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Everything posted by Mike Smith Cosmos
. I am not sure that I understand these ' one word ' comments ? Mike No , I am not saying Google is unique . Far from it . I was suggesting , Google is an extreme example of a search engine . Other , control electronics can be used as simple ' search engines ' Thus when any electronic control, can set the desire or requirement of an operator . A forward control circuit could start to enact the desired response . Feedback can supply return information. At this part of the search success or adjustment is or may be called for. When the goal or desire is reached , no further adjustment is required. This simple search is complete. Mike
Well I think it is common knowledge , that the dogs prime skill ,is in using its nose in two ways . 1. A dog ( all canine species ) , are renown for having an exceptional sense of smell , in tracking something down . Secondly its nose or snout is a second tool for burrowing , under , in , about a hole or gap. A dog uses these skills , to search out food or instructed leads ( by an owner ) . So having communicated the ' find ' , say by an example smell . A dog can track down , sometimes over vast distances. 2. A computer search engine , nowerdays is capable of ' sniffing out ' from a single set of clues , a piece of information , or a picture . This is accomplished worldwide across an immense range of information , usually offering several ' finds ' We are all used to using Google , to find quickly a required ' wish ' .this will have been by the Google search engine . ( software held somewhere on googles main frame computer . Mike
O.k. I am familiar with the idea of ' Search Engines , being present in the computer and Internet world . I am asking is there any parralel in the Natural World ? Could it be said that the natural world of life ,uses this principle , ( some how with some sort of ' search engine ' ) as a driver to achieve its purposes ? . Mike
?Surely something like 'Google ' invokes a fairly complete set of search criteria or ' algorithms ' ( software mechanisms) to help a ' person searching the net ' to go through the possible site descriptions , in order to give its questioner some answeres around the subject sought? A parallel in the animal kingdom , would surely be a dog sniffing the pavement looking for some form of interesting hints in what direction food or another dog lays? Which could prove to be of interest ? Mike
The principle of SOMETHING that ' Sifts' information so as to provide a solution; ' identifies ' a specific piece of knowledge; or 'filters out ' a possible required action. This appears to be fundamental to a lot of modern computer or I- pad technology. Does this mean , ' that they are ', also essential to ' Life Itself ' ? Mike
Before I state what I beleive it is :- I must acknowledge due respect to SRIMAN DUTTA and the responsive comments of SWANSONT . Having read a short new thread , in CLASSICAL PHYSICS this morning . While getting up this morning fired with the comments quoted above , a whole set of beliefs and contemplation over my entire life , gently yet powerfully , like a pile of books falling on top of me :- one of those 'EUREKA THOUGHTS , HAPPENED' That's it : ITS ALL RESONANCE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM . It's all resonance , throughout the entire universe . The only way it works and can work properly :- .- IS BY RESONANCE -. Mike Ps. .... One little push , or poke . At the right time , repeated with the correct regularity , at the right place , acting on the right thing . Is capable of setting the Universe on Fire ( symbolically ) . It has fascinated me , my entire life how sympathetic oscillation can work electronic wonders . And the more I have thought about it to this current moment of time :- Its just WONDERFUL . --- THATS HOW THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE IT CAPABLE OF WORKING ---- So simple , yet devastatingly Profound ! I think I might just have a drink !
. You appear to have here, three possible sources for the truth , for what really is SPACE? 1) Is it the sum total of all Mathematical rules. .. Or 2) Is it the sum total of all of the standard model particles and fields , already discovered as well as those not yet descovered. 3) Is it the sum total of things going on that we ARE and/ or, ARE NOT YET AWARE , or we have not any conception of what they are or what is going on ? Mike Ps . I would suggest that the third definition is more likely to be nearer to the truth ( reality ) than the first or second , As the first two assume we currently have all the maths and all the particles and fields , and knowledge of everything that is going on ! ( which I would suggest is not true ) ?
Well, I am trying to bring a bit of ' Sobriety ' if that is a word , and a stretch of philosophical meaning , what to some poor families in Alepo , is utter family obliteration . Perhaps the thought , that one day soon there will be a reorganisation from some higher Authority , which will change the warring world , into a gem of tranquility , returning loved ones to life again . Such has been the promise of most religions. Let's hope it proves to be true . If human life itself appears to be as near as dam it a miracle, why should not ' renewed life ' , be an equal miracle. An Example of this was performed with ' Lasarus ' . It dumbfounded onlookers then . Perhaps we will be dumbfounded , soon . It cannot be that impossible to beleive . A News Item Two days ago , concerned an individual who so believed , even in human science that life could be restored , that she was pursuing the right to be frozen for a few years , and be thawed out for renewal , when medical science had caught up. So we are getting to the point , where even science , looks like it can perform ' resurrection ' . So if that is now credible by a few . Maybe soon , most people will be not so supprised when it happens? Mike
.Well I think it is more a culmination of events . Rather than a single event , say today , or tomorrow . This twentieth century has been a ' Centuary of Centuaries' . In the grand scheme of things , perhaps a 100 years is not a large length of time . So I am only proposing " Ours is to be the Centuary of Change " From desolation to replanting Paradise . Starting soon ! FROM :- TO :- Mike Ps . I have been playing around in my painting with how the early travelers had " Optimism " . To cross an Ocean and descover a new land . We are on the Edge of Space right now . Surely a similar feeling of Optimism . You can feel it in the 'air ' . .
.How much worse does it have to get ? For it not to be a sign of . " something amazing and wonderfull , is about to happen " To quote David Bowman in the two Films :- 2001 , and 2010 A space odesy. by Arthur C Clarke As Jupiter was surrounded by a billion black Obalisks and Jupiter became a Second Sun in the Solar System Mike
What I was meaning , concerning "Irony" was " The Angel was wishing peace on earth to men of Good Will " , Yet here we are ' pulling the living day lights out of a town in Seria , not a thousand miles away from the original MEGGIDO , the battlefields of a few thousand years ago , on the mountain of maggido where soldiers tore each other apart in some crazy self distructive rage . Now here we are pulling each other's country or couple of cities, ( at least at the moment , only in Seria ) . Seems Ironic to me that this is supposed to be the time of the second comming with all that that entails ! Pictures on today's news :- Mike
.Well to some extent , it's because I was brought up in a western country . However , I did go to my second bought in university , in my 50's years of age and and the students 20's years of age where I learned along side many Moslem students , who seemed fairly devout. Maybe the world and individuals are not judged by what we appear to the world as , but by what we are . Maybe that's what's going on as we speak , and the outcome remains to be seen shortly ? Glug ! Mike
.Probably because the World can only fill up Once . And we are nearly full and in a pretty poor state to recommend to any higher power , that we are in good shape to take on any other worlds ! ' We have been weighed in the balance and found wanting '. ( " Mini mini tekle and parsin " ) . I would suggest our current score ( out of 100% is in the region of 17% ) . We are just too far adrift to be in the running . ( . Sorry chaps ! Times up . No ! who am I to say . But things look pretty dodgy to me . I would not invite current society , as it stands , to come as a civilisation and come aboard my new world . ). So basically ' we screwed up ' . We should have thought of this years ago and done something about it. We should have seen it comming , and done something . ( we have had 2000 years to get our act together, and we blew it ) We were given ' fair warning ' . Namely 2000 years ! This is not my decision , comes from the higher ups ! Mike
. I think the communication from a higher species , has some " bearing " as well as proof of validity and authentication . It appears to have been witnessed by quite a number of individuals . Shepherds as well as others . It had sufficient credulity for individuals to have written it up , and for it to have stood the test of time . ( perhaps not the present ' time ', as we have entered a very " if I can't see it , I will not believe it ! " time . Clearly if an individual wishes to dismiss the event . That is their prerogative. However it was sufficiently well accepted as real by historians like Josephus, Roman officials like Pilot . And it's not just how individuals behave , but also how society behaves ? That is up for grabs! As it was with the Roman Empire went into decline as well as individuals with the Dark Ages. So what if it were true ? And as the first comming happened as proof that the Second comming should be viewed more seriously , as the second comming was predicted and deemed to be a sort of Judgement time on humanities behaviour at the time , both as countries and individuals ? Can our current international behaviour be seen to be spotless , kind , and worthy of our civilisations, preservation. Apparently we are living in some form of Judgement period . If not we may have limited time to put it straight . In fact it may be already too late ? Both for societies / countries and individuals alike ? O.k. We can dismiss this as ' tripe ' . But what happens if it's not wrong , in fact very , very really true ? Mike
Christmas was supposed to be a time of Joy . Peace on Earth and Joy to men of ' Goodwill ' or something to that effect . Quote " And the angel said unto them, Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people: " A messenger said this :- as what was to be expected from the ensuing Birth. Let's hope that's what happens soon ! However, I think the benefits were promised for the Second visit , comming , not the First visit . ) Mike
. I must say some of the images shown worldwide over the last months, seem to have a marked resemblance to some of the images you get if you google ( Armageddon images ) . Link :- https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=armageddon+images&client=safari&hl=en-gb&prmd=ivn&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&fir=HiPyY2Tb_XR07M%253A%252CBH1A784WRqfNIM%252C_%253BOoC6D5xDuzCm_M%253A%252CEAD72OoxIXshkM%252C_%253Be97oZGr_Xrmm_M%253A%252CWLY6X7sNzhwW-M%252C_%253BSCPRpa-pVfti1M%253A%252CBH1A784WRqfNIM%252C_%253B4Vwp18mgozujEM%253A%252C4GWZGdwlQBHkSM%252C_%253BS7rsnftlFRpIWM%253A%252C4GWZGdwlQBHkSM%252C_%253BUWhQa9XiflmruM%253A%252Cb-24-EX2A-yQDM%252C_%253BqLMpal3UskJvTM%253A%252CGrdrX7yO-sc2oM%252C_%253B1CxOBpwoxZTClM%253A%252C_un-FEmHkfbZjM%252C_%253BCJfte8uoVRJ6VM%253A%252CPstbCXkCdeZoJM%252C_%253BT-gOVJXT1roD1M%253A%252C54Ntxe1RfCcaMM%252C_%253B6NLYzHwQbDkhNM%253A%252C05wvQTGtlp9a7M%252C_&usg=__hPIF3IRKuXst0_NwH6oFegA6fzY%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjE39Lk3-vQAhUnIMAKHScpBGMQ7AkIOQ&biw=768&bih=960 Mike If this is the identification of Armageddon . Then intervention from a superior organisation present in the Universe , would appear to follow . Which could bring much better times , referred to as Paradice ! Ref :- Wikipedia :- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradise Something to look forward to ?
.I have just or am visiting LANZAROTI one of the Canary Islands . I noticed an example of Wilczeks observations . . Namely " Nature takes the ' energy efficient route' and the ' symmetric , balanced route . " The volcanos of LANZAROTI Last erupted in 1700's , the island is Black with the eruptions ranging from mountain top to sea . Note the following three photos taken . Energy efficiency shapes the mountains ' cone shaped ' ,, the individual lumps are random , they fall all the way to the sea . They are symmetrical . They are beautiful . Mike
. Prof Frank Wilczek's early reasoning is that the body Science , which we have today , has followed different methodologies and basics as it has grown up from its origin millennia ago. One adding to previous understanding , gained before . Pythagoras getting to grips with relationships between NUMBER and SHAPES. Plato ( getting SHADOWS of things ) Not quite real , to things that are REALITY. Brunelleschi , with geometry , appearance, relativity, invariance, symmetry, bringing beauty into science. Newton , establishing mathematics of calculus, motion, mechanics. Precise Laws. Maxwell, with Electro Magnetism brought a whole new way of seeing some things , like electricity and Magnetism . One of the issues or QUESTIONS that Prof WILCZEK poses Is ,;- Can we consider BEAUTY, as an assistance to improving or enhancing our understanding of The Nature of Reality ? To quote Wilczek " Two obsessions are the hallmark of Nature's artistic style : . Symmetry - a love of harmony, balance, and proportion . Economy - satisfaction in producing an abundance of effects from very limited means " ( from ' A Beautiful Question'. Finding Natures Deep Design . Frank Wilczek ) page 11 . ) Mike
. FRANK WILCZEK ( Herman Freshbach Professor of Physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) on the first page of his recent book A BEAUTIFUL QUESTION " we may associate this event with the transformation of virtual into real particles , an essential quantum process that is now thought to underlie the origin of structure in the universe " Published Penguin Books 2016 isbn 978 0718 19946 3 Mike
.As this is currently an ' As Yet ' unproven area of astronomic science , it might be fitting to bring forward several ' offered explanations ' for possible relationships between HIGGS , VACUUM ENERGY , VIRTUAL PARTICLES , and DARK ENERGY. For consideration . Firstly but not necessarily the most important , see following offering :- from Mike Wall ( Space.com ) ...xxxxxxxxx. Does Dark Energy Spring From the 'Quantum Vacuum?' Xxxxxxxx ..... By Mike Wall, Senior Writer | March 27, 2014 06:57am ET 271 64 6 15 366 MORE Does Dark Energy Spring From the 'Quantum Vacuum?' Observations of Planck and other satellites help to solve the equation of the state of dark energy. Credit: ESA The mysterious dark energy that's driving the universe's accelerated expansion may have its roots in the background "vacuum energy" that pervades all of the cosmos, a new study suggests. "What we think is happening is a dynamic effect of the quantum vacuum, a parameter that we can calculate," co-author Joan Sola, of the University of Barcelona in Spain, said in a statement. "Nothing is more 'full' than the quantum vacuum since it is full of fluctuations that contribute fundamentally to the values that we observe and measure." Though dark energy constitutes about 75 percent of the universe, scientists don't know exactly what it is. They've developed several different ideas, including the theory of "quintessence," which proposes a sort of anti-gravitating agent that repels rather than attracts. [The History & Structure of the Universe (Infographic)] Another concept posits the existence of a "phantom field" whose density continues to increase with time. This theory predicts an accelerating expansion so powerful that it will eventually break apart the bonds that hold atoms together, tearing the universe apart in a "Big Rip" about 20 billion years from now. The quintessence and phantom field hypotheses are based partly on data gathered by NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and the European Space Agency's Planck satellite spacecraft that have studied the cosmic microwave background, the ancient light that began saturating the universe 380,000 years after the Big Bang. In the new study, Sola and lead author Spyros Basilakos of the Academy of Athens in Greece analyze the same spacecraft observations and find less support for either quintessence or the phantom field idea. "Our theoretical study demonstrates that the equation of the state of dark energy can simulate a quintessence field, or even a phantom field, without being one in reality," Sola said. "Thus, when we see these effects in the observations from WMAP, Planck and other instruments, what we are seeing is a mirage." Basilakos and Sola instead suggest that dark energy is a type of dynamic quantum vacuum energy something different than Einstein's cosmological constant, which describes a static vacuum energy density and is another possible explanation of dark energy's nature. Basilakos and Sola acknowledge there are some issues with the quantum vacuum energy theory but say it's a promising idea. "However, quintessence and phantom fields are still more problematic; therefore the explanation based on the dynamic quantum vacuum could be the more simple and natural one," Sola said. Follow Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall and Google+. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on Space.com. So there is one possibility Mike
.Thanks . Mordred , appreciate the comments and refs. I am presuming your first sentence " There is some sort of modelling showing ......" That , You meant to put ' HIGGS ' in one of the ' cosmological constant slots ' ? I would appreciate a confirmation there , otherwise it makes a nonsense of my comments ? Mike
. I thought the thing about the Higgs field and the Higgs boson , was that it had started to draw disparate phenomenon , together . I cannot give the detail of this because , I am not an expert on HIGGS . I was asking the question , rather than giving the answer. The parts I have read about , definitely seem to be pulling things together , which previously were just accepted in ' isolation ' as read . ( as Facts. ) . I was rather hoping that others , much more ' versed ' than I , could draw some of these , aspects together. Fields. Higgs field, connection fields . .... particles, Vertual particles, .....Vacuum energy, Dark energy, cosmological constant, .... Massless particles ....massive particles ....bosons , Higgs boson . A lot of them sound as if they are in the same ' area' yet , or not yet linked .? I would love some answers ? Particularly on :- A, ( ..........distributed Energy ) , B (.......... universe wide fields) , C ( ............virtual particles . ), D ( ...........Vacuum ) Mike
. The reason I am discussing " the Higgs " is because Higgs appears to be the " phenomenon that appears to be what draws the aspects of " dark energy , virtual particles , and the cosmological constant , together . Or at least into some form of relevance , as far as I can make out . Whereas once only an idea, now with results from the collider at CERN , Higgs appears to be central to the missing understanding ? Otherwise these phenomenon are just ideas floating in isolation . Is that not so ? .See above . Mike