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Status Updates posted by HerpetologyFangirl

  1. Just wrote a Plant Ecophysiology test. Wish it had some multiple choice questions...

  2. It is somewhat frightening that I know what Alkalophilic Bacteria are...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ninjakat


      lol :) I feel that way everytime i learn something new! It's a great experience.

    3. HerpetologyFangirl


      That's true. It's a little scary sometimes, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. ^.^

    4. Where is my navel?

      Where is my navel?

      : ) Knowledge is power.

  3. Thanks for the good-luck wishes. :) It covers Evolution from Porifera to Mammalia, and Bryophytes to Angiosperms (heaven help me), Pollination and Pollinators, South African Biomes, Extinction, and Biodiversity. It's not too bad.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HerpetologyFangirl
    3. ajb


      Porifera? Bryophytes? Angiosperms?


      My ignorance for biology is more shocking that I thought LOL

    4. Where is my navel?

      Where is my navel?

      xD That's such a lot of topics!

      Sounds fun : )

  4. Studying like crazy for my Bio exam in two days... ^.^'

    1. ajb


      Good luck with the exam. What are the topics?


    2. Rhiaden


      Good luck with the exam, just finished my midterms myself, so safe from exams til January!

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