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Mike Smith Cosmos

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Everything posted by Mike Smith Cosmos

  1. Popcorn, I have removed the bits from your response that relate to your new program, that the moderators want you to deal with in your own thread dedicated to your computer program. To give an interesting physics phenomenon that I believe relates to a balanced system in plenty of space , that can be seen, to some extent by everyone. THE ORION NEBULA This is an artists impression of what the M 42 dust clouds and star forming area of the Orion Constellation. It is situated , in the sky, in the sword hanging from Orions belt . You can see the dominant star with the naked eye. The area there is a misty , dusty , star studded region , a few light years across where dust and gas have grouped together under the influence of gravity. The dust and gas are no doubt the remnants of previously existing stars that have gone Supernova or red giant and distributed their contents in various explosions into this region of space. Some time in the past the majority of this dust and gas , must have found itself in some form of balanced state. This is where some concentration of matter ( perhaps caused by a supernova explosion nearby, pushing matter together, perhaps in a ridge of matter) JUST starts to pull on the surrounding dust and gas. Perhaps this is the balance point, perhaps the 'push' could be described as the initiative in this instance. A Star is on the way to being born. from this moment on , in all this space there is possibly ( no reason for it not, to occur ) or nothing to stop the star being born. Over a period of time dust and gas is tugged, pulled in , until the descending matter spirals in to create a disc of whirling gas and dust. The center concentration becomes so dense ,so as to fire nuclear fusion . ( A STAR IS BORN ) . Go outside, find Orion, Look for his Belt , Look for his sword, There half way down is M 42 ( What I have painted above ) from pictures courtesy of Hubble, and Spitzer cameras. ps A star is born could be described as the ANYTHING Quote
  2. I listened to a "Dimbleby Lecture" many years ago given to a selected audience, by a well recognized Mathematician. He was discussing the Sea, how it was a collection of Billions of billions of loose water molecules, all moving independently. how could we ever hope to make predictions he said. ( this incidently was before the spread of very fast ,powerful computers. After a lot of reasoning he came to the following conclusion. That despite the quantities of separate particles, the variables involved, and the inherent difficulties in making mathematical predictions as to the movement of the sea . The whole system could be reduced to a half dozen surface movements. Namely 1) Flat still. 2) Different heights of water level , 3) waves small and medium 4) Flow of water 5 ) Catostrophic waves (Waves that break. ) and maybe another. No matter . The point being , he reasoned, that given what might seem an unsurmountable amount of information CAN be reduced to 5 basic types. These types of actions are not particularly derived from the action of individuals but the sea works as a System including the Catastrophic irreversible wave collapse . Thus although it helps to know the properties of invividual particles, it is how the system at our sort of size and biger behaves that enables us to predict a handful of behaviours, equivalent of the water characteristics. Not the same , but they will be there.
  3. Good night Gilbert o suliven , I miss read you all along. You really are multi-disciplined Not another one, I get the feeling ,there is a ganging up ,going on. There I was trying to be serious having made a study this Wednesday, then made a painting that day, with my tongue in cheek, about real serious Omani Ophiolite , Imatfaal has a much better picture at his fingertips , and the real Ophiolite is no where to be seen, and I am taking the flack !
  4. What do you know of Gneiss, schists, chert, erosion and sediment , by your profile I thought you were an atomic submarine optical specialist/expert , not a Geologist Whats going on here , everyone's suddenly become an Earth Science enthusiast !
  5. What do you know of Ophiolite, ? I thought you were an Historian and a Philosopher from your profile ?
  6. This is OMAN and this is Ocean Crust shoved up into the air . This is lava , olovine , and goodness knows what This is Ophilite . Have you guys got nothing better to do than joke about ! I.m trying to fathom out the Universe ! Painting based on and Courtsey of a Photograph taken By Richard Fortey on a trip of his to Oman . illustrated in his book The Earth an intimate history .
  7. Sorry ! My computer finally got filled up with no more disc space and crashed. It has been into the computer shop until today, ( 08:50 am Thursday ;7th March ) to have its Hard Disc opened up. ( C: and D: to just C: ). Popcorn ! You have an interesting way of thinking ! I need to pull this down a bit, into the theme of the original thread, if that is possible.. Firstly, Probable tracks or lines of least resistance can be quite ;wide flung ; or ; all over the place, as illustrated by my river example from a drop of water on Exmoor, ( which had its initiative been just a fraction further north would have meant it would have descended an entirely different, short track to the Atlantic coast on North Devon Coast , rather than the long bendy track south , through a beautiful valley to the south, ending up in the English Channel. ; This is similar to your lightening strike interpretation. Maybe it went 'this way ' or 'that way' depending on its exact starting point . ( Exact Initiative) Someone once said , ; if you sat a row of monkeys at a keyboard and let them bash away randomly sooner or later you would suddenly see ;The complete works of Shakespeare or for that matter Einstein's famous equation ;( E =m times c squared ) . That might well be so , but having thought about this quite hard. Let us design a computer that creates random ideas , sooner or later it would reproduce amazing new discoveries. ;This could well be true, but the problem arises in having someone looking at all the random 'JUNK ' and recognising ;a new world shaking idea when it randomly appeared. This is similar to your idea to design a computer program to learn . The monkeys and the keyboard idea has already been solved, as to some extent that is what is actually happening, Outside in the big wide universe. different events are happening as random junk, Occasionally a really brilliant initiative is started, One of those tracks of least resistance is started correctly and ;Woosh! The zone is hit and out pops the next brilliant innovation for the Universe. Who is there to recognise it ? Well the rest of the universe , that is there already. ;( Like clay being poured into a mold ). So in this description you need the two things , the constant generation of initiatives and the changing testing mold. (The Universe that works is the testing mould. English Mold American ) So one could ask ? ; Is the universe the way it is today , by dint of the very finely tuned mechanisms of things at the heart of matter ( which is what all the fuss is about with Large Hadron Colliders and the nature of small particles) or is it the way it is because of the Testing MOLD ;(The Universe that currently Exists and is changing) ;or both ? I might have to re phrase this question ;or be asked by a zealous moderator to make this a different thread. Although I must say it is at the ROOT of the theme of this thread. So would prefer it to remain in this Thread.! Because the spaces in the mold are the very things I am interested in, with the Linguistic theory / observation of everything that is the theme I am discussing in this thread . That then, allows THINGS to occur as opposed to dictates Things to occur . ( or of course BOTH )
  8. The upper grey descending line is representative of a Higher Energy Band ( higher orbital ) that the electron finds itself in. The lower grey band is representative of a lower energy band ( lower orbital) that is not fully occupied, ( namely there might be 2 possible states that only one is occupied by an electron , the other is currently empty or vacant. There must exist some form of gradient energy existing to initiate a move of the Upper electron to make the jump to the lower. If we take your lightning story , thin threads can be seen to stream upwards into the sky prior to a downward lightning strike. In the picture of the electron you will note I have indicated Fine streaming lines around the electrons supposed jump ( a little artistic licence). The exact nature of the jump is sometimes considered difficult to imagine, as the physical space between the different energy bands is considered NOT POSSIBLE/permissible . The purple curved slug is representative of the upper electron starting its jump to the lower orbit/energy band. However the lower energy band will not allow this high value of energy, so the electron has to shed the difference in energy ,in the form of a single quanta of energy known as the light photon. This is represented by the small white infant prick of light seen just below the purple slug. This immediately heads off left at 300,000 kilometers/ sec ( 186,000 miles per second ) . THE ACTUAL COLOR of this light photon is dictated by the exact energy difference which is a very accurate fingerprint of the element ( say Oxygen) that it is the atom of. The photon is illustrated as an individual Particle with wave like characteristics. ( re[resented by the left hand Star heading off into the distance. Now you can see how scientists can see if oxygen is present on other planets . They look for this color signature. The electron, now having the prescribed lower energy, illustrated as the Red ball , takes up residence in the lower energy level or orbital. I have given a more detailed talk through of the illustration for clarity.
  9. This is an artists impression of an electron in a higher energy band or orbital falling( because there is no reason why it should not) falling with/to a lower energy band because it is free so to do. The difference in energy is given out as a photon of light whose frequency is defined by a strict mathematical formula including planks constant. The bit shooting out is the light beam, the top colour energy band/orbital is white/mauve, the lower energy band is red. ( these are only illustrative colours of higher and lower energy. The particle with the wavy line in it is the photon of light energy shooting out at the speed of light ( 186,000 miles/second). The electron can not exist in an intermediate energy (but either upper mauve or lower red is permissable), but in its transfer it turns into a photon, that is the instantaneous star , which shows the generation of the photon.
  10. You are not going to get to China on the track of least resistance on the one I have shown , namely , The single track is a Total water course from the source spring on Exmoor to the Sea at EXMOUTH Devon England (See Map Below ) .. Its fairly permanent ,though a whole lot got washed away in the recent floods, and until we have a major earthquake its repeatable , and the Water follows ,all the time the path of least resistance. Don't be dissapointed if you were expecting a worm hole to China. But in reality, it is the whole length of the River. It is an absolute miracle of water following the line of least resistance, and with it bringing grit from source to Sea. It might well take the Grit from rock on Exmoor to Sea at Exmouth ( Fifty miles away ) 100's of years or Thousands of years. but its all there you can go and pick it up. . ~~~~~~~~ . OO . ~~~~~~~~~ The next Picture is of a quantum jump at the ANGSTROM level ( a hundred millionth of a centimetre) a bit more exciting if you prefer Atomic Physics to grit going down to the sea to become sand on the sea shore . See if you can guess this path of least resistance, the Space, and the initiative . .~~~~~~~~~~~~
  11. That is a picture of a path of least resistance. Tomorrow I will show you the reality . As I said the zone that Athletes and other people enjoy from time to time , is a sort of short term. It can last for Hours ( say in an amazing orchestral music performance, rock concert, theatrical performance ) , all this is of human achievement , which appears to work very fluently and expertly, , using the laws of nature very efficiently (using paths of least resistance).. Inanimate things within the natural environment seem to do this naturally all the time. They, or the environment seems to be 'hard wired ' to do this quite normally. We are the ones that need to , create the initiative, find the right (SPACE) place to enter the zone and take the step. By observing how the natural environment does this automatically it is possible to find the key to entering the zone. Observe very carefully how they use the paths of least resistance. Speak to you ( whoever you are ? ) Tomorrow . ( its 11:25 pm here ) You will then see how it is permanent (reasonably) and repeatable.
  12. Popcorn Sutton, I am enjoying having a conversation around this subject with you. Could you fill in a bit more detail on your Personal Profile as I find it difficult conversing into the void while not knowing quite who I am talking with. You have a fairly complete description of me in my profile , apart from my address and telephone number, but I have little on yourself, Age, Sex, Nationality , Roughly where in the world you are, Interests, thinking style, Employment, or Studies etc etc. If possible it would help me , when I am conversing. As I said I am quite enjoying exchanging ideas with you . Thanks Mike Lightning , is a very perceptive, insight on your part, and would and does indeed follow the sort of tracks I have described. Repetetive lightning ( bang,bang ) often does follow the same path ( one following immediately another strike). Not always, but I have noticed on film shots of intense , repetitive strikes ,it does. But no, the one I have drawn is not lightning and is more permanent and repeatable.!
  13. Here is a layout and example of a Real Life Zone. Not the personal ones that I was talking to you about, but illustrates that non personal "Zones" exist . The universe uses these to make the whole thing work . So why should we not use them in our own realms of endevour. Example of Zone Track in real life
  14. This is a good place to be , if you want to achieve. Athletes use it , and many people I have spoken to have at some time or another been " in the Zone " There appears to exist a probable ( as in Probability ) wavy line of least resistance, available through space and time , ahead of the initiative you are about to act on . If you hit the start point of that "wavy line of least resistance" , perfectly as you start to enact your initiative you will enter "THE ZONE " . Athletes do it regularly, you will remember if you have done it in the past , or will do it in the future. That perfect golf potting shot or 'hole in one' , that perfect double top at Darts. That perfect surfing run . We join them to some extent with excitement when we observe them during their Zone experience or ROLL ( they are on a roll ! man,). . . THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF CROSS DISCIPLINE OBSERVATION AND APPLICATION OF THE THEORY :- ~~~~~~~~~ Enter the Zone .~~~~~~~~~ . I think the movers and shakers of this world , find or develop the skill. of entering " the Zone " in their own particular field. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From above :- . THEORY
  15. What I am saying in the example I described with the fish food, was a particular location for having little or no prevention for things happening in the two dimensional plane of the still water. By the way gravity acts it self levels the water so it is perfectly flat. and then the up and down line of action for gravity is exactly at 90 degrees to the surface. A Force can not act at 90 degrees to its direction ,( at least with out using complex numbers, which is a sort of other dimension ), so the fish food would be perfectly free of gravitational force or resultant movement ( balanced out ). All that was left was dissolved concentration forces which like similar charges repel the broken flakes to shoot out sideways. Try it. Now you can find these boundaries in balanced modes in various places. I will tell you another a bit more rough and ready but fun . A water fountain ,hose or drinking forcet that you point vertically up right.If you get it just right the water reaches the top and can go anyway if you get it balanced. I have not done an experiment on this one but I am sure you will be fun and popular if you are observed. Tell me how you got on ( " anything can happen " ) possibly even getting wet. Another one is totally different " Finding the Zone " This one is not at 90 degrees , But is a good place to be , if you want to achieve. Athletes use it , and many people I have spoken to have at some time or another been " in the Zone " There appears to exist a probable wavy line of least resistance, available through space and time , ahead of the initiative you are about to act on . If you hit the start point of that "wavy line of least resistance" , perfectly as you start to enact your initiative you will enter "THE ZONE " . Athletes do it regularly, you will remember if you have done it in the past , or will do it in the future. That perfect golf potting shot, that perfect double top at Darts. That perfect surfing run . Enter the Zone .
  16. Could you have another go with the QUESTIONS as it sounds a little confusing !. Perhaps two sentences for each question. Thanks
  17. Which is possibly why the universe is expanding and accelerating into the nothingness ! That is : Except for the gravitational restraining current something, ( namely the current, [? what is current and against who's , time ] existing universe. !) What is " existing " ? from who's perspective does it exist , ( the stuff, us , * , ) ?
  18. I believe the theory can act as a vehicle for investigating Balanced and Free spaces. That is how I have used it so far. This is no different than say Euclidian geometry where the geometry does not itself bear any physical laws like say orbits or centripetal force but none the less the geometry is useful for nearly ANYTHING to enact out an experiment that could provide some test results. Of course the geometry itself can be tested as of course on curved surfaces like the surface of the Earth where 3 angles do not equal 180 degrees . Perhaps there is an equivalent ,anomaly in my theory. However the Frank Knopler " falsifiable" , is not the final word on proof. True it acts as a progressive iteration towards improvement but falls down when getting near to an ideal solution. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another solution to the Theory is where a Photon of radiation is able to move away from a Transmitting source, Provided there is nothing in the way , " there is no reason for it not to occur " it propagates across space . (For ever ?) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. You will get yourself struck off, making comments like that !! You are just getting up to mischief ! Joking !
  20. I am not sure that I can agree to that statement at this stage. I believe the hypothesis has a great deal of predictive value. By searching for these possible countless regions of balance at nodes. Tests may be made a predictions of value produced. In fact this is already done , for satellites in orbit, say geosynchronous orbits, or low earth orbits to a certain degree . centripetal force = mg centrifugal force = mvsquared/r in balance, in orbit at approx 17,700 mph orbit approx 90 mins. only the thin atmosphere to degrade orbit. . geo syncat 22,000 miles radius orbit duration 24 hours All courtesy of equal balance of forces at this node . and will continue for ever ( well perhaps not ever , but a long time ) . WHATS WRONG WITH THIS ? QED In older text books the calculations were done for Electrons in orbitals.
  21. Only if it has already happened , say the universe has happened with the big bang onwards , so it can't happen again , as the universe is already occupying that space. If you call that a violation , I am not sure. However if there are spaces in our universe where things can happen and occur , then that is fine. In fact that is the essence of my observations. That things happen best in the spaces , rather than where all the restrictions are. This is where most people say " You are stating the B........y obvious.. Which might well be the case. However it has directed my attention towards the SPACES. And these can be very local. Thus this makes up the nature of our reality. Lots of Stuff and lots of spaces . But where exactly are The Spaces. EG I really think that one such interesting space is inside or about the atomic structure. In other words at the time of recombination Approx 300,000 years after Big bang when temperature had fallen to approx 6000 degrees k and electrons where attracted and able to approach hydrogen nucleus or protons Such a space could be found around each proton, and only that space specified by todays understanding of orbitals / energy levels and only those spaces. if there were not those spaces electrons would use up energy and degrade somehow. But they don't , they go on for ever. I can't see how they could do that, without this ." if there is no reason for it not to occur, . " So I am led to think, that the universe is peppered with such spaces, all over the place. EG . the example I quoted with the water surface (x,y) and the gravitational notional field line (z) . Namely the junction between the 2 dimensional space plane and the third spacial dimension . The small Flakes of fish food ( not tea leaves ,if you don't mind ) found themselves in a free space and could thus respond via very tiny forces to immediate lateral movement in this Special unrestricted Space . " if there is no reason for it not to occur, if there is some form of initiative ( small directed force ) for it to occur. " So all this hypothesis or observation is about is " Where these spaces are ? " , the rest of the universe carries on doing all the things that the laws of physics dictates. But it is these spaces that I find interesting. And they are all over the place . Now what is a Violation , and what is Not. I am not sure at this juncture .
  22. Can you un zip this sentence . And spell it out in Queens English please.
  23. I do understand the direction you are coming from. But I am not coming particularly from that direction ( only from a restriction point of view which I cover in part, with the ( path of least resistance ) clause. This aspect is more describing aspects that you speak about. Cause and effect restrained and boosted by the well documented laws of physics. The observations that I concentrated on in the late 1980's , were not these, although familiar to me , having been both an engineer and electronic engineer through my working life. No I made a large series of observations across a wide range of disciplines , looking at the things which appeared to occur for no obvious apparent reason . This was more as an engineers hobby , than for any other reason. Possibly, being a keen under water swimmer, a walking and thinking country wander, a sky diver once and an amateur radio and astronomer fed my mind during well relaxed moments with the fuel for a wonderful OBSERVATION. I think also at the time I was undertaking my second spell in University in my 50's, and boy do I love the non commercial pressure of academic thinking in the university campus.( Particularly as a mature student - more like a shrunken apple). BUT out of this cauldron of observation and thought the germ of an idea grew . That the things that were NOT forced and NOT determined seemed on occasions to DO BETTER. The more I homed in on this observed phenominon , the more I became convinced there WAS SOMETHING THERE. I fumbled around with simple experiments , not necessarily of a highly technical nature, though some were. I was not trying to capture some new law which could convert into equation form. I was trying to home in on this unrestricted condition. BINGO Out it popped this " things , many things, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN if there is nothing to prevent it happening " BINGO ! BINGO ! BINGO ! It does not need to be called a theory, if that offends you, Call it a fundamental observation if you like. I had heard loosely at that time scientists were looking for a theory of everything at the time. ( I did not really understand at the time what they were looking for. I thought it was my sort of concept. So I thought well I will have a go at a concept. I actually read a Cambridge University Press THE NEW PHYSICS about the ideas of string theory at that time dealing with topologies sitting on surfaces of something located half way down minute strings Amusing , but not followed.. By following the OBSERVATIONS operating across wide areas of activity in this PARTICULAR AREA of Zero or LOW or Minimal RESTRICTION very interesting things happen . Although pure unrestricted Space can only be obtained by thought experiment or going on a very long and expensive journey into outer space , half way to Alfa Centura . Another way to get to these regions is either in balanced systems or between dimensions ( eg at the surface of a still pond , gravity working along the normal to the surface of water 90 degrees to the surface. I can describe an observation of incredible support of my ..........( whatever you want to call it ) but for the moment Lingual OBSERVATIONAL THEORY (of everything) . I can describe the experiment and observation at the junction of the x,y, surface to the z direction experiment as follows :- Quite by chance I was feeding my gold fish in a garden pond. The pond was very still this day like glass. As I knelt near to the surface I pondered the levelness of the water and thought how wonderfully in balance that surface was , as it sat there still and dark. I mused about a certain individual line of gravitational force descending like an imaginary line from the blue sky above and puncturing the surface of the water at a perfect right angle. Having been thinking about these balanced states being the venue for no resriction , I mused about that point where all three dimensions met at the surface X,Y,Z. There it was just 6 inches from my eyes. I had brought the fish food out to feed the small fish that were nowhere to be seen so the water was perfectly smooth. I had some of those wafer thin food flakes. ( really thin and brittle) when they crumble in your fingers they fall like flat little flakes of snow. they hit the point I was looking at ( my x,y,z junction ) I could not believe my eyes, I was staggered. The flakes on impact with the water settled onto the surface tension skin of the water , and immediately separated in all directions of the compass very quickly. I knew pretty well what was happening, but what was staggering I had found and witnessed a live observation of the theory. There was NO REASON FOR THOSE FLAKES WITH THE ABSOLUTE MINIMUM OF 'INITATIVE' To TRAVEL AT 90 degrees in all directions , having been perfectly balanced by water maintained by a strong gravitational force, BUT by being at exactly 90 degrees to the water surface was in another dimension thus influenced the flakes by ZERO AMOUNT . BINGO There it was , a scientific observation of an example of finding a Just one of many such observations to prove the Lingual OBSERVATIONAL THEORY (of everything) . QED ( or at lease Line 2 ) PS The initiative as I have been lead to believe, is the dissolved concentration of fish food although being very small , having no resistance on the flat surface exactly at 90 degrees to gravity had :- I only need to prove Line 1 and 2 as line 3 is mainly covered by the current established laws of physics. or at least the second half of the line.
  24. I am not good with all these short hand Abbreviations ( whats PUFFF) ? BBT is Big bang theory. is it Science Forum Speak ? But I developed the theory long before I applied it to the Big Bang. Starting with pebbles on a beach , back in the late 1980's From observation and experiment. I was quite staggered when I found much later it applied to The Big Bang , Before the Big Bang . After the Big Bang. Today , Entropy. and a whole host of things which startles me somewhat ! The PROFOUND thing about the Theory ( which appears to me to be true ) is it moves a modest distance away from Reductionist thinking ( where the answer to everything is to be found deep down in the sub-atomic particles ) toward Emergent thinking ( where the environment, or the setting , has a lot to do with how things turn out.). Not entirely but enough to give an interesting slant for research. Also instead of moving towards more and more density , say society seeking more and more materials, and material gain . Rather it puts an emphasis on SPACE , more and more SPACE for things to have less restriction on " things to happen " This appears to be what is currently happening on an astronomical level. ( eg The speeding up of the expansion of the Universe. So I must disagree with your idea that this Theory is contrived, and as such ( with a great deal of respect ), but none the less is just not correct. If the principle of what I have said is True ( all-be-it somewhat all embracing) that is only what one would expect of a " Lingual Theory of Everything " almost by definition. As answer to Michel above .
  25. I thought I just proved it , a few posts back ! What fault can you find in my reasoning and theory.? I am not sure what you mean by this. I am a serious sort of a guy with words. If you mean I am trying to make things fit. Then yes as that is what I have been looking for all those years. If you mean I am forcing then I don;t think that has been by purpose.or the result .
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