals, and so on and so on... I don't seem to find exact science in those things... usually it involves vague studies that might as well prove the opposite. not to mention the studies being largely conducted on mouse, so... I was thinking... maybe I should ask scientists, who tend to have the most objective views usually. What are you eating?
  7. What are you eating and, also, what would you consider as a healthy diet?
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