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Mike Smith Cosmos

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Everything posted by Mike Smith Cosmos

  1. We do have a very small impact on the Universe , all be it minutely small . In this case below the universe offers " No reason for things not to happen " A to B In this case below the universe offers " reasons for it not to occur , So still follows the course of least resistance " A to B within the tube. REFERENCE . What I was meaning by " If left to its own devices? " Was that the universe settles down to some form of dynamic order" whether we are there or not. however certain parts or conditions of this dynamic order do offer different opportunities. If we blunder our way through, this way or that. 'So Be IT ' But if we find the tubes of opportunity or as most things in nature find the path of least resistance , so we can choose one of these tubes of opportunity and have either a free ride or a ride with the path of least resistance . Outside the tube is the JUNGLE , you might need far more energy and effort or a mashetti to get through ' outside the tube. . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Its interesting that both plant and animal life is mainly based on TUBES ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. The universe is existing out there in whatever simple or complex way ,that it does. We both agree that. We also agree that , The universe ( Reality ) is the real thing and any theory or model is only a vehicle to understanding the workings of reality. I am adding that possibly we can gain some form of insight into what is going on, so as to enable us to ride our way through and about the universe. If we were to take the "Tubes of opportunity " as illustrated in the picture of a water slide in a theme park , as an example ,of using " A lingual Theory of Everything " than we may see the advantage of having a Model and the disadvantage of not having a model. So IN THE MODEL ( Water slide ). If we remain in the ducting , we have an enjoyable ride, an assisted ride and we are safe.and reach the end. . If by some means we left the ducting half way round, we might get mangled on the super structure, crash to the ground, and certainly not enjoy the ride, or reach our destination. So in REALITY if we get into and keep with the flow of the "tubes of opportunity" ( go with the flow ) . We can enjoy a peril less journey through the universe, work with its assistance, be safe, have a happy life , and arrive at our destination. [ I know this throws up a great amount of controversy and questions ] However if one can put those to one side for the moment, 'suspend disbelief ' and say "This is how the universe WORKS ,when left to its own devices' And then ask the question " how can I , or how can I make something else enter such 'Tubes of opportunity ' then we may see how this model of reality may be of use. So I believe we already do this in science, when we produce conduction of water, electricity, light etc when we use pipes, conductors, fiber optic cables. (this latter system of lasers and fiberoptiic cables , being a very efficient system ). We can do the same in life [ this latter one being the more difficult, as we do not have the visible TUBE to see, unlike pipes, cables etc being very visible ] However I think the "tubes of opportunity" are there. Reality is certainly there! But if we can ride the tubes, we might well ...... .........! If we take this within the overarching " Lingual Theory of Everything" then by definition ' Everything' must involve the Universe as a whole and everything that can and does go on within it. The Use and Secret is to work within the tubes of opportunity if you want to get about safely and have a happy life, whether you are a photon, electron or a human .
  3. Perhaps more publicity about what we are actually doing to our planet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the Whole Planet were considered to be a Single Human Being . Then the deforestation is like : - CUTTING PART OF YOUR OWN LUNGS OUT ( THE LEAVES ON THE TREES ) and THINNING RIGHT DOWN ONE OF YOUR LEG BONES. (THE LUMBER - WOOD ) There should be an Earth Government Health Warning put out How CRAZY IS THIS ! .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mike
  4. and J.c. MacSwell said Wow ! If I thought about it enough , we should theoretically [,possibly], be able to slingshot ourselves around the Universe. Not sure how/whether it works with the Sun [for the slingshot out of the solar system], and/or the Galaxy , [ for a visit to another Galaxy in the local group say Andromeda ] . Assuming of course we could live that long or at least imagine living that long ! So it appears to get its extra speed /energy, it gets it from the movement of the planet around the Sun . Perhaps for a Sun sling shot, It is the movement of the Sun around the Milky way Galaxy center ? [can give the extra energy to get out of the solar system ?] Presumably , that is how the Pioneer craft got shot out of the solar system and still going strong. Unless it was its last sling shot off NEPTUNE ? Then for hopping out of the Milky Way galaxy , perhaps using whatever rotation the milky way has about the Local group center . Interesting to know what happens when you try to sling shot yourself out of the whole Universe, presuming it is turning somehow ?
  5. You would think that any energy gained on the way IN would be lost on the way OUT. But the host planet manages to give up some energy. How ? Why ? Where exactly does the exchange or transfer of energy occur ?
  6. Dear Administrators, This is a copy of a PM to Swansont this morning ! Sat 3rd Aug 2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi swansont, I do not seem to be able to upload any Images . A little sign comes up Error and in the little foot note in brown or blue where it speaks of max [ so many megbytes ] it is overwritten with [ no uploading possible ] if I have used up some form of quota. What do I do about it? wait time, delete somewhere [old threads , messages etc ] or ask for more , or what ? Perhaps you can advise . Also can you fix it somehow please. Thanks. Oh and bye the way i would not mind , my thread on " New Mass Transport system " in speculations , unlocking. I have a Physical Model in UK for proof of concept and . I have a Paper produced by me in University for bringing back from Italy in Mid September also some new drawings of forces ( when I can Upload ,some more ) Mike ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He says I need to talk to ADMIN so here I am trying to talk with you. Please could you fix for me to continue . Thanks Mike
  7. I swear I just heard a large round of applause for that great speech ! Or was it the sound of that humungous . ginormous hammer getting up steam for a 'ONE SHOT '
  8. How did the experiment go. ? Posted Yesterday 7:16 my time We must live on the exact opposite sides of the Globe. No wonder Columbian basins are foreign to me ! Maybe we could do some form of experiment. Like I wisper into a drain and you listen with your ear to a drain on the other side of the globe ....ooops ... some time later ...... 12,000 seconds thats 200 minutes thats 30 hours thats a day and a half very approx later . ps [ sums are a bit loose .... may be a third of that .. half a day you should be able to work it out you are the underground specialist ] [ if I go and hit the drain cast iron lid with a hammer now! you shoulld be able to hear it with a Dr's Stethascope when you put it to a drain when you get up ! ] .. it was a bum idea anyway ! mike pps I just went out the door and hit the Drain with a hammer a few times [ its 8 :45 am our time ] : mike
  9. Yes! .Well ! It will take a bit of digging to get to them. Otherwise they would have every Tom, dick, or Harry come looking for money. Bill Gates was head of The Microsoft Giant organisation. George Soros . a huge finance trader . Sorry got both names spelled wrong in previous post [ Sorry ! Chump that I am ! ] He [ George Soros ] can't give money away in charities quick enough before his money makes more money . You will have to dig. Their money will be in " Foundations " . But with a project like you are talking about , you will ultimately reach them . You will need a well articulated story though. ! Let me know how you get on . Go For It ! Mike
  10. Money Try Paul Gates Foundation or George Soroff I' m sure they would love to help .
  11. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ............Well explained ! .........Becoming a lot clearer ! ............. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If I were sitting across a table from you , I would be sketching boundary regions, showing what I thought you meant, and getting a response from you " no mike , Not like that ," Like this. " or "yes exactly " da de da ...... Alas! I am not sitting across a table from you, and also my Paint program with sketching facilities has gone AWOL ( absent without leave). I have so many questions to ask. Living over here ,around the Atlantic Ocean as opposed to the Pacific Ocean I am less familiar with the Topography and layout of Island Arcs, columbian rivers and Mountain ranges on the western North American continent. So sweeps , of mental images of Colu...., island.... take a bit of getting my head around in a sentence. Now if you were talking about the Canary Islands and the west coast of France with the Loire River Valley . Or Gibralta and The entrance to the Mediterrainian sea. The west coast of Africa and the Congo River. , The gulf of Mexico, New york South America and the Amazon river . Iceland, Greenland, The Azores THEN all the images come flooding in and ready for stories of deep down amps changing, mantle's expanding, crusts opening with great Basalt flows ,flowing and Islands pushing up from the ocean floor . ....but the pacific is too far away from my experience to get a good clear grasp of .... and my images are pale,... faded and inaccurate................... island arcs..................too unsure............... I would love nothing better than to build up IMAGES of The pacific and its rim mountains, rivers islands etc , in the same way I have of the Atlantic , but that would take another lifetime. As indeed I am starting with your lovely pictures of the Columbia area . Thanks ! Mike https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8e/Pangea_animation_03.gif Iceberg A22A in the South Atlantic Ocean Experiment Devon UK through Earth to British Columbria We must live on the exact opposite sides of the Globe. No wonder Columbian basins are foreign to me ! Maybe we could do some form of experiment. Like I wisper into a drain and you listen with your ear to a drain on the other side of the globe ....ooops ... some time later ...... 12,000 seconds thats 200 minutes thats 30 hours thats a day and a half very approx later . ps [ sums are a bit loose .... may be a third of that .. half a day you should be able to work it out you are the underground specialist ] [ if I go and hit the drain cast iron lid with a hammer now! you shoulld be able to hear it with a Dr's Stethascope when you put it to a drain when you get up ! ] .. it was a bum idea anyway ! mike pps I just went out the door and hit the Drain with a hammer a few times [ its 8 :45 am our time ] :
  12. Mike Smith said July 23 2013 :- . FOR INSTANCE Micel Gorbachev [ Leader in Russia ] before the Berlin wall came down , When interviewed on Television after the collapse of the Soviet Union said [ to the effect ] . " that He saw the opportunity [ from "tubes of opportunity" ] come floating by in front of him. Only he was in a position to take the initiative of Perestroika ( reform of the communist system ) " . He started the 'ball rolling ' and history showed this lead to the now more open world we know. EQUALLY . A large block of Ice and dust finding it self as the result of a collision with another block of ice , knocked into a particular trajectory { "tube of opportunity"} that leads it into an incoming path towards the Sun . This to become one of the Comets seen from time to time. EQUALLY Our technology is massively constructed , particularly [but not only ] of wires and fiber optics, which act as Conduits or "tubes of opportunity" to bring electrons, light waves, signals to designated places across the globe to perform and make things happen,
  13. You may be standing at the entrance of a wonderful tunnel of opportunity...... Follow your passion ! You have the natural world crying out for trees or green growth. You have a goodly proportion of the world population who are crying out for save the planet. The money is there .. It just needs individuals with initiative and drive like you have. //// Follow your passion ! Mike http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=vIbkGBQK56CqNM&tbnid=vFnS3DlGBfNTMM:&ved=0CAgQjRwwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Floadpaper.com%2Fid43386%2Fgreen-forest-1920x1080-pixel.html&ei=z4P5Ua_CBbO10QW3loGQCQ&psig=AFQjCNE64FdWS6SbNElIiIBDn-gSIJPdBA&ust=1375393103142745
  14. Sure, in a sort of way with a few real Jupiter style storms or other planet storms. mike Storm on Jupiter Solar Storm Dust storm on MARS Storm over Saturn's pole Another close view of Jupiter's long duration storm Courtesy of THE WEEK paper Article by 7 jaw-dropping images of storms in outer space Who knew violent atmospheric disturbances could look so good? By Lauren Hansen | With Lightning If these are not inspiring I do not know what is ! Mike
  15. The Film DUNE and the books Written by Frank Herbert would be worth viewing. Not for truth/facts but for inspirational input. But you probably already know this story ! mike .
  16. Cheer Up Popcorn . Everybody loves you really . Mike

    1. Arnaud Antoine ANDRIEU

      Arnaud Antoine ANDRIEU

      umm ok!

      We are an crew.

    2. Popcorn Sutton

      Popcorn Sutton

      Lol you made it a status. Thanks Mike!

  17. Yes , But it is a good discipline . mike
  18. tylerrsmithh has just approached me with the above Question . tylerrsmithh said :- ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer from : Mike Smith Cosmos I am just reading a book given to me by a friend on the Science Forum [see below] The initial reasoning is right up your street. Forests are the lungs of our Planet and we are hacking our lungs to bits. You might like to take a step back . LEAVES are the actual interface with the environment. Breathing in Carbon Dioxide and Breathing out Oxygen Leaves are the essential. {See below } . The process of photosynthesis from the Sun Light and the leaf process The Carbon Dioxide to Oxygen factory grinds on . Surplus Energy is stored in the TIMBER part of trees . This we can use later as logs or much , much later as COAL. You need to think, are you after more Carbon Dioxide to Oxygen factories and/or more ENERGY to burn. If all you want is Carbon Dioxide to Oxygen lungs , you could concentrate on the leaves. This still could be trees , though not necessarily, but may be you do not need all the timber that takes a long time to grow. LEAVES GROW IN A SINGLE SEASON -short time. You can of course grow leaves on trees , which of course is obvious, BUT you could concentrate on Trees that are High in Leaf content but low on Trunk and Timber content. Bushy type Trees ! Just a thought ! Mike
  19. Yes ,Thanks. Well not being a geologist, the whole thing is new to me anyway.even before your new theory:- of how it works ( Plate Tectonics ) particularly. I have a particular type of way of thinking ! I can not do anything about it . I have had it all my life. Anything that is spoken to me; anything written, any idea, any maths, any anything My brains seems to ONLY understand it , reason with it , process it with an IMAGE. If I can not translate it to an image, I get really STUCK. I can't remember it , Can't deal with it , Can't really attempt to understand it. So I need a pictorial sequence , which can be in simple spoken images ( if you can get your head around that ) . So starting with the SUN , keeping it with things I can make a mental picture of , ....da de da de da .. Can be a series of sketches,, this goes out that way , this shrinks, that pushes out that way , with not too many sequencial specialised words in a row . Its as if you were having to explain your theory to a child. All that you have explained to date, in brief about your theory . This child , who is going to be the only one sent away on a space ship into the far depths of space to return after the world has suffered some extermination event , and return to inform the remaining few survivors YOUR THEORY of HOW the World Works ( Tectonically that is ). Because the extermination event was the mother of all Magma Flows making Deccan Trapps or Siberian Trapps look small by comparison . And that child had a mind like mine. THINKS IN IMAGES . ( You and I and most others died in the extermination event ) [ The mother of all Basalt , magma outfows ] Go !
  20. Arc Just for me , can you go one or two stage simpler ! I liked reading and viewing the above post but I need a layer or two back out a bit . Mike
  21. Great Pictures of Basalt Flow in Columbia
  22. Arc It would be nice if you could make some form of ANIMATED video of how you see by your model working , ( both Atlantic and Pacific ) Producing all the proceeding verbal explanations. Even if this was by simple yet clear BLOCK movements with the relevant upwelling and subduction ( more accurately the way you describe it ) mike.
  23. NOW THAT IS AN INTERESTING CURVE . That really is interesting ! Mike
  24. Tar I would like to quote your comment you sent to me Via a Personal message , as I think it relevant Tar said in a PM to Mike Which I agree with . Any model, theory , principle can only be a shadow of the REALITY . In that way reality can Live, Work and Exist. But the comfort and use of the model can help us unravel questions we may have of reality or indeed uses we may wish to make use of within reality. Understanding the mechanism , can ease our operation of the machinery . I do believe the cosmos is threaded with myriads of tubes of opportunity whereby things can happen easily if A) The entrance to the tube is identified B) The initiative is either present automatically or the initiative is originated at the entrance to the tube of opportunity. C) Any possible energy requirements are present Its as if the cosmos is threaded with one big set of "theme park super slides" . I know this is yet another model, but perhaps this is one of the ways to find and operate ourselves a way around this Gigantuan Theme Park . Mike
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