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Everything posted by HerpetologyFangirl

  1. Here's the problem: I completely understand how sexual reproduction occurs with mosses, they have sperm and eggs, but I have no clue where the asexual reproduction comes in. Do the gametophytes clone themselves or something? Please help!
  2. Wow, I didn't really realize how common Linux was until this semester. I'd never even heard of it before July, but in the COMP 105 course I'm doing we've been learning all about it, and using it in some of the university's LANs. Ever since I realised it existed, I keep noticing people saying they have it. For instance, my sister uses it at work. I only knew of Windows and Mac before.
  3. Oh. Thank you. *blushes from embarressment* So much for being a BSc student...
  4. I can't claim to know the difference between primary and secondary radial symmetry, but I found a solution in my notes after a bit of digging. Apparently they aren't closely related because Echinoderms have bilateral symmetry in their larval stages, unlike Cnidarians which have radially symmetrical polyps.
  5. It's like listening to Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, and Howard debating some Physics principle. You hear alot of scientific terms, some of which you don't recognise in the least, and they make you laugh until your head falls off every five minutes, yet you get the guist of the argument, and are able to form your own opinion on it. Well, that's my view on it anyway.
  6. Don't worry, I know all about Nematocysts. I learnt about them in BIOL 102. Besides, I've always loved watching documentaries, especially National Geographic, and I saw a very informative one on jellyfish once. I have another question to try on you: Why aren't Cnidarians and Echinoderms considered to be closely related when they're generally both radially symmetrical?
  7. Hello. I was studying for my bio exam when I came accross this question. I understand that these jellyfish are made up of Hydrozoans, but I'm not sure what exactly makes it a colony as opposed to anything else. Are Hydrozoans capable of surviving independently? Is it because Hydrozoans are themselves multicellular organisms? What exactly is the definition of a colony anyway? I could use some insight on this topic. Thanks.
  8. LOL! Of doom! I can just picture someone sitting in a yard full of chickens scratching in the dirt, waxing lyrical about quantum mechanics, explaining mathematical equations which would probably make my head explode. By the way, nice Hellsing avatar. I'm an otaku too. It's so unfair, several of the posts on this thread made me burst into loud, uncontrollable laughter. Please, someone slap me the next time I browse a thread like this whilst in the Library. XD
  9. I don't know about Evolution having a direction, I think it's more of a process which follows whichever direction the environment dictates at the time, but I fully agree with Mokele's explanation of evolutionary dead-ends. I found it very helpful.
  10. Wow... reading these forums is like watching an episode of Big Bang Theory. I feel like I should grab a bowl of popcorn or something. You guys take passive-aggressive to a whole new level. That being said, if sex was totally unrestricted like having conversations, humans would probably be extinct by now from Aids. Remember, it was only discovered a few decades after it started killing people, and by then thousands of people had it. If it weren't for sexual restrictions, probably millions of people would've had it by the time it was discovered. It might have been discovered too late, and everybody would already be doomed. I'm thankful for the restrictions. Besides, I might only be 20, but I'm an old-fashioned romanticist. I like the idea of sex being special. So sue me.
  11. Wow, I love seeing how the minds of the people on this site work. That being said, the moment somebody trying to explain or convince me of something uses an insulting, insensitive, or offensive comment, I immediately think less of them, believing that they're not clever enough, or their point isn't strong enough, for them to convince me with facts and their theories alone, and I completely lose interest in whatever they're saying. That's just me though.
  12. Studying like crazy for my Bio exam in two days... ^.^'

    1. ajb


      Good luck with the exam. What are the topics?


    2. Rhiaden


      Good luck with the exam, just finished my midterms myself, so safe from exams til January!

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