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  • College Major/Degree
    Florida State University

Numus's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Right on all the assumptions for the analytical setup... I am a chemical Oceanography graduate student attempting to prove or disprove the use of an equation that was designed for fresh water to calculate the partitioning coefficent at different temps and how it can be used as salinity changes... Filter paper or cloth would not work, it has to be liquid impermeable but gas permeable... the second any real quantity of liquid (above vapor) touches dryrite, it is an immediate exothermic reaction that turns dryrite into a solid block
  2. I am doing research on the partitioning coefficent of Radon in the gas and liquid phase with respect to salinity. I ran into a snag when I failed to realize Instant Ocean (approximate ocean salt material) froths when gas is bubbled. I have a small Dryrite tube and can't modify the rest of the tubing (system has been calibrated for the exact gas volume) and the problem is once any liquid gets into the dryrite tube (meant for humidity only) it turns into a rock. So basically I need to figure out something I can put before the dryrite that is only gas permeable but wont absorb radon. Any suggestions?
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