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Simon Y

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Everything posted by Simon Y

  1. 1. If x^2-px-q=o, where p and q are positive integers, which of the following could not equal x^3? A. 4x+3 B. 8x+5 C. 8x+7 D. 10x+3 E. 26x+5 2. X is a positive integer in which each digit is 1; that is, X is of the form 111...111. Given that every digit of the integer pX^2+qX+r (where p, q and r are fixed integer coefficients and p > 0) is also 1, irrespective of the number of digits X, which of the following is a possible value of q? A. -2 B. -1 C. 0 D. 1 E. 2 Just give me some hints, then I can work them out. Thank you very much!
  2. Sorry guys, it is not an azo dye; it is the first aniline dye.
  3. The first azo dye was made by reacting aniline (phenylamine) with potassium dichromate. Anyone knows the mechanism or the products? Thank you very much!
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