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Mike Smith Cosmos

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Everything posted by Mike Smith Cosmos

  1. Probably more like this - link http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hydrogen_Density_Plots.png This is where the Once going above a simply one variable like length. Wave motion gets difficult to calculate.( unless you are Sheoneger or some one .) However it is my belief that atoms are not working from formulas , rather formulae are derived in an attempt to model what is there. If what is there is complex (to us ) in behavior , it might not be difficult at the Electron level. A couple of electrons might well be buzzing around their fields environment, like bees in a bottle, avoiding the bottle sides and each other by simple REPULSION yet, when settling down , into a complex yet pretty ,symmetrical pattern as link pictures above. The two or more ( as the case may be ) electrons are in the mold TRAPPED until their next exploites when exited away from their host nucleus or energy band. In the mechanical model I started with wires vibrating in single length ( all be it a circle ) its like upgrading to hitting a Spherical Gong . The wave patterns become very complex looking , however do settle down to complex beautiful , symmetrical patterns. -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ LOOK at Coloured Picture Half way down this paper Link BELOW :- ......... webistem ...............acoustics ,,,,,,,,,,, Then Look at 4: 3:1 in the atom orbital in Link ABOVE ............commons ..............hydrogen density .............. - One is a GONG the other is electrons in orbitals ! Surely the model is a good model ! ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------.... . http://webistem.com/acoustics2008/acoustics2008/cd1/data/fa2002-sevilla/forumacusticum/archivos/mus06006.pdf .
  2. I will have something from Prof Lee Smolin from Perimeter Institute about TIME later
  3. Interesting Logic. But of course that is your craft ! Hang About ! You want me to go faster than the speed of light at 300,000,000 meters per second when I can not catch these d.. ducks going 3 meters per second at full throttle. You have got to be joking ! Your orders sir !
  4. I have an inkling Isaac Newton got hung up on this one . Spinning a Bucket of water. I am not sure which side he came down on . It was all to do with if or if not, there was anything other than the bucket of water in the universe. got him thinking ! Did the Water rise up the side of the Bucket he mused . Yes if the universe was how it is. But if there was nothing other than the bucket (no Universe ) how would the bucket know it was spinning. Sort of Similar thing with a spinning Universe. Lets do this experiment.. Who is going to do the bucket without a universe . and who is going to tell us if the universe is spinning. or what measurement could we make to detect an out pushing force ( away from the Center ) Centifugal Force Back to the motor bikes and the Kids on the playground round about thing Would this do this if there was NOT a universe out there beyond the kids playground thing ? Would they know they were spinning . Would they feel the Centrifugal force or would it not exist?
  5. No ! But thats why they want to be H2 . My Chemistry is not red hot . But i thought thats partly what makes elements reactive is rogue single charges . ( they tend to want to be TWO's . they want to be together ! )
  6. We are getting towards it ! But you and I know this is at the moment more like the Bohr model . ( Planets going round the Sun ) . There are two Steps to go. Step 1 Rather than a single wire, Because the electron is travelling pretty dam fast, we are talking about , effectively a surface, STEP 2 A second surface tracked out by a second electron , going exactly in the opposite direction You might say why would they end up opposing each other. The same reason in a much simpler way ,that the tuning fork does. ( Attraction and repulsion ) [ they converge into a steady state. producing the first complete shell of the first orbital. Just like the little magnets kids throw into the air as a pair ( they go ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz.........) Or a double dumbel toy . So each electron of a pair of electrons will generate angular momentum as part of a partial arc . [ I believe the electrons are confined to their orbitals by the principles that dictate the Shroeniger wave equation .based on electrical and magnetic fields.]
  7. Then a sweep of frequencies produced Standing waves around the circular orbit . The circle was a solid steel wire , supported between soft springs. So the springs were not vibrating merely supporting the circular orbital wire .
  8. . THE DAWLISH VISIT of U3A EXETER Spring 2013 The following is a brief record of the field work visit .(size of upload limited ) . . . Dawlish Warren/Dawlish was always a beach, fun and swimming when I was a boy. Now taking on a Whole new perspective. Mike That's me with the hammer and the big lump of rock !
  9. Thats one hell of a thing to say about A) ALL of Life B) The Universe and C) Everything True its not about i pods, ear pods and throat pods , but it is about REAL things in the Universe like : PERSONS-ANIMALS STARS-LIGHT EVERYTHING MATERIAL and WAVELIKE We must not become detached from REALITY Very neatly . Which I will go on to prove. But its 12.12 am in Britain . so zz
  10. Both sound interesting . However you had better bring them up on a separate thread as the moderators like one subject per thread . However If you have any further thoughts on rotating universe please do share your thoughts here.
  11. The experiment which came to shed light on electron behavior was derived from a mechanical model but directly emanating an electron . Firstly to investigate the sort of vibrations that could be applied to electrons in energy format ( but in a mechanical model. ) I set up the following apparatus. I then set up an atomic model :- Note Standing waves .. .
  12. The Next Thread running from Micro to macro and Macro to micro is: . Attraction - Repulsion I must say for years my observation has been, that at a human and animal level there appears to be an issue that occupies a large proportion of individuals interests,activities and mental pre-occupation. That is the attraction of one person for another.( or one animal for another) My reasoning has been ,that should it be so significant at this level, its likely this must have emanated from some core pattern in the very small and very far back in time. I believe a simple investigation shows this to be so . What with Male and Female at one Macro Level down to Positive and Negative at the Micro level give evidence as this to be so without dispute. The tracing this as a thread through the Micro/Macro boundary .may show interesting features to give possible details or side issues. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A thread to follow on is that of LIFE . ~~ The origin of Life ~~~~ Cell and Cell division ~~~~ DNA ~~~~~ Natural Selection ~~~~ Life as we Know it Now ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  13. From a New book by Adam Rutherford about " The Origin of Life " Viking Books 2013 on Page 21 in referring back to Cell discovery he says :- So why should I not put my Lingual Theory of Everything in Three short Sentences ? It is just that its about EVERYTHING
  14. Good for you ! Keep going ! ( It's an age thing ) Mike
  15. Well I only have the Physics community to go by. Prof Lee Smolin a Founding Member of The Perimeter Institute in Canada . An off shoot of Princetown University USA He published a Book "THE TROUBLE WITH PHYSICS " where he well illuminated how when Bursaries were being handed out for Theoretical Physics Research many times String Theory was given priority over less mathematical research experiments and conceptual ideas. So I suppose the research funds I am referring to are the Pure Blue Sky Physics research activities which aspiring students in physics may wish to follow, but are unable to get funded as the Professors ( who have the access to the Research Budgets), have their own agenda in String theory Research , being many of the cosmetically attractive physics theory projects of recent years. I had my own experience of trying to get into a Phd program as a mature student ( in my 50,s /60,s). I had my own line of research to follow , but found it was necessary to have a professor to oversee and supervise. And to a man , I found ALL they were interested in and were prepared to supervise , was in their OWN PROJECT AREA which was by nature a very narrow field . I was told that 90 % of Phd projects were going to Young adaptable Bright Students who would join the Professors Project ( not there own project ) So there was an inbuilt budget mechanism TO NOT EXPLORE OUTWARD TO NEW BLUE SKY RESEARCH. I do not know , but possibly this was a driver behind The Perimeter Institute , where many leading physics personalities Pool their Ideas. .
  16. Surely that central point would be quite interesting though. As most central points are like the center of a Galaxy.? .
  17. So what is the balancing force to gravity When a satellite is in Orbit ? . Surely this is Centrifugal Force. Otherwise the Satellite would fall out of the Sky. [ Please don.t come out with the " Firing a cannon ball off the top of a mountain. " That's just another way of looking at it without the forces .]
  18. I am sure this is another example of " every body is saying the king has a beautiful suit of clothes on , when he is really naked. This business of " there is no such thing as centrifugal force " that seems to have been perpetuated by lower school removal from the corriculum , because everybody else is saying " The king has a beautiful suit of clothes " . THE KING HAS NO CLOTHES ON ! Surely Isaac newton establishes that " Everything likes to move in a strait line unless acted upon by a force. " That is how it is ! So if you try and move anything in a curve , away from that strait line you get this effect of centrifugal force caused by the inertia wanting to go on in a strait line. Its a force, we have all felt it countless times, every time we go from strait to curve. We live on a curve ( World ) its spinning at roughly 1000 miles per hour. The centrifugal force is pushing us ( away from the center. That's what centrifugal means ) Now if that spinning was not 1000 miles per hour but 17 times that namely 17,700 miles per hour , centrifugal force would equal gravity and we would all float in the air like helium balloons. So if you want to float off into space that's all you need to do , go 17,700 mph . Thats what NASA does when it sends a rocket down range. Shoves it by rockets to 17,700 mph and then lets go . IN ORBIT . You do not need to go 100-500 miles up to do this. You can do it right here 3 feet off the ground. ( at least science says you can ) . Whether practically you can is another issue. Lots of people think it can be done ! I think it can be done .
  19. Why can we not keep it simple. The space we see appears to spread out in all directions . When maps are done of the Universe (all be it that they can only look so far), there appears to be a block of stars. Why can the whole lot not be turning as if it were like a hyper hyper size super galaxy. If so , it must be turning about a center. If you say its standing still. OK. but that would be a fluke surely. Most things tend to move. If his vast massive universe is changing size , it would surely rotate like most of the galaxies. ?
  20. STRING THEORY has had a good run, occupying the last 20 years of lime light, research funds and reputations. Has it earned all these things with enough of the predictive power, that has been mentioned on this forum . Or has it crowded out , other ideas, equally worthy of merit , yet from less known mortals. IF prediction is so forefront why has this not held back the popularity of string theory, which I thought had not made too many predictions. Yet it has ' gone a flying ' into hundreds of dimensions , multi-branes , and goodness knows what. Maybe STRING THEORY is right . But has it over 'Clouded' some smaller fainter voices from unknown scientists saying " what about this for an idea" who May just be nurturing a fundamental truth ? ( all I have been saying is please try not to beat the living daylights out of them before you have nurtured these individuals .) Hey wait a minute. Maybe people like having the living daylights verbally knocked out of themselves. And maybe the rest of us like seeing the stuffing knocked out of them. Carry on chaps and chapesses ! ) ..
  21. Yes but you are none the less supporting the idea that we must not leave the leadership or guiding impetus to Maths ?
  22. You mean this was his experiments finding that Infra red was not energetic enough to cause electrons to be emitted.from a surface or element . But ultra violet was capable to produce the emission of electrons from a surface or element . So there was a minimum frequency thus minimum energy from E =h f. Building on Plank and his constant h . And I presume from what figures you have quoted,, without doing the maths, that the radiation frequency corresponding to a wavelength of 121.56 nm that this is the ionisation energy thus f from f=E/h Where E =ionisation energy ) Where c speed of light = wavelength x frequency My word, this is like being back in University, When I am on the borderline of dementia. No wonder I prefer models, concepts and illustrations.
  23. Is this an unsolved problem at the moment ? If so I will investigate further. Or are you probing me.?
  24. ELECTRON - PHOTON CROSS BOUNDARY INTERFACE : MICRO-MACRO : MACRO/MICRO : At first , although equally complicated I would like to start as EVIDENCE of a cross boundary link (model link) , as partial proof that one is justified in bringing aspects of Macro characteristics well beyond the atomic border into modeling in the Micro world within the atomic domain. say the electron. USING Electro- Magnetic Radiation as [ Radio Transmission from/Reception to a Dipole Antenna ] .. RADIATION IN SPACE OF RADIO WAVES MACRO [ PHOTONS in SPACE ] MICRO [Conduction Band Electrons near ATOMS ] After a 100 years of development of techniques in Radio transmission, roughly speaking signals are produced BY ELECTRONS FLOWING AS A SIGNAL ,as a waveform ( speaking the words in your mobile phone ) are changed into electrical currents. These are changed into electro-magnetic signals of sufficient frequency ( vibrations per second, 100's of millions per second). These E-M (Electro-Magnetic signals Travel down transmission lines in your Mobile phone hand piece to a small internal Antenna (Where electrons flow to the empty end of the dipole Antenna) . Local or nearby E-M fields are generated in the space near your mobile by the electron movement . Then at a small distance away, (called the far field ) AND THIS IS THE AMAZING BIT the E-M fields become self perpetuating free standing oscillating E-M fields , and hare off into space as PHOTONS [Quantum Bubbles of Electro -Magnetic Waves] at 186,000 miles per second (300.000 Km/Sec) to your nearest Cell Phone network Receiving station. probably on top of some large Mast. Then a reply from whoever you are talking to ( as they INITIATE a reply to you) in the reverse direction, namely via the mast antenna to your mobile phone. Why does this work so well ? Because through SPACE ELectro Magnetic waves ( in Photon Form ) have gone through a PHASE TRANSITION. They will travel in a particular photon's direction . They would continue to travel to the far edge of the universe. ( so we are led to believe ! ). It is only you , who have to put energy in to your mobile phone by the battery, and the Cell phone network who have to put energy into their Transmitters. Once the photon bubble of E-M waves is produced it goes through Space with no further requirement for energy ( for ever ( humm for ever ? well ! ) Thus Electro magnetic waves as described by James Clark Maxwell work . This is the thin thread through space. Should you require to read in more depth then see following Reference . Ref :- http://en.wikipedia....netic_radiation . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
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