If you dont believe me, then find someone you know who is adept with OBE, as you call it and ask them their take on the Akasic records.
Tell them to go there by asking their Innermost to direct them to said Temple and conduct an 'experiment' on whether or not this stands up.
One thing that holds also true is the fact that there are many beautiful temples there as well one may visit, including the archives of nature.
Anyhow, I never said Samael was the founder of the primary Gnostic fraternity; He is the founder of The Aquarian School Of Gnostic Anthropology, which is an international college of fine-hearted, genuine people who are dedicated to the alleviation of Humanitys suffering, and the intimate Self-Realization of the Being.
I have'nt posted here to start a war with words,nor 'rope anyone in', I am simply wondering if anyone knows of the research advances,(if any) about my initial post.I tried a search online and found next to nothing and figured if anybody would know, you guys might.
Peace, Jason Whalen