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Everything posted by bob000555

  1. Its theoreticaly posable. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_fusion#Pons_and_Fleischmann.27s_experiment
  2. All the chems where reagent grade what is the blue compound? Is it FeCo3? I know NaSo4 isn’t blue….
  3. a bit off topic but ed84c what program did you use to draw that schematic? As for programing they sell boards that you plug with a usb into the computer then the pic goes in a socket.
  4. If I where you I would start by reading up on targeting systems that the military has already built. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guided_missile http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missile_guidance http://www.army-technology.com/projects/patriot/ http://www.ordnance.org/missile_components.htm
  5. If you believe murder is the worst possible crime so you sentence them to death. If you believe chemistry shouldn’t be taught because that’s how meth is made. If you now or have ever had a mullet or Mohawk. If you broke your TV by throwing you remote at it when the Red Skins lost(my friend did this). If you think a John Dear tractor is a collectable. If you think people who buy ammonia nitrate, or saltpeter for there plants/science experiments are terrorists. If you think Larry Kudlow gives good evidence for his beliefs.
  6. Quote from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H2SO4#Other_reactions_of_sulfuric_acid: "With nitric acid itself, sulfuric acid acts as both an acid and a dehydrating agent, forming the nitronium ion NO2+, which is important in nitration reactions involving electrophilic aromatic substitution. This type of reaction where protonation occurs on an oxygen atom, is important in many reactions in organic chemistry, such as Fischer esterification and dehydration of alcohols."
  7. Chlorophyll from plants would be one also.
  8. I have another one, I mixed FeSO4 with Na2CO3 and it turned blue. Does any one have clue what reaction happened. Also ,unrelated, is there a proxy acid of nitric acid?
  9. It would be cool if you try this with some citric acid powder yielding acetone witch also be oxidized. Also try some concentrated acetic acid(I make mine by distilling cheep vinegar). With the sulfur experiment perhaps try heating it.
  10. Phosphoric acid is made industrially by reacting feldspar rocks with sulfuric acid over heat is it not? If so the ground in my area is full of the stuff you can hardy dig a hole with out hitting a bolder of the stuff, I don’t see why the developer built houses here and not a quarry. Do you think I could make phosphoric acid that way? What container should I use to withstand the HF byproduct? edit: never mind they use Apatite not feldspar
  11. another grate one is a mix of ferrous sulfate and salt witch makes boatloads of hydrogen when elecrolised,but also alot of crap floats on top even with Pt eletrodes. Letds turn this into a list of cool electrolosises(sp?), like the ester list.
  12. I tried electrolysis of sucrose (pure cane sugar) not expecting anything to happen. I used a 9 volt battery and two aluminum electrodes. When the electrodes got close enough a white solid was formed witch soon turned into a gas and bubbled , can anyone explain what happened. Also I think I may have synthesized methyl chloride by electrolyzing a mixture of salt and acetic acid according to Kolbe Electrolysis ethane and CO2 are formed form the acetic acid, the ethane would combine with the HCL from the salt forming methyl chloride.
  13. That makes no scene to me, if it cant be oxidized by those strong oxidizers why would it be oxidized by air(burn) when air is only ~10% oxygen?
  14. As for the SO2+H2O2 reaction, couldn’t you just drop a lump of sulfur into concentrated h2o2(not the drug store verity). The H2O2 being a strong oxidizer should oxidize the sulfur sending SO2 into the surrounding H2O2 to create H2SO4 the net reaction being S+(2)H2O2->SO2+H2O and SO2+H2O2->H2SO4. The only problem I can think of is of the sulfur floats on the H2O2 in witch case you should be able to push it down with a metal stick. If there is insignificant purser to keep the SO2 in solution simply placing a lid on the container should work.
  15. Interesting what would the chemical formula for that be and why isn’t the acetone oxidized as soon as it made. C6H807+KMnO4->C3H6O+???
  16. The air force would be included under “militia”.
  17. There’s probably still some water in them and their forming a paste so thick it looks solid.
  18. Wouldn’t calcium carbide be considered a metal organic also? edit: aparently not: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Organometallic_compounds Ferrocene sounds interesting.
  19. According to general relativity gravity and thus mass bends space time, it has nothing to do with going faster then c. Image a sheet of rubber and as mass sits on it, it bends. If one axis of this sheat represents space and one time then as something moves along the space axis it falls into a ditch and this ditch is a dent in time thus traveling in time. However I don’t know how he expects to gain this effect with massless photons. Another effect, that is purely theoretical, he could be trying for works like this, general relativity says that space and time are linked in a geometrical from, image this form is a glass of water and your spinning a spoon thro it and you get a whirlpool. This whirlpool is like the ditch I described in the last example but you don’t come up on the other end, you reach the vertices where space and time meat, this is time travel.
  20. ok thanks, so does that mean that Na24 would go thru alpha radiation to from Na22 and that does bata to make lighter forms of Na? Edit: Wait…no what has 11 neutrons and 9 protons…? edit:Would it be Na24->F20->O15->B11(STABLE)????
  21. Is their a formula to predict which type of decay a radioisotope will go true, what I mean is can one predict if a given isotope will go thru beta alpha or gamma decay?
  22. Is it possible to purify the ferric borate from the mixture, also is it possible to extract boron from borax?
  23. the "hook" is no longer there?
  24. Perhaps it means rubbing alcohol?
  25. I recently mixed together powdered ferric ammonium sulfate, borax and sodium carbonate. I then heated the powder over a Bunsen burner and the mixture started turning red as the reaction continued it got redder. I didn’t smell the so2 or ammonia one would expect when heating FeNh4(SO4)2, does anyone know what happened in this reaction?
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