A quickie " Did Trilobites swim about slightly above the turbid bottom of the ocean during the Cambrian period ( say the Redlichiida Trilobite ), or did they crawl about on the bottom, or both or neither . ( wiggle, slither, burrow ).
I hope they swam,as I have painted one swimming as such . ??
Great List ! Thanks ! I will let you see the finished work, as long as I do not slip into the Abyss down a turbid mud flow!
Really great. Its Friday night, I have just walked the Jack Russel dog for her last excursion this wet night. As I approach my front door the little stream on the other side of the road makes a trickling sound. I look up and see the usual flow of water and small particles of sand. The sand is brown/red which it is in this part of South Devon . Of course the sand I can see is a mere 400,million years old , being a few grains recently eroded off a bit of Devonian Sandstone, having been lain down in the shallow seas of the yet to be consolidated Pangea Supercontinent, whilst basking in the equatorial heat at latitude 0 degrees. But what the .... just a few hundred million years of getting here sailing down the stream over the road.
Oh well indoors, lock the door and research your quote for Ediacara Biota . In to wikipedia and listen to a broadcast on BBC "in our time ", to be thrust back to 580,million years ago just into the end of the Pre-cambrian period to witness the end of the Ediacara Biota either being made extinct by deoxygenated turbid mud or 'eaten screaming ' by recent entered mouthed, clawed, gutted tubes that made short work of the Ediacara Biota. Furtunately they ( The Ediacara Biota , which I now need to paint as anything up to one meter discs of fern like fauna, ) had had some 50 million years to graze on microbial mats and algae slime with no predators from 635 MYA to 580 million years ago ).
Well I am going to have some fancy dreams tonight ! Thanks.
Perhaps insane_alien can give me the Chemistry of the rocks !