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Mike Smith Cosmos

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Everything posted by Mike Smith Cosmos

  1. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I am going to make a summation of the last few points, which should clarify my stance on this matter ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. The energy to bind atoms together is known as the Binding Energy. Helium requires less Binding energy than two hydrogen atoms. Thus when hydrogen combines through the root of deuterium to helium , there is a surplus of energy , the net binding energy is less. So energy is given off ( like the Sun ). or a Hydrogen Bomb. Sorry the line is a bit of a wobble. ( must be the cold )
  3. Where did this one particle come from ?
  4. I can follow your well presented reasoning, and am drawn towards the latter comment that restrictions come if you exclude different ways of expressing things. I am torn between WORDS and PICTURES. Whatever is presented to me ( figuratively ) say by someone describing something or reading something or observing a phenomenon , I invariably try and picture it, even if the pictures are analogies. If I am presented with mathematical explanations , again I try and visualise the maths (in bits ) . If I am told " there is no visualisation" I run screaming for the nearest lake to jump in. If I am told I must persist with the Maths I try and get so far, then my head HURTS . I could go on 'wording it' or 'sketching it ' for ever and ever. I think our brain, ( certainly mine), is set up in a way which is happy with words and pictures. What mathematicians see or feel in their brain is obviously very pleasurable, good job they are around to bring that ultimate precision and brain bending formula. for me, bring on the discussion and visualisation. Perhaps :- Only Reality Itself is , the real thing. Any model may approach, but will possibly fall short of reality itself . However , this does not stop us getting as near as we can Maybe this is a repeat of what you were saying in your last paragraph . What happens though if Language is more real than the Universe that we think is reality.
  5. As I understand it the Schroedinger equation is fundamental to quantum mechanics and contains the svi symbol , which is the wave function. ( as like a sine wave ) except it modulates as a probability function as illustrated below. If E is energy then the Schroedinger equations will produce peaks and troughs of probability. Which if you square them they are always Positive . This then shows the position or rather energy levels which are present in the atom. Some Possible , some not possible. Wickapedia Sch...Equation The following sketch ( quickly drawn not a wickpedia drawing ) shows when you turn the Sch...Equat.... into a probability wave by squaring the amplitude you get these peaks and troughs for permitted energy band or, forbidden energy band. Thus No electrons permitted at the center where the proton is. but Some (2) electrons permitted at the first peak( energy band ), and some more electrons say 6 with carbon and 8 with oxygen (max 8 ) in the second peak (energy band )
  6. Yes, Well we are suffering over here in England with the same bout of cold that you are. I am sitting here with double pairs of socks on and a thick wool jumper and I am still frozen. Mike
  7. Yes if you google Plank Telescope it is there as CTV report . Now universe 13.81 billion years . More Dark matter. , Less Dark energy , Inflation details , also they have found :- A preferred direction in space , ( guess that means there must be a center to the universe after all )-( speculation me ) link To NATURE http://www.nature.com/news/planck-telescope-peers-into-the-primordial-universe-1.12658
  8. News out today of Slight Detail change to age of Universe ( 13.81 Billion years ) , confirmation of many ideas around the big bang, and inflation. But some new evidence for new ideas.
  9. Posted 17 March 2013 - 11:28 PM I have given a lot of thought to your interesting comments Arc , as well as to Popcorn Sutton who also thinks a lot around a subject. I have come up with some considered comments on 7 illustrated applications of interesting effects which could be considered within the remit of Science ( Which after all this is called a SCIENCE FORUM ). 1. Mechanical Movement by Plate Tectonics 2. Movement of sea waves and light photons. 3. Mechanical movement of heat . 4. Radiation in space of Radio waves. 5 Electron orbital/energy band change. 6. Viral and antibody attack . 7. Quantum tunneling . Could be a bit , all at once. Is there one or two of these that catch your fancy. All have interesting issues. i have touched on electron orbitals and Quantum tunneling but I do have some very interesting further comments on both those subjects. OK Popcorn Sutton I need to go and tend to a few things . Get back to it later on Radiation & Electron orbital .Mike
  10. I think this 99.99% expression is not derived but is an expression people say when what they really want to say is " it's pretty unlikely". Then someone has come along and said i'll use maths on this and take it away from 100% . Thus by maths 0.01 % must be real stuff. But this comes from an expression, not a measurement. However I may have shot myself in the foot by saying this ! EEk. This is the 'pot calling the kettle black ' Sorry.
  11. Sorry, I did not mean that there was no causality at all ( full stop) I mean that a lot of what is happening in the universe HAS BREAKS IN CAUSALITY and depends more on PROBABILITY and so individual links are often by probability of numbers rather than by calculable individual links. Thus it often does not appear like everyday happenings. Namely " this does that because of the other " Often things in Quantum Mechanics seem counter intuitive . Should have read :- The universe often works with large numbers! And often has complete breaks in causality. That's one reason why quantum mechanics is difficult to understand in our normal way of looking at things. Hope that sounds a bit better !
  12. Coming from a starting point and assuming causality ( namely one thing causes another thing to happen, then that in turn causes yet another thing to happen ) will not necessarily lead to the End Point defined as a mold previously. As Mr Swansont has previously exclaimed. That is because there is not necessarily ANY causal link between the START and END point. If we look at the Picture above of a Dragon fly going about his business flying about. It may well have had an original 'initiative' to fly about today following its nose for charge. when passing near to the flower illustrated above, the charge was detected and it homes in for the feed. Now , if we return to a group of Dragon Flies some miles away. Can we go to a specific Dragon fly ( DF1 ) can we pose a causal formula or quiver of formulae , such that we can causally say that Dragon fly (DF! ) will arive at our Flower (F1) . No there is no causal connection. All we can do is produce some probable statistic that a given Dragon Fly say (DF1) will arrive at the Flower (F1). Very unlikely unless millions of Dragon Flies and Millions of Flowers. Such is the similarity with electrons and Quantum particles. There is a lot of uncertainty, a lot of probability and in some respects no individual causality. You can often only say , given enough time , number of particles, or number of receivers of particles ( holes) (molds) that a certain something will happen , Back to our picture of the Dragon fly and flower. There is no certainty that a particular Dragon Fly takes the nectar and thus scrapes on board some of the pollen, from a particular flower. BUT there is a very good chance that A dragon fly will visit A flower. This without any specific linked causal route. The universe works with large numbers! And complete breaks in causality. That's one reason why quantum mechanics is difficult to understand in our normal way of looking at things.
  13. I need to think about your comments, all of which were interesting and worthy of response. Similarly to ARC , I need to think on what you have reasoned , with your own type of reasoning and make a well thought out response. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Needless to say ,I have had a major breakthrough on the theory over the last 24 hours. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As a taster this may give a clue. A science magazine ( think New scientist) had an article about how the pollen on ripe flowers had a 'charge' on each pollen grain, and the Bee or in this case Dragon fly detected the charge and are drawn in or ATTRACTED. On taking the nectar, from the flower , the pollen got onto the bee ( this case dragon fly ) , and took the charge away with it. ! Interesting Mike
  14. ARC, You have come forward with a very good post. Good by the way you have structured your response to the theme of this thread, also good by your reasoned argument for the various ways to approach a proposed hypothesis , as if it were a building with its dual requirement for aesthetics as well sound structural performance. The reasoning , which you may or may not agree with , that I have been trying to develop in this thread are based around a goal (mould) orientated way of dealing with the apparently complex way the universe works , ( the Lingual Theory ) as opposed to the starting position plus mathematical calculation CAUSATION method to arrive at predicted effects. This I briefly illustrated in the previous post. I have had a little contact with genetic Algorithms as a means to deal with complex issues. After an initial direction being specified and an end result ( mould ) being specified a computer program or a real life situation may be allowed to run under certain genetic rules. I used this approach 50 years ago while designing electronic circuits from first principles. Having developed a simple circuit that worked ( all-be-it ) not very well , values for components could be sought on a "trial and error" basis, worsened ( thus down graded ), or improved ( thus upgraded ). In genetic algorithms , solutions that are getting nearer to your goal( Mould) are given many duplicate solutions , solutions that are distancing from your goal( Mould ) are given few or no solutions. Changes are regularly added ( best of both ) even total mutations are introduced, and the program repeated over and over. The Program iterates and grows toward your goal ( mold ) without the detailed complex formula. I have proposed this Lingual theory/observation of everything, as a lingual ( initiative , with space or minimal resistance, and goal (mold ) as a means of understanding the way the universe works. Within this construct there are no reasons why lines of calculated mathematical systems can not be introduced within this framework to give robust structure to the system in the way you describe in your comments. However letting the genetic algorithm runs to proceed unfettered, have been known to produce better results than those calculated. Sometimes I think we might currently be finding ourselves as part of the Universe, in the middle of some Giant Algorithm Run ! .
  15. The growing significance of Calcium in our environment, At the Cambrian/Pre cambrian Border as well as and including OUR very bones is substantial. Able to eat Ediacaran Enigmata At The Cambrian/Pre cambrian Border with Calcium Teeth
  16. Is it a worm ? Eaten themselves by Trilobites ?
  17. Clearly, Asteroids and meteors have been and are still showering down on our Earth. Russia seems to be a common landing site. And still there was the coincidental Asteroid pass by !
  18. I think I under estimated the Black Slime. Once present on the earth, it seems to have spread everywhere it can . Now I have come back to the present it seems to be everywhere I look. Even in small amounts there is Slime all over the place. The mats of the stromatelites are still doing there business over in Australia. But generally slime has got everywhere !
  19. Good discussion. It should Go On ! Is it not possible to combine all these ' Heisenberg ' Threads together as they all make good reading. ( For the future )
  20. Quite so , But you are in equation mode, coming from a specified starting condition and with parameters , formula you will come very precisely to my "mold" ( Eng Mould) position. or maybe to you your current state. One unique precise solution. I , on the other hand , will say to you I am already IN the "mold " (Eng Mould) and there are many, many, even occasionally "ANY" ways that you may arrive at the "mold". Starting over there, over here, a million miles away , 3 feet away, whatever occasionally " anywhere " No formula is needed to get you here in my mold you (figuratively ) just arrive. Its not always important to me , where you came from , you just arrived. You perhaps it could be said, did NOT know where you (figuratively) were going to end up. you just had your starting position and your quiver of formula, and off you go , not knowing where you are going , until the calculations said HERE ( in my mold). c, arrives,d arrives e,arrives etc etc Mine has many possible paths ( which is the bit that worries you personally) . I (figuratively) am here in my mold , not too bothered where you (figuratively) came from, other than that you ( figuratively ) arrived. This does have ( though not intended ) slight echo's of Richard Feynman's probability paths for light beams and reflection. However leaving that alone, When there was no mould ( Amer mold ) At the START of the universe :- No mould (possibly ?) Anything and everything is possible .... etc etc We are here now with a substantial universe and so the Universe in its totality IS THE MOLD with all its spaces , curls, flows , pinched poppers etc and things are doing their things in the spaces they find or arrive at. You may give them causality and formula , I may speak of initiative and spaces, and paths of least resistance. Only in this context, I hasten to add. Having spent a lifetime using formula in Electronics, this is somewhat of a different approach. Interesting though.
  21. I am still editing the post. or attempting to. Here is a (Almadine garnets in a metamorphic rock Schist ) to be going on with ! Only forms under high temperature and Pressure ! Sorry not trying to be rude. Just bought time to finish post. Now done. Ps you showed a certain knowledge of Schists in your post a couple of days ago .
  22. Tunnel diodes acting across a P-N junction are an example of how things that you would not think can happen, do happen because the probability wave of quantum mechanics removes the potential hill ( or tunnels through it symbolically ) and thus there is no reason for it not to occur. Tunnel diode From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tunnel diode schematic symbol 1N3716 tunnel diode (with jumper for scale) A tunnel diode or Esaki diode is a type of semiconductor diode that is capable of very fast operation, well into the microwave frequency region, by using the quantum mechanical effect called tunneling. It was invented in August 1957 by Leo Esaki when he was with Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo, now known as Sony. In 1973 he received the Nobel Prize in Physics, jointly with Brian Josephson, for discovering the electron tunnelingeffect used in these diodes. Robert Noyce independently came up with the idea of a tunnel diode while working for William Shockley, but was discouraged from pursuing it.[1] These diodes have a heavily doped p–n junction only some 10 nm (100 Å) wide. The heavy doping results in a broken bandgap, where conduction band electron states on the n-side are more or less aligned with valence band hole states on the p-side. Tunnel diodes were first manufactured by Sony in 1957[2] followed by General Electric and other companies from about 1960, and are still made in low volume today.[3] Tunnel diodes are usually made from germanium, but can also be made in gallium arsenide and silicon materials. They are used in frequency converters and detectors.[4]They have negative differential resistance in part of their operating range, and therefore are also used asoscillators, amplifiers, and in switching circuits using hysteresis. Figure 6: 8–12 GHz tunnel diode amplifier, circa 1970 In 1977, the Intelsat V satellite receiver used a microstrip tunnel diode amplifier (TDA) front-end in the 14 to 15.5 GHz band. Such amplifiers are considered state-of-the-art, with better performance at high frequencies than any transistor-based front end.[5] The highest frequency room-temperature solid-state oscillators are based on resonant-tunneling diode (RTD).[6] There is another type of tunnel diode called a metal–insulator–metal (MIM) diode, but present application appears restricted to research environments due to inherent sensitivities.[7] Contents [hide] 1 Forward bias operation 2 Reverse bias operation 3 Technical comparisons3.1 Longevity 4 See also 5 References 6 Bibliography 7 External links [edit]Forward bias operation Under normal forward bias operation, as voltage begins to increase, electrons at first tunnel through the very narrow p–n junction barrier because filled electron states in the conduction band on the n-side become aligned with empty valence band hole states on the p-side of the p-n junction. As voltage increases further these states become more misaligned and the current drops – this is called negative resistance because current decreases with increasing voltage. As voltage increases yet further, the diode begins to operate as a normal diode, where electrons travel by conduction across the p–n junction, and no longer by tunneling through the p–n junction barrier. The most important operating region for a tunnel diode is the negative resistance region. [edit]Reverse bias operation Main article: Backward diode When used in the reverse direction they are called back diodes (or backward diodes) and can act as fast rectifiers with zero offset voltage and extreme linearity for power signals (they have an accurate square law characteristic in the reverse direction). Under reverse bias filled states on the p-side become increasingly aligned with empty states on the n-side and electrons now tunnel through the pn junction barrier in reverse direction. [edit]Technical comparisons IV curve similar to a tunnel diode characteristic curve. It has negative resistance in the shaded voltage region, between v1 and v2. In a conventional semiconductor diode, conduction takes place while the p–n junction is forward biased and blocks current flow when the junction is reverse biased. This occurs up to a point known as the “reverse breakdown voltage” when conduction begins (often accompanied by destruction of the device). In the tunnel diode, the dopant concentration in the p and n layers are increased to the point where the reverse breakdown voltage becomes zeroand the diode conducts in the reverse direction. However, when forward-biased, an odd effect occurs called quantum mechanical tunnelling which gives rise to a region where an increase in forward voltage is accompanied by adecrease in forward current. This negative resistance region can be exploited in a solid state version of the dynatron oscillator which normally uses a tetrode thermionic valve (or tube). The tunnel diode showed great promise as an oscillator and high-frequency threshold (trigger) device since it would operate at frequencies far greater than the tetrode would, well into the microwave bands. Applications for tunnel diodes included local oscillators for UHF television tuners, trigger circuits in oscilloscopes, high speed counter circuits, and very fast-rise time pulse generator circuits. The tunnel diode can also be used as low-noise microwave amplifier.[8] However, since its discovery, more conventional semiconductor devices have surpassed its performance using conventional oscillator techniques. For many purposes, a three-terminal device, such as a field-effect transistor, is more flexible than a device with only two terminals. Practical tunnel diodes operate at a few milliamperes and a few tenths of a volt, making them low-power devices.[9] The Gunn diode has similar high frequency capability and can handle more power. Tunnel diodes are also relatively resistant to nuclear radiation, as compared to other diodes. This makes them well suited to higher radiation environments, such as those found in space applications. [edit]Longevity Esaki diodes are notable for their longevity; devices made in the 1960s still function. Writing in Nature, Esaki and coauthors state that semiconductor devices in general are extremely stable, and suggest that their shelf life should be "infinite" if kept at room temperature. They go on to report that a small-scale test of 50-year-old devices revealed a "gratifying confirmation of the diode's longevity". As noticed on some samples of Esaki diodes, the gold plated iron pins can in fact corrode and short out to the case. This can usually be diagnosed, and the diode inside normally still works.[10] [edit]See also Tunnel Diode Action within the framework of The lingual Theory/Observation of everything. The following illustration is an artists impression of two particle potential positions separated by a wall of difference . Eg this could be the wall separating particles either side of a tunnel diode P-N junction. In theory the - ve Electron or + ve Hole should remain separated across the junction. Either by a bias voltage or even by normal semi conductor action. So looking at this conceptual illustration, which does not necessarily show what is actually there, BUT allows one to conceptually , visualize what is roughly going on. We do not really know what the electron looks like, but what we do know, is that it can only occupy agreed locations or energy states, and unless popped out with energy , remains popped in , like some form of press stud or zip fastener section( as illustrated. similarly , the other space shown, is the free location the other side of the Tunnel Diode Junction WALL . In the illustration this wall is represented by the swirling mire between the two locations. Under normal circumstances the jump from one location to the other would not seem possible. However , as this is ,in the area we do not understand, the probability small peak , if it coincides with the other popper position WILL form a leap sometime. And so it does. and re-applies itself to the new popper hole.! Probability wave function of a particle ' one side of the wall .
  23. Semjase, I have tried to watch your hour long video from u tube, about the interviews ,regarding the various coincidences. The second half seems missing. silent. Have you got a link with the complete interview as even the u-tube version seemed to have the second half missing. I,m looking over my shoulder a lot these last few weeks ! Mike
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