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Everything posted by Rhiaden

  1. Typical, thought a paper deadline was January, email today "Please remember deadline for the first draft is 3rd December"....

    1. ajb


      You still got time. What is the paper on?

    2. Rhiaden


      It's nothing too complicated, analysing uncertainties in the climate system. The only problem is, until yesterday it was analysis of couplings in models, and we were a group of 3, now its just me with a complete rewrite. 50 pages in 2 weeks :o

  2. There is a record of a flight in the region at the time AWE808 This seems to be the likely cause, there is even a video of the flight on the 9th, with a contrail like the one on the 8th, blog link below Blog infographic
  3. Hmmm...my PTSD was triggered because when I lived in the UK, a friend of mine came round one evening, started an argument with me, and tried to put a hammer into my head. Not a nice event, however, as a result of that, and his turning up again at my house 2 weeks later hiding in the bushes, I made a random move to Denmark, and, due to being unable to work after the anxiety/PTSD started up, I decided that rather than sit in my house being bored and lonely, I would do something I always wanted to, and go to university, so now in my second year of a degree in physics and geography. Mostly its an irritation when my anxiety hits while on the way to uni (usually due to getting up late and having no breakfast...my own fault), luckily none of my classes have an attendance requirement, so I can study from home, and as its a 50% classes, 50% research, I spend a lot of time working from home anyway. PS Sorry for the thread derail.
  4. It is really annoying, basically, whenever I eat something I am not familiar with, or has a strong taste/texture, I think I am having an allergic reaction, and have to control panicking, or in the case of meat/eggs, I am convinced I have food poisoning, and feel really scared for 4 hours. It doesnt matter how many times I eat the food, I still cannot convince myself that I am not allergic, even if I used to eat it daily. It started because I had PTSD, which came out as a severe anxiety disorder (I got diagnosed after I had psychosomatic bleeding from my kidneys on and off for a year, along with random panic attacks (not hyperventilating, but I would go into complete shock, shivering, getting nerve twitches all over my body, feeling like I was passing out, for about 4 hours at a time), I got this under control, then suddenly I got scared of eating eggs after someone made a comment about "Oh, did you know, people die from salmonella cos they dont wash their hands after touching eggs" After that it just grew and grew, been trying to work on this (first chemically, through SSRIs for 2 years), and now through weekly therapy and outpatient treatment at an eating disorder clinic. Initially the food wasnt the main issue, I was hardly eating because I was constantly having adrenaline rushes from anxiety. We have found that the underlying issue is that for some reason, I do not get hungry, I get signals of hunger as feelings of panic, they say this is because I do not notice hunger, until my blood sugar drops, then I get panicky feelings, and the classic low blood sugar shakes etc, and when I eat something, I associate that with the panicky feelings as I cannot find any other reason for the panic. We are working on this by getting me to eat every 2 hours, just a banana or a slice of bread, this has made a huge difference, now, if I am having a day when I have managed to eat small quantities regularly, I decide to have a proper meal, unfortunately, usually at some point in it, I suddenly think "How do you know you are not allergic", which can trigger the whole thing off again. I am not sure if the disorder has a name, but the hospital say it is a combination of PTSD and a severe anxiety disorder which has transferred to eating, so they are treating all three at once. Social eating is a major trigger, which really messes up eating at university, or going away on residential field courses.
  5. Sounds healthy and very tasty to me. My diet at present is very restricted (Anxiety based eating disorders suck), however, prior to this I generally ate lots of nuts, fruit and green vegetables, along with wholemeal bread, eggs, potatoes, and a little bit of meat once in a while. I am / was not fully vegetarian, however, I do not like the taste or texture of meat, and along with ethical views, just prefer not to eat it. At present, due to my extremely annoying eating disorder (You have no idea how frustrated I am by wanting to eat something, then having to deal with anxiety after eating it, not bulimia or anorexia nervosa btw, just a "Omg I might have an allergic reaction/get food poisoning" reaction to any food that has a strong taste/texture, or isn't on my "safe" list.), my diet consists of cereal (Only porridge or cornflakes), bananas, cheese (one brand of cheddar), one or two brands of bread, vegetables (again, only certain ones...although trying to expand it sneakily). I make my own shepherds pie type things as well, and have managed to slowly expand the variety of foods I eat. I am extremely aware that this is unhealthy, and yes, I am getting treatment for this, hopefully in another 8 months or so it should be all back to normal.
  6. Isn't it the same phenomenon as in the first post here Perspective and Contrails
  7. I have had this discussion before (My boyfriend is a theologian), it comes down to whether or not you can ever justify taking a human life. I personally could not morally, or ethically justify this in any situation, nor could I ever view another human being in the same way as a horse or cow. The only time it even comes close to that comparison for me is in the case of euthanasia. It is not for me to decide whether or not someone else lives or dies, no matter what horrific act they have committed. It seems to me the justification used is "They did a bad thing while mentally ill, therefore we kill them because they are sick". I am much more in favour of treating people and ensuring they dont commit these acts. I have seen first hand the difference in schizophrenics when they stop taking their meds..usually because "I feel better therefore I dont need my meds anymore". As a society, my personal opinion is that we should prevent rather than knee-jerk after the fact...Care in the community for example, could be much improved, and some people released from hospital under the scheme quite clearly should have stayed there, or been more carefully monitored. All the above is strictly IMO, and based on personal (sometimes too personal) contact with people who really should have been sectioned or kept taking their meds.
  8. Getting a headache from constantly being told that "mainstream scientists dont want to look into (insert random woo here) cos they are closed minded

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